Deliciously tantalising news from a hot couple …

Okay I’ve heard on the [very private] grapevine, that … Tira Yugen can’t get into their Google account. Which sucks for two reasons:  (1) they have produced a special edition version of their comic #1 which they can’t now launch (see spicy spoiler image with a typo I pointed out just in time … your welcome [that was typo irony, you’re welcome]), and (2) they can’t even bless the interwebs with their general booby updates!

Boo, Google, boo! This is why you can’t have nice things and everyone knows you’re Skynet.

In other news, from a not-entirely-unrelated comic couple; the first ‘Colony’ comic is now over 100 pages and is vaguely nearing completion! So that’s exciting! I still need to figure out the title … don’t tell me … it’s on the tip of my tongue … oooohh it’s … it’s … hrngggnggggg …

Ooh I am **this** close to calling the whole series Space Tits …

24 thoughts on “Deliciously tantalising news from a hot couple …

    1. Can check does Tira Yugen, still have issues logging in? I’m can’t wait for her stories to be posted. Hers are as good as yours.

      1. I believe they still have issues yeah, have only heard via whatsapp, gmail(/blogger) is dead for them afaik.

        Gmail works for me, maybe its an IP thing or something, who knows. I know TY isn’t like 10000% into CGI stuff they’re just doing it for fun (I mean so am I but I am kinda into it), so I don’t think they’re fighting the big G too hard tbh.

        1. Yeah I think there are a lot of options for re-homing. It just seems such a waste of effort considering its just Google being crap about privacy and logins. We don’t all want to give you our credit card details and geo-locatable phone numbers, Google. Duh.

  1. Close encounters of the boob kind ,Boobs(Boobies) in space (imagining the old 50-60’s tv’s playing Lost in Space and the intro), but since we talk about a Colony I don’t think any of this titles fit, not that their any good to start off.
    Anyways hate google love tira and you.

      1. Unfortunately, Google is a monopoly. Just look at their stance on broken Pixel watches. They just tell people to buy new ones instead of producing any kind of reliable repair options.

  2. I hope Tira can sort it soon. I’ve dumped all social media, the last to go was Facebook, which was actually the worst. I’m not having a jumped up manchild like Zuckerberg denying me free speech. Are Ix and Xho available for a little mischief at Meta central and do they need a volounteer to make the tea?

    1. Ooh I’d love a little Ix/Xho real world mayhem hehe.

      Free speech is a tricky one, it’s often used as a claim for carte blanche by hateful groups – I mean that’s the paradox of free speech, that in order to protect it you do somehow have to silence the people who through their hatred would seek to silence others. Not that I’m defending the **extremely** iffy ethical journey of all things Meta over the years, almost since FB’s inception as a girl-rating toxic shitshow. Zuckerberg is certainly on my list of people who need a good hug.

  3. “Ooh I am **this** close to calling the whole series Space Tits …”

    What about

    The Darling Buds of Space

    Which is a reference to the amazingly funny and naughty book The Darling Buds of May by H.E. Bates.

  4. Not surprisingIy, it seems we all love Tira’s work almost as much as yours. And there is more than just a smidgen of related and common, but extraordinary, DNA in both of your works, methinks. She would be a most welcome addition here.

  5. That’s a total bummer, time to abandon Skynet and come up with a plan for space sharing, maybe “With a forward by SAJ”? Would be absolutely delish to see that particular couple enjoying themselves again. xxx

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