Life in the backyard …

Just wanted to say thank you! Thanks everyone for your comments in the recent vote thingy, some wonderful thoughtful responses in there from a wonderful readership! Well done all.

So believe it or not, I am actually going to go with the flow and focus on the comic that pretty much everyone went for in the end. I was going to trash that one as the 3D character models were terrible. They were based on La Femme, which it turns out has almost unusable joints and facial features unless you want it to just stand there and look pretty; the test render expressions took ages to achieve and after 30 pages of poses and renders I concluded that it just wouldn’t perform for my workflow hence me shelving the comic concept in the first place.

[If you work for Smith Micro and would like some honest/beta feedback for La Femme 2 then hmu, but I see the new LFV2 is pretty much out so it might be too late. Short version is anchoring the feet and building from the T-pose just doesn’t work as a base 3D architecture. Anchor everything from the hips please, and model from an A-pose. Please. Please, though. LF strengths are: the butt (if the pose is standing or bent right over; excellent butt, well done!), and the extras; a bit like V4, if there are enough community add-ons for the character it makes a huge difference to better body morphs, expressions etc etc, so please don’t make new models just keep improving the existing ones, and people like me will happily sing their praises to our zillions of followers 🙂 ].

But yeah, I’ve been doing a little work rebuilding them using a different base (Daz’s V4; an oldie but way better core design than most modern 3D bases), so the concept now has some legroom. I’ve also oldified the model somewhat so the characters don’t look so young, see pics.

So, although the twins/siblings thing does cover some Lithium topics, it’s different enough in terms of present-day setting and plot/context that I’m happy to go with it. I’ll also bring the mother into the mix because, well then we can have even more awkwardness! Hooray! I don’t think I’ve done the mum-son thing before either … hmm it’s hard to keep track of the ridiculous list of kinks I’ve covered in my comics, but that’s one I don’t think I’ve done before.

(LaFemme original Mum on the left, new V4 on the right; to be fair I love the LF face in this context she looks kinda harsh which is in-keeping with the character I want, but a bit of a scowling V4 will do …)

Click for nudie oppai version

Hey anyone know what ‘mother’ is in Anglified Japanese? I’m pretty sure Oppai means big boobs, but is there a word for big boobs mother? Just I’m gonna write an in-joke into the comic, is all.

Here’s the young man, original on the left, V4-based on the right. I’m aiming for 18 year-old, so he maybe needs to be a bit more chiselled, and I need to sort out that mascara, but nearly there:

There we are then, new comic to be worked on after Lithium! Yay! I mean I wanna do all the rest too (esp Colony), but who knows what life holds for us, eh? I’m reminded of its fragility now and then, as I’m sure many of us are. 😬


Aaaanyway, I hope everyone’s summer is going okay, obviously the world is either scorching or flooding itself to death and humans have slightly kneecapped themselves as a species, but heck we had some good times, didn’t we?!?! I’ll do a proper summer blog at some point, check back …


12 thoughts on “Life in the backyard …

  1. Just wanted to say thank you! 🙂
    Otherwise, do you have release date for the next Lithium? 🙄
    Don’t get me wrong, I like your work too, but I want to see the end of the Lithium. 😉🥰

    1. Hello! Okay, honestly, since I have begun making comics I’ve had a policy of not forcing the production thing, and if it doesn’t seem right I don’t force it, so … there’s a bit of a hiatus right now admittedly. On the next Lithium comic; it’s a fair question and of course I’d personally like to read it right now, so it’s not like I don’t want it done, but it’s simply a case of leaving space for the creative process to be legitimate. It’s a big part of the style of the comics, they come from a real place and that can’t be faked, so … sorry there isn’t a release date. 😬

      1. * on the plus side … the next comic is 100% written [measurable], and the 3D scene files are there ready and waiting [measurable], so WHEN the good juice starts flowing it could be a matter of weeks [measurable and blogable], it’s just that I obviously want the comics to be relatable / subtle / human /art ~ and those values require the subtletly of the right vibe [very non-measurable], so overall the maths of the whole thing is on-hold rn.

        1. Stick to your guns, all good things take time and yours are particularly good so I will practice the virtue of patience, it has its rewards. Keep up the greatness and the big boobies, Japanese mother boobies or otherwise. Peace & love M

  2. I think it is oppai mama or oppai okasan or oppai okasama, depending on how polite you are being, the first being mum with the last being Lady Big-Boob Mother.

    1. Yes! Thank you, I knew people would know the answers … I was almost there but needed this kinda detail. I am just such a massive fan of the phrase “Lady Big-Boob Mother”! I need that on a t-shirt. And by ‘I’, I mean ‘our comic character as a joke from one of her kids’. Okay cool, it’s coming together 👌 Thank you

  3. I appreciate oldifying the characters — I voted for Porco in large part bc the youth of the Backyard models was a bit.. um… non-plussing.

  4. The girls look kinda STUPID Looking, like they are Inbred Retarded. Geez, I thought you were a better artist than that!!

    1. Ah, I see. Well at least that’s nice clear trolling. Yes, we often try and get ANY response out of someone if we have suffered neglect or abandonment and are feeling that pain, eh? Pretty common, don’t worry about it mate. In fact there’s a short little article all about it here: 👍

      (I mean it’s a fair point about the character, hence the need to redevelop La Femme. But there are ways of talking to people that aren’t so transparently in need of addressing pain, so. One to ponder.)

  5. to be honest i vote on the siblings bcause they have that young look make it a bit more forbidden if you know what i mean. but yeah its your work and i love every pic and every word you put in.

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