Je Suis Huw

Thought I’d pop in to update everyone on my meanderings, and discuss Lithium #12’sĀ  rather Nostradamus-esque powers regarding a certain BBC newsreader. As the UK headlines the last few weeks will tell you, Huw was a news anchor for twenty entire squeaky-clean years … until some great big underage sex scandal got out. It may not be Polyp Elves, but … okay it basically was.

Thing is, I included Huw in the comic talking [very] out of character about sexy stuff for just this reason; that no matter how high the pedestal we are on, we wonderful humans do shit like this. And it’s because we try to appear perfect and can’t keep up the pretense forever, and generally end up in hospital. But listen Huw, when we break … it’s okay.

Maybe my comics have always spoken about this, because maybe it’s my story too.


So here’s the good news: it’s okay. It’s alright, Huw old mate. No doubt you read my comics and will read this … we’re with you, buddy; we all need to understand real falling in order to appreciate ‘up’. We all have to experience real loss before we can get found. And when we’re out of balance (the Chinese philosophy ā˜Æļø, or Jesus talking to the crew in Matt19, or Buddhist lad Rumi saying basically anything, or Jewish top boy Dave stuck in a cave throughout Psalms etc etc), we need those dark moments to re-evaluate things, and to discover we really, truly are not only worthy of love, but okay just being … us!

And it’s great, because we then become who we needed back then. (Or we decide not to change and we start the whole process again lololol amirite?!).

Anyway, comic update: I’m doing well, been enjoying the wonders of the world a little (two words: chocolate mochi), and have even been daydreaming again (uh-oh). So I’ve written and even rendered enough random 3D non-Lithium stories to keep two comic authors in business for a decade. Oh dear, woopsie daisies. Not sure when/if I’ll release these random pepperings of story snippets but heck its been fun.

Happy July, everyone!



25 thoughts on “Je Suis Huw

  1. It’s rather amazing how well put that update is; one shouldn’t be surprised having read the series a few times, though. Thank you for your work … I think I’ve enjoyed reading it even without the explicit scenes (and I still have to make believe they aren’t really siblings).

  2. I find that life is often improved with some random pepperings…add to that a few peccadillo shavings…*ahem*…so, you may be as heavy with the seasoning as you wish. ^_^

  3. Simply put, you are amazeballs, SAJ.
    I live too far away from your green and pleasant land for Huw to have ever had any impact on my life, but the whole affair has that ‘Murdoch’ stench about it: sensationalism for sales. Bah!
    Please continue to take good care of yourself.
    Your life enjoy!
    (Japanese department store slogan from 1984)

  4. The Sun must die!

    (That is a reference to the “news” story about Huw the Huwman, for those not familiar with the British gutter vulture press. Not a self-destructive scifi ambition.)

  5. Come on, come on, ’nuff Day Dreaming, time for the RELEASE of the Next Episode of Lithium where Jack and Charlie are BACK TOGETHER as they belong to Explore Life, Sex and Adventure as they SHOULD BE.

    Come on Jones, this ain’t a Crappy Disney Movie series, this is SERIOUS shit!! Lithium 13!! …. then 14!!

    1. Fans support, they don’t demand. Even if they were getting paid, you can’t demand artistic production. Pray to the Muses if you want but don’t pester the artist. And get stuffed, as well.

    2. An artist has the talent and grace to create excellent stories, with a fair amount of educational value and provides their work FREE OF CHARGE and you have the audacity to DEMAND that they work to your schedule? You obviously haven’t learned anything from reading the stories.

  6. Sindy I have greatly enjoyed reading all of your stories (Lithium, THTSRST9k, Grace and most of all OHB) as well as The Rather Magnificent Family Bubble and Space Trek Fleet Wars. Science fiction, adult humor, intelligent story telling and BOOBIES, outstanding!!!!
    Enjoy your well deserved down time. If you burn out we all lose, so I’ll just keep re-reading everything.

  7. Personally, I found “The Lightning Tree” by The Settlers to be a little more mellow and fitting the mood better than the Mike Sammes version, but, that’s just me. Still, great vibes! Love your song selections!

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