The many wonderful insults of the Bard

Merry Christmas one and all! Okay, always being one who’s focused and completing of my projects in order as we know I am, I have of course not utterly gone off on one for a few days, making a totally new storyline and comic. Orrrr … maybe I have a little bit. Ah yes, it’s that second one, isn’t it? Woopsy daisy, the very random wonders of the season have brought pixies to infest my brain once more it seems. Oh dear.

I was pondering a sort of lead-in to the Victorian comic I’ve written (and semi-constructed; that 1882-based sculptures one mentioned as #5 on the list, here), and got into that brain space that says old boats and seascapes are rather wonderful, and so I’ve written a one-off comic based almost entirely at sea, between a boy and a girl who go adventurin’.

If you disagree and think this is a bad idea, check out these rather delightful lighting tests …


… I’ve completed 50 pages so far, it’s likely to be roughly the same length as the ‘Grace’ comic, I’d have thought. Except this time they’re not battling for their lives, they’re not enemies, they’re not in space, and … they’re not … ummm … unrelated … ahem.

I’ve also made it a bit of an homage to Shakespearean insults, as they’re worth revisiting now and then – so we can expect such wonders as, “thou art spherical, like a globe; I could find countries in thee”, or my own personal favourite, “Iā€™d beat thee, but I would infect my hands”, along with some little ones peppered throughout (clack-pan, moldwarp, scallion etc) and a bunch I’ve had fun constructing myself.

Anyway, that’s it, I hope that if you find yourself reading this blog over the Christmas/Hanukkah/Holiday/Consumerist/Hope-filled/dreary/difficult/wonderful/family [delete as appropriate] season , that you are well and know that you are worthy of love whether you’re enjoying some quiet time to yourself, or are up to your throat in mayhem and tinsel and Michael Buble. And I hope that you know you are entirely valid, whether your tradition is to take three tabs of speed and watch all the Star Trek films in one sitting, or to get battered on Pimms and cry into your stash of crochet as you watch Marley and Me … (other traditions are available) whatever this strange few weeks hold for you, I hope we all find some time to wonder and walk and remark at the things and spaces and beauties of life.


PS.Ā  … new comic is likely to contain boobies.




39 thoughts on “The many wonderful insults of the Bard

  1. Merry Christmas from Albania!

    The new one sounds fun. Always liked period piece sensual romps, old clothing being shifted out of the way for proper, ahem, engagement.

    Allow your imaginative Muse the freedom to create. We, the fans of your creative expressions, will enjoy the result.

    Aye, lads, there she blows! šŸ™‚

    1. Happy Holidays Ray! Can you even enjoy Christmas if you’re not shivering in a Dickensian soot-smeared hovel? I wouldn’t know.

    1. 100%! Funny you should say that I literally watched that 90s classic a few weeks back. What a wonder of a film! (in case you haven’t seen it; the Thompson/Brannagh one, such a great rendition, especially wonderful thanks to Keanu Reeves’ unbelievably terrible acting)

      1. Yeah, the 90s film was good. Even K. Reeves. (LOL) I’ve seen the play and film many times. I can even recite a bit. However, If you want to see a really cool version, though, it’s the 2012 “contemporary” version, set in modern times, by Joss Whedon. It blew my mind.
        My favorite of the Bard is and always will be Hamlet though.

  2. Merry Christmas from the DelMarVa Peninsula, on the East Coast of what remains of the good ol’ USA! (46Ā°F, overcast, dreary!) I hope your season is merry and bright, with tonnes of love and good cheer surrounding you and yours! Relax, enjoy life, let the creative juices simmer, percolate and steep into another delicious cuppa whatever your exquisite mind can create for us! We can

    1. Ahh, Pennsylvania, the home of Scranton, most beloved of all US towns šŸŽšŸ„°

      A very Merry Christmas!

    1. šŸ˜‚
      (WordPress thought this was spam for some reason, but no! An entirely valid comment, silly wordpress)

  3. Hello there!
    I just found you and I will watch your work now! I’ve read Lithium and definitely you are crazy genious. And talented artist for sure! And it’s nice to see woman’s view and work in porn and scifi and both still being sexy fun! It’s rather rare view for old grump like me. On both fields of expertise! šŸ™‚ So thank you and keep up and be well! Merry festives of end of year to you! šŸ™‚
    – Szotek

    1. Thanks! Yeah, read the other comics too – One Human Being is a grower, and Grace is pretty cool, I think. Anyway welcome šŸ™‚

    1. Oh, cool! Thanks for that I had no idea. Amazing to see it in Hungarian, I was hoping for that a while back, but nice to see it done – and whoever’s done it has taken some care too šŸ™‚

      1. Thanks, I try to do my best.I translate now the Family bubble series, but a little bit hard, because missing few fonts… šŸ™„
        I don’t have much practice in translation, so I started with the easier ones, and then we’ll see… šŸ™‚šŸ™‚

        1. Aw, well done though thank you for doing it! Fonts are: Back Issues BB, Badaboom BB, Komica Slick, and Cracked Johnnie. They’re all out there free somewhere šŸ™‚

          1. Sorry, I meant the pink Family Bubble font on the opening page. šŸ™‚šŸ™‚
            Otherwise, thank you! šŸ™‚

  4. Aaaaand a week later, Happy New Year to all! Sindy, I hope you and yours are well, as well as your dedicated readers and their families. Hopefully the New Years hijinks have stimulated new pathways to explore in your stories, and all will be as insightful as ever. Warmest regards!

  5. Happy New Year!
    Coming to your neck of the woods next week, bracing myself for the cold after 30 degree heat on my end. Hopefully, a new comic will keep me warm HAHAHA.

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