Well, never one to be absolute about anything, I’ve been thinking about the Barbie film and its various nuances. Those problematic bits did get to me after a few days, I’ll be honest. It’s still excellent, and it’s still very very funny, but it does seem to be a film making points about toxic masculinity whilst holding up toxic femininity as a jolly alternative, and my problem is that I don’t think it dismantles that very clearly. I’m just worried angry women will watch it and say “There! I knew I was right!”, and angry men will watch it and say “There! They do hate us, I was right to hate them back.”, which does not necessarily help people change nor get out of their toxic ways. Hummmm.
Aaanyway, we have to admit its sparked some good conversations – a bit like the MeToo movement, sure lots of people took it as a chance to air their extremely hateful views [either way], whereas the majority saw it for what it was; something that needs discussing, and was a very difficult topic that our species has never before had the opportunity to air on a global scale.
Perhaps through this, we’ll one day all learn to get better at discussing stuff without completely damning an entire gender, eh? That would be good. Perhaps there’s a role there for leaders and the intersectional folk to gently guide the shoutier of the online shouters, herd them towards positive ways to discuss this stuff [and to process their hefty issues].
It’s almost as if darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. So the question we should all ask ourselves is, what is my light? How can I shine it? And can we see some boobs please mother? I MEAN MOM, I mean MAN?! I mean Dad NO! I mean can we see some milk mummy NO! I MEAN CAN WE … can we have some comfort from this terrifying existence, please?
Pretty please? With nipples on top?
Thank you for insightful words. There is definite days that we all need to just try and let go, have a smile and think that it’s not so bad. He’ll I even stopped to help someone in the side of the road and give them free gas to help them along a day that took a hectic turn.
We all appreciate your thoughts and can’t wait to see what coming in the future from that idea pumping brain… all hail the boobies!
Take care!
CUM ON!! Get the latest Chapter of Lithium OUT ALREADY!!!
Please read the replies you have had and reflect on what you are doing. Demanding free content is not acceptable behaviour.
Dude, just cancel your subscription already. Stop paying money for something you obviously don’t value.
I know that it’s excellent on so many levels, but can’t you find anything else to fap to, during the lull?
Dude, take a chill pill! You can’t force genius! Let the Lady create at her own pace. When she’s ready to release, it just makes it that much better than rushing it!
I have not yet see Barbie but I wanted to chime in on the comment of darkness fighting darkness. I’ve often considered that when we find the darkness in ourselves a part of us wants it out. That part of us wants to expel it from ourselves to be free of it (free to ‘what’ is an entirely different set of questions) but I suspect we want the pain out, the anger out, the depression/illness/hopelessness out, because a tiny part of our ancient lizard brain knows that a totebox full of anger can’t hold much else.
So we expel it. I wipe it on whatever is nearby, I barf up the poison where I stand (mind your shoes and watch where you step!) and in general I use the meager tools in my tool box to get what’s inside me outside me.
Unfortunately darkness is not a potato. You can’t just hand it off to someone else to dispose of or set it down somewhere. It’s a lot more like tar than anything else and somedays it feels like my efforts to get it ‘out’ just spread it around to my environment and everyone in it. Now everything is sticky, and not in a good way.
I’m still learning about this part, but I’m sensing that the solution may be to dissolve the darkness. Light does this. Truth does this. You keep adding a good thing until the bad thing is so diluted as to not be recognizable anymore? I’m just spitballing here because this is where I get stuck and on top of that, it just takes time and that’s not something I’m always ok with either. I want to be better NOW.
@Sindy; great reflections that can spur others to reflect and very much in line with your body of work! Thanks again!
I’m going to have to watch it I guess, but I have been watching Deadloch on Prime which has similar themes and some humour albeit not much pink.