Need to think of a title …

Okay I seem to be PLOUGHING through the Colony comic, even to the extent of maybe approaching figuring out what to do with it in terms of releasing the first comic, or how I’m gonna chop it up into smaller comics etc etc.

First thing is I kinda need the wellness colony suite on the wishlist here: – so if someone has a Renderosity account and is feeling generous I’d appreciate it! I use all the 3D things people buy me, it just sometimes takes a little while to get to them, is all. But in this case it’s gonna be straight in there.

Second thing is … I’m trying to figure out the title for it, can’t be ‘Colony’, or anything too dull or bleak, or ‘Intern’ as that’s too focused on a single character when it’s actually about the two of them learning how to be … so I’m just generally pondering comic series names. A bit like Lithium; it doesn’t need to be too sensible, I’m just saying I’m in the frame of mind that is gently trying to let the ol’ subconscious steer the way with it.

Anyway, good fun, and incredible weather rn so let’s all run outside QUICK QUICK GO GO GO! Happy summer everyone.


(yes, he does have invisible legs)

(yes it is quicker to sort that out in photoshop than bother trying to deal with 3D mesh poke-through sometimes, lol)

56 thoughts on “Need to think of a title …

  1. I like the render of your colony comic (even with the invisible legs).

    You could call the comic “Life in a Spacey Thing” that’s not too colony oriented, or if you really want to be crazy, “Spacey Mac Space Thing” but that’s more predicable.

    “The Art of Living in Artificial Gravity” “TALAG” for short or how about “A Pinch of Gravity”

    I am sure you think of something completely mad or outrageous that will be totally brilliant.
    What ever you choose I am sure it will be great and the comic will be amazingly entertaining as usual.

    1. Ah I like the idea of one with an acronym, yes how about Community Living In The Other Realm In Space? Pretty good, pretty good. Pretty grown up.

      1. To build off of this idea, I could suggest “Zen and the art of space colony maintenance” as a nod to a great book, which the philosophical discussions in your comics remind me of.

  2. Of course, I dont know the complete story (though I do look forward to reading it). But what would two people have to do to survive being trapped far, far away together. Cooperate for mutual survival and learn to cohabitate in a very limited social bubble. A certain balance and unity would gave to be maintained and, of course, two members of the opposite sex have many options to pass the time lost in humankind’s favorite activity- sex and lots of it.

    They each bring skills, past experience and the usual doubts, fears and scars that fester within and are mostly projected outward. But two humans can learn to heal each other if they have the hearts to do so and willingness to be vulnerable to each other. The struggle of survival, like the bad shit in life can lead to epiphanies that change the course of all concerned.

    You are very familiar with these concepts as they are themes in all your wonderful works.

    When i saw the question I thought that Unity, the underlying need in coop-habitation might be a nice title (like Grace, simple and to the point). But I have no doubt you will find the right one that fits your characters and story arc.

    Keep shining and creating!

    1. Ah yeah, I like Unity. Think with Grace I was trying to keep it absolutely minimal in terms of wordiness, but it’d be nice to have a succinct title for this one too. Anyway, it’ll come.

      (that’s what she said etc)
      (I’ve been watching too much of the Office)

    1. *googles electron diagram* 2, 8, 18, 2 … no, don’t think I can make that work, sorry. Good call though.
      Trouble is I’m slightly obsessive with numbers and balance, so if I do another element then I’ll be like hooked into the elements (you can do one as a nod to elements, but if you do two, that’s just unfair on the others), and I’ll have to make a hundred bloody more comic series to complete the set! So I need to not do that hehehh.

  3. It’s a bit difficult to give a title without the full story, but from what I know so far, I’d suggest these titles:

    The weight of love: alien planet, different gravity, different attractiveness of different personalities, which means that love weighs differently for everyone.

    We are lonely together: we all have our own demons that can prevent us from connecting with another person, and even if we do things together, even if we live under the same roof, we remain lonely.

    To fuck ad infinitum: I cannot explain this title.

    1. Mm yeah some good suggestions in there, thank you. It’s hard really, I’d want people to read the comics so a slightly upbeat title is more fun I feel, even if the slightly bleaker options are more on-point [to begin with, at least]. Hmm

  4. My first thought was “Lost” (no, my first thought wasn’t really lost), but I’d say that title has been overused.
    I wonder if “Duality” could do … They are two individuals and one of them is the second of her kind (if I got it right)… duality … kind of a double meaning too. “Twosome” was another title, but that’s not as subtle.
    My two(!) cents…

    1. It’s good, and consistent with the one-liner punchline at the absolute end of the series too, but I don’t want to give that one away hehehh. (it’s not that great a punchline, it’s just a silly thing but … yeah)

    1. Oh this makes me think of Jerry Seinfeld! SEINFELD! Of course, I should just call it That’s a Shame.

      Oh god they’re all good! …
      Serenity now! ooohf that’s a strong contender …

  5. “Alone Together”
    “New Eden” (Just a thought)
    “Starting Over”
    “After the Fall” (You said it was a failed colony)
    (with BOOBIES!)

    Procrastination can be a good thing, if taken in moderation. If you get paid for it, does that make you a PRO-crastinator?

    1. My dream, to become ultimate PROcrastinator. With, as you say, boobies. New Eden’s good, there are Adam/Eve parallels for sure. Hmm

    1. Dude you are a champion! Thank you so much I am going to write your username into the goddamn comic! Comic 1 only has 1 page with that 3D scene in it, but I’ll use it more later, for sure 👍

      1. With as much entertainment as you’ve provided I was happy to help. Lend more credence to the put out into the world what you want to see.

    1. Ah, yeah I like this, has a nice parallels / perception / shared humanity kinda philosophy behind it that definitely has some legs. Problem is I’d either have to explain the title in the comic (would avoid), or I’d risk narrowing the target demographic to electronics graduates … I still like it though, thanks

    1. INFINITE ISOLATION!!!!! Yeah it is a bit bleak eh? If I was in the mood for fapping, would I reach for a comic called Infinite Isolation? Mmmm … there must be a more upbeat way of saying it … like The Rather Magnificent Colony Bubble or something … heheh

      1. Ok, maybe it is a little bleak, but we could tweak it, right? Taking from your other comments we could have “Space Tits and the Infinite Isolation.” Because, of course, space tits are the cure for bleakness.

    1. Yeah one-worders are good. Like Unity or Connection or Thrusters or Rigid or … wait now I’m thinking of something else … ahem …

    1. Yeah it’s good, trouble is it has slightly negative connotations though cos that phrase is always referenced in the negative, it’s never like “Ooh, I had some lovely personal space today”, it’s always “Get out of my personal space you damn dirty ape!”, and I think for this one I wanna keep the title more upbeat / immediately positive

  6. Your imagination so far exceeds that of your loyal and devoted readers that all suggestions will pale by comparison. Can’t wait to see what you decide to call it.

    1. Aha, another vote for ‘Space Tits’, then?! I am **THIS CLOSE** to calling it SPACE TITS omg stop me eeeaaaaarghhhhhhh!!!!!

  7. My suggestion is have the colony be named “Bee” and then use “Bee” to play off it for chapter titles, so “Bee’s Knees” could be one chapter and then “Bee Flat” could be the chapter about how entertainment is handled on the colony (like watching performances of opera, musicals, etc.) and so on. Also you could play off the insect, Bee, a very important insect in our world today or the letter B in so many ways. So a chapter about how the colony handles fixing a long-standing hurt could be “Bee Kind.”

    And if you don’t like bees (understandable), then figure out another witty name for the colony and play off of that name for chapter titles.

  8. Been reading a lot of particle theory lately and “Quantum Entanglement” stands out as a fun spacey/saucey title. But I’ll read it, even if you call it “Space Tits”

  9. Myself I like words that have two meanings. So How about TRIP? As in trip to travel from place to place or as in to trip over a word or I had a bad trip with that last batch of MJ or I tripped over my dick or one could any experience with another person was either bad or good trip.
    Over my lifetime TRIP has had many meanings and in expected usage also in unexpected usage.
    I’m a great believer in KISS ( keep it simple stupid ).

  10. This title question is a tough one… I was thinking where and what dynamic might be in play as there’s always some amazing context that you bring in your work. I poked around a little of Latin that I’ve heard before and of course googling 😅 and came up with “candentia ad astra” or just “Astrum”.


    1. Yeah I like that phrase, if it wasn’t a recent film it’d be a strong contender for sure. The other slight problem with it is the Vauxhall Astra, which is a crap UK car I would prefer not to be reminded of 😂
      Ah, sorry, can’t win, can we?!

  11. For Colony, how about
    “Deep Space People Skills”
    “Learning Living”
    “Universal Constant”
    “Lost in Spaciness (or Spaciousness)”
    “A Boob & Boobies”

    For Backyard, how about just “Twinning”

    1. Ooh I like Twinning, sounds rude without being rude. I think I’d need to get it on Urban Dictionary first … BRB …

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