Das ist sehr gut!


I’ve just noticed that some wonderful human being, from the great wide web of information-connected human beings, has started translating my comics into German!! Awesome! I was just looking at e-hentai to see if someone had kindly shared Skybloom yet and lo! A great bunch of other stuff on there.

Gave me a little warm sausagey feeling to see one of my favourite languages represented – and how wonderful that people, with no effort on my part, have taken it upon themselves to translate and share my work! How brilliant! What an unusual and unexpected treat that is. Honestly, I’m so pleased. So I’ve seen various parts of the Space Trek universe translated into French, Russian, and now in German! I wonder if it’ll ever get translated into Japanese anytime, I’ve always thought there’s lots of sense-of-humour and sense-of-horny-tabooness similarities between Japan and the general Anglosphere, and it would be super duper to see my stuff in Kanji sometime, but that may have to wait. But heck even if it never happens, seeing my stuff in German brings a little smile to my weary old facey

Haha! And look how much effort they’ve put in, rebuilding every little detail:


My goodness, a real labour of love, that. And nice to flick through and be reminded of some of my favourite moments …




(Again, much like Skylar’s timetravelling poo joke in comic #11, this Huawei joke was completely unplanned, and all the better for it imo)

Eahhh, good stuff. I really must set aside some time and read through the ol’ archive some day soon, heheh. Perhaps when I’m very old and eventually retire, I’ll setup an account with one of those book-printing places and have the whole lot printed on glossy A4 paper and spend a week or so reading it all slowly. Or perhaps I’ll have moved on and be more into … you know. Lawn bowls. Gardening. Soup. I mean it’s all good, I’m just so … just so …


Ah yes, that’s it. Horny.


14 thoughts on “Das ist sehr gut!

  1. Absolut spitzenklassen mein leiblich (please excuse my appalling deutsche). Good to know that they appreciate just how kozmiche your work is.

  2. Jeah, translating is quite a good job, I’m thinking about the Hungarian translation, but because of the different size of the text bubbles and the texts written on the picture (e.g. splooosh…), I lost my interest in it. It would be nice to have a version without text (just the rendered pictures), on which the translator puts the bubbles.
    Ah, forget it, learning language everybody.

    1. Ah, I was worried we’d lost you, Webster! Nice to see you’re still around πŸ™‚
      Slacker is such a great word, takes me right back to Back to the Future, thank you

    1. Holy shit! That looks amazing, thank you so much for doing that!!!!! I have no idea how to test that but just on pure graphics it looks like a thing of beauty, what a language it is eh? Do you mind if I share this? And could you do me a favour and translate some key words into text (not jpeg/pixels) that might appear in a google search? Like “free comic, incest, sister, british, family, science fiction” or something? I might post about it, see if anyone bites …

  3. Jep, great job there…
    i can judge, as iΒ΄m german myself. Would be even better to get a .cbr from this. πŸ˜‰
    Although i prefer to read your wonderful comics in the original version, cause sometimes itΒ΄s realy hard to translate some of the silly puns or allusions to another language…
    IMHO even some of the sexual expressions just sound better in english than in geman…
    Example? i think “pussy” sounds much nicer than “Muschi” though we use that word in german too *BG*
    but “dick” is way better than “Schwanz”!
    So… nice to have but imho not neccesary as i will still prefer to read your wonderful work in its original language
    btw: keeep up the great work, your one of the best writers out there!

    1. Ahh, thanks Chuckbert! Wowee, I haven’t heard the word ‘Schwanz’ before haha! I will try and get that in a future comic somewhere I love it, it feels kinda like ‘donger’ or ‘wang’, hehe! That’s what She said etc etc … anyway …
      It must be so hard reading a comic in another language, I think being a natural English speaker, considering how common that language is (sorry for all the colonialism campaigns … ahem …), does mean we can kinda read most stuff in our own language. Maybe that’ll change over the next few centuries, with the rise of Chinese and Spanish, but I’m good for now πŸ™‚

  4. Okay so I really don’t wanna spoil the party here. In fact, it makes me a little sad to let anyone down here but as the native German that I am, these news took me quite by surprise and so I had a little look into the newly-translated comics. And I honestly have to say it’s not good. Like, not at all. It is full to the brim with grammar and spelling mistakes and really weird vocabulary that no actual German would ever use. I am really really sorry to say this but having read the first 3 comics has left me with the very strong impression that someone simply ran them through a more or less shitty AI translator and then uploaded it without counter-checking whether the AI did the job properly. Being the trained and certified translator/interpreter that I am, I would actually do the job again (for free, of course) if I had any idea whatsoever how to edit pdf files online so that you can insert new text etc. but unfortunately, my software skills are so non-existent that it’s utterly embarrassing to even mention it…
    Love & peace from Cgn, Ger

    1. Hehe, thanks Patrick. Ah well that’s a shame but I don’t mind a bunch of mistakes really. I wonder what the translator’s back story is, like … whyt hey decided to go to all the effort of translating them if German isn’t their language…?! It’d be interesting to know!

    1. Hehe yeah I think I’d leave them, ‘HRRRNGGGGG … GYEUGGHHH’ works in any language I reckon πŸ™‚

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