New Colony comic, coming soon ish!

Well good news I’ve flipping-well basically almost finished a whole comic! Hooray! I didn’t go with the reunited twins -themed one this time, because that one hadn’t yet found its feet in terms of the completed plot and I prefer not to charge off creating something in 3D if the script doesn’t yet have its identity. It’ll happen just not right now.

But I did go with the comic that came out a strong second in everyone’s general voting a few weeks back – the Colony -themed comic. It now has a title I’m happy with, and the rendering is … 99% done! Yay! There’s also easter eggs and tie-ins with other comics ready to go so we’re all good on the general STFW comic-universe kinda thing.

Obviously Lithium is a special project and will continue to completion when the time is right. As I’ve done since the beginning, I will work on that when it’s right to do so, but there’s no rush to force these things. If you are twelve years old and would like to complain about that, please feel free to contact the complaints department.

Anyway, good news all round, high fives!

I’ll update this blog when we’re ready to go with the new thingy, there’s speech bubbles and little tweaks to go, so check back ๐Ÿ™‚

19 thoughts on “New Colony comic, coming soon ish!

  1. Woo hoo, that’s very exciting. I will be back here on a much more regular basis, tongue lolling in the hope of some steamy colonisation.

    1. Hehe. I feel I should do some expectation management though … as it’s the first comic in the series, don’t expect anything too explicit (I mean … there’s nudity obviously). Like OHB and Lithium first comics both started pretty slow, so …

    1. SPACEFUXXXXX yeah there actually isn’t any sex in this one. There’s sexiness aplenty, sure, but it’s more your slow burner, like Lithium or OHB were in the first comics, so …

  2. Started with Lithium and love, waiting for the rest. Take your time.

    All you stuff is wonderful, beautiful. Love it.

    So when it is done, it is done!

    Will be waiting for the new one.

  3. This is the one I was hoping for so no complaints hereโ€ฆthat said no complaints in any case cause the whole you do this for free and your work is appreciated.

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