
Okay, Colony comic’s neeeeearly here! It’s 142 pages, all but the last 10 or so have speech bubbles all done. I just need to take my time reading through and making sure I’m happy with the way it’s going in terms of ethics/vibe/easter eggs, things like that.

So a little about it; I’m really pleased with it! Although the thing is set in a bleak and troubled environment, the actual ‘feel’ of the story is super hopeful and warm! Yeahhhhh!!! I love when that happens, not completely unexpected but a nice confirmation of what’s going on with my subconscious, hehehh. Writers will know what I mean, when you chuck out some work at whatever maximum rate you can manage (ie it’s straight from the heart, not the head), and it turns out to be full of joy, a lovely discovery, that.

I mean there’s a place for our miserable writings too, for our laments, our angry poems; absolutely. But how nice to look deep within now and then, and to find hope and happiness, hehehh. Anyway, if you’re familiar with turmoil, you’ll know that’d be a cool realisation. And if you are familiar with the shutting-down of life, the wrangling with regrets, you’ll enjoy this story, I think. And I wouldn’t be able to write this sort of stuff had I not been there, and had I not made my way, step-by-step, out of that land. And so it holds hope for us all, I think. But I suppose I would say that, perhaps its just BBBOOOOOBBBIIIIIIIEEEEEESSSSSSS after all, who knows.

So yeah, I’ve discovered I can’t log into my Google account at all, they’ve properly shut the door on proxy logins and all anonymity/privacy as a concept. Here is my surprised face> 😐. Thank goodness this website was provided by a loyal fan just in the nick of time! So I’ll have to find somewhere else to cloudhost the comic files, anyway that’s on the list of little jobs before we release it, but check back it’s fairly imminent 🙂


13 thoughts on “Eeeehhhh!!

  1. Awesome! (Aside from the escapades of Grumpoogle). Your work always bring out an introspective human depth that feeds expansion (along with lots and lots of boobies and other lovely bits of erotic deliciousness).

    Shine on!

    1. ‘introspective human depth that feeds expansion’ – love that turn of phrase. Also it works with my love of burritos, which work deeply to feed expansion, so we all win 👌

      1. (that was a very silly response, sorry. In my defence, I’ve been drinking beer for the first time in about 18 months so I think I’ve gone a bit weird) [I might need to stick to your wine, your spirits, your ciders etc etc]

  2. AAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! So close! It’s like finally cracking that HUGE safe, only to find a smaller safe inside.
    Looks like Wanker Webster is back to the same shit. Get a clue Lou, show some respect or take a flying F@&# at a rolling donut.

  3. Pay no attention to Webster P.
    Perhaps he can provide a link to whatever wonderful work he is busy with and ready to release to his adoring public.

    We, your devoted fans, will patiently await whatever it is you decide to bless us with.

    1. Well, let’s not be too hard on the dude, another one who needs a hug is all.

      Like you I’ve been patiently waiting too tho! Anticipation aaaarghhh!! COME ON SINDY WTF?!?!! It’s fine it’s fine I’m not having another breakdown I promise, I’m merely sitting here drinking beers, oh dears oh waits here is the comic eeeeehhhhhhh

      1. ^ that seemed like a haiku, but wasn’t. Some of my favouriste verbal nonsenses seem like they should be haikus but aren’t. Maybe I’m entering that realm where nothing makes sense. Less beer? Fewer beer, isn’t it. WHY BEER, WHY

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