How to use a bath.

Look, it’s very simple …

okay fine, I’m procrastinating from Lithium by developing the Backyard twin characters, and I’m procrastinating from that by making another *checks notes* twenty pages of the Colony comic, and now I’m procrastinating from that by blogging about procrastinating on it.

But yesterday I read through the Colony script and it’s just delightful, and the Backyard script needs a bit of work. And Lithium is pretty hardcore to work on. So here we are, procrastinating from procrastinating from procrastinating, from a hobby which is, let’s be honest, designed as a procrastination tool to save me facing the horrors of adult working life.

If my boss ever gets round to reading this blog … hiya! Yeah, that thing I said I was super busy on? Yeah. Mm-hmm. It’s boobies, isn’t it.

Boobies boobies boobies.

How’s everyone else doing with acting like a functioning adult, eh? Mm-hmm, great, yep. Be right back …

16 thoughts on “How to use a bath.

  1. don’t wanna ruin the mood, but it’s not going that well. i struggle to find my space and people near me keep pushing me really down. “Parents snakes” am i right? (it’s actually a saying in my country)
    So i would say that yeah i admire a fully functioning adult.
    Boobies for everybody! They could make on their own World Peace.

    On another note how do you put yourself on the AI spectrum? trying to learn new way to ease your way in your super duper busy schedule? being that you already fill the substantial art side.
    Great to read your comics and recently started to interact more with your blogs too.
    Gambatte Senpai, Domo Arigatto!

    1. Well Mr Kurosawa! I’m a big fan of your work 🙂
      Sorry to hear you are struggling. Every life has its seasons where we get close to breaking, and we have to learn who we are and how fantastic we are, in the process. Sometimes that takes many years, but the long story is a beautiful one so please keep going 👍

      AI; yeah what using AI to generate art? I think there’s some incredible stuff out there but it all looks haunted to me, looks a bit lifeless despite the beauty. Perhaps that will change, and once we can generate AI images where the character stays the same and you follow them through a scene I’m sure the internet will be flooded with AI comics and we’ll all be absolutely sick of them, hehehh!

  2. Being a semi-functional, at least physically, adult can get boring. We all need a hobby. Something to dull the throbbing, aching pains of having to adult on a daily basis. I build cosplay armor. If writing and rendering boobies is what keeps you sane in this crazy, mixed up world we live in…keep being you.
    Reading your comics over the last few years has made me reexamine myself more than once. To look inward at some of the more toxic traits, that I really didn’t like about myself, and promote change. For that I’m grateful to have found your work.
    So thanks, and just keep being you. Be you as hard as you can.

    1. Ah dude what a lovely thing to say, thank you, and really glad my comics have struck a chord 👍

  3. Your work is amazing. Hugs and love sent from one fragment of the hologram to another via quantum entanglement.

    Let your heart lead the way. Oh, boobies are wonderful.

  4. … and now procrastinating by reading the comments from fans …. whom in turn them selves are procrastinating … Aren’t we one happy family?

    Stay happy …

  5. If procrastination was an art form, I’d be a Maestro! Just relax and let the creative juices flow at their own rate, it has served you so well in the past. Hopefully the juices have been marinating boobies, bums and willies for new storylines to explore! YUM!!

  6. Can’t beat a good bit of procrastination, that’s what living is all about after all, the rest is just filler. But those boobies do look good, that’s what I call creative procrastination, keep it up x

  7. In general procrastination is not that great; I find it just increases my overall stress. BUT if I can procrastinate as Sindy is, by doing something else slightly useful/creative or that advances a different (but possibly less-important overall) project/task, then I can enjoy my procrastination with a bit less overall stress.

    Am I making sense?

    Also, I’m writing this while late for work, soooo…

    1. Yep, agree with this one. Move forward in lateral little bits so there’s still momentum, then bring it onto the main thing when ur ready 👍

    1. Hi, not that I know of? You could probably use AI tools to remove the text from it or something? You mean Upstairs as in that ancient Project Nemesis mini comic right?

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