Patriarchy and Barbie

So … I saw the Barbie movie. It’s great. Or if you’re troubled by it; it’s a bit challenging, and that’s good. Even better, in fact. Either way, definitely worth a watch.

Is it perfect? No. I think it is a bit problematic in places, but that doesn’t detract from the overall message; that no matter what gender you are, we all suffer from patriarchal structures, just as we would from matriarchal. When we’re out of balance, we all suffer. And we need to work together to figure this toxic sh1t out. Big thumbs-up from me. Plus it was damn funny, and I got to wear a big floofy dress in the cinema which I would normally avoid …


Is it anti-men? [aka misandry]
I’ve read a few things online from men saying it’s ‘anti-men’. Anyone who’s read my comics will know I’m a bit sensitive to anti-anything rhetoric, and so I’d be troubled if it did contain real misandry, but I genuinely don’t think it does. It is very clearly anti-patriarchy, and if you equate patriarchy with masculinity [YOU SHOULD NOT], then yes you probably would think it’s anti-men. Duh. It’s not though, seriously. Positive masculinity is a wonderful thing!

Is it problematic?
I think it is problematic in one or two tiny places. Perhaps intentionally so. The worst part is where Barbie and her friends use manipulation (lies) in order to challenge the patriarchy (they’re all on a beach pretending to be interested in the men and then swap dates in order to spark a war, basically). Ironically, this is an example of toxic femininity; and suggesting that women need to resort to manipulation in order to have a voice … is just a really problematic message. BUT! But. That minor perhaps intentional faux-pas does not delete the excellent overall message; that we all have a problem with patriarchal structures. Even the entitled bellends who demand things, and pretend they are ‘alphas’ while rotting inside with no way to express vulnerability, and therefore no way to find the path of peace; even they suffer the very patriarchy they perpetrate.

For freedom and love require vulnerability, and the chosen path of patriarchy sets up a hierarchy which wrecks vulnerability in men, making them incapable of whole relationships. Strong words; the same would be true of matriarchy. Only equals can be friends, basically. If you need a diagram of this, read the second half of OHB comic #8.

What’s next?
Hopefully there will be a Barbie 2, because both Barbie and Ken had about one minute to explore what ‘wholeness’ might look like … that’s not nearly enough to paint a picture of what the path from matriarchy/partrarchy to equality/balance/harmony might look like. We saw about 3 seconds of what positive masculinity might look like, and we need more clear examples of positive masculinity and femininity on the big screen, and the transition route to both.

I don’t believe anyone wants to stay toxic once they recognise it in themselves, but they do need signposts on the way. There is hope though; Barbie had a few mentors in the film who embodied positive femininity, so perhaps there is the second half of the story coming. I hope so.

Anyway, talking about toxic masculinity … some entitled guy keeps DEMANDING that I produce the next few comics for him, so I’m gonna avoid all production of Lithium until he has a little look at himself and recognises what’s really going on. Good luck, everybody!


8 thoughts on “Patriarchy and Barbie

  1. This is why we can’t have nice things.

    I am glad you are enjoying life. I haven’t been to the cinema for a long time. As I get older I need the rewind more and more.

    I suggest Webster P prays to the Muse of Apology (Clio, learning from history?) and becomes an artist at it.

  2. Lovely to hear from you again, looks like I’m late to the party but it’s great to have you back. My daughter saw Barbie but wasn’t impressed although it’s not clear why, I will give it a go once I’ve seen Asteroid City which looks delicious. The patriarchy shows some sign of weakness in some parts but seems to be hard for so many to address, thanks for doing your bit and shining a light in the darkness.

  3. Hmmm….I’ve heard a lot about the Barbie movie and your review has put me back on the fence again. It looks like I will have a look at it then and form….”my own opinion” about it…>shudders<, it's been a while since I've done that. Also, I'm assuming there's a porn parody in the making, so I need to know the background story.

    And fuck the demanding guy; your pace was insane the last couple of years and we love you for it, but you are only human. You owe us nothing.

  4. Hmmm….I’ve heard a lot about the Barbie movie and your review has put me back on the fence again. It looks like I will have a look at it then and form….”my own opinion” about it…>shudders<, it's been a while since I've done that. Also, I'm assuming there's a porn parody in the making, so I need to know the background story.

    And fuck the demanding guy; your pace was insane the last couple of years and we love you for it, but you are only human. You owe us nothing.

    1. Agreed … SAJ is setting the pace here (and makes the decision to stop if need be) and no-one is entitled to demand anything whatsoever. Screw the toxic man and let him know we, your fans, are behind you.

  5. I’m curious what you thought about the “nine-dash line” controversy in Barbie. I just find it fascinating. That Hollywood will piss off several small countries just so they can pander to that giant China market.

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