The non-update update.

Honestly, honestly. It’s been two weeks hasn’t it? Yeah sorry about that, I haven’t lifted a finger on 3D comics, sure. And it’s not that old excuse of being ‘busy’ that’s kept me off the 3D comics, I could’ve been more busy, it’s not busyness it’s more something else. I’ve been getting counseling. And yes I’ve had tonnes and it’s been life-changing; only need to read a few of my comics to get that vibe … and I know counseling is scary, and I know it’s much easier for us to go to one single therapy session and have a hard time and make a very good case for how ALL THERAPY IS TERRIBLE for ten million different reasons, and I know, I know. Believe me, I know how it’s much easier to come up with fifteen excuses not to do it.

They’re very good reasons to avoid it, aren’t they? Yes, yes. Mmm. Yes they are. We can all, ALL of us come up with reasons not to do it, but really, really the thing is it hurts us. And Netflix and chips and comfortable armchairs and stacks of DVDs and a relatable obsession with Buffy hurts us less in the short term and is definitely the more sensible option, sure, but … and here’s the thing, counseling {fully dived-into} is fucking excellent.

So yeah, I’ve been doing this EMDR thing through free counseling that I get through my work and oh my fucksies it’s been incredible! My BRAIN LETS GOOOO!!! Obviously I’ve had different therapies of all sorts over the years and its different for everybody but MY GOD this EMDR thing (it means connecting the sides of the brain and speaking directly to the oldest pains we have), has been absolutely incredible! Obviously 99% of it is about the chemistry with the person doing it, and yeah this therapist person is 300% legendary so we’re doing well.

So that’s good news all round. And yeah I’ve done lots, of different sorts, but as is consistent within my history of comics, I’m open to sharing my *broken* / *breaking* / *imperfect* … story as it unfolds, and I turn that shit into comics, [you noticed] and yes definitely some of the comics have been me working through stuff (okay you knew that), and if you’ve read the comics then you also know that my words are legit; as in … they’re real, aren’t they? I mean they hurt me to write, sometimes. I’m saying I’ve always tried to be honest in my comics, right? Uh-huh. Good, glad we agree …

… well anyway it’s bloody glorious what’s going on with me at the moment, and it can take time, sure, and the cost is apparently we need to be brave with our truths (who knew), and we have to face our demons (must be why that’s a phrase), and we have to make some choices that are not very easy (duh), and we use all sorts of ways of managing our trauma (like duh for duhhhhh), which gets us through that thing at the time, but really …. really … there is peace and love and joy waiting for ALL of us. In different ways, and in beautiful ways, which we could not predict. And I say ALL because I have gone through some shit that you would not believe and that I have not begun to put into my comics, and that’s … not what defines me and so it’s been cool to process it in these EMDR sessions and woweee … get to different places … see some shifting in my sense of self. Kind of a big deal that, well it is to me.

Anyway, out of character this, for me to be totally honest and share some truthiness, but … oh no wait that’s all I’ve ever done. Carry on, I say. It is for freedom, that we are set free. Cool!

So … comic update … thank you all for saying wonderful stuff like creativity happens when it happens, and no rush and look after yourself, and all that stuff. Next Lithiums are all written, have been written for some years, so that’s not what’s waiting. We’re just … we’ll get there. We’ll get there 🙂

45 thoughts on “The non-update update.

  1. I religiously check both sites to see updates every single day. If nothing else knowing that you’re still out there, still wanting to get the stories together, I’m still here and I’m still a fan. I’ve been following since Chapter 3 of Lithium and look forward to your stories all the time.

    That said; I’m not in a rush for anything. I would rather have time taken to make sure the product is good for creator and consumer than to not have the product meet those standards “just to appease the masses”.

    I’m talking with my therapist about EMDR too and after reading this, I may talk to her about helping me out with that too. So: thank you for the update, thank you for your creative mind that I enjoy, and thank you for the recommendation for EMDR.

    Be safe.

    1. Ah, cool yes as I said would def recommend anyone give it a go – a few times in different ways, cos it’s kind of a case of finding the right method apparently. Like anything it also depends on you bringing the really most difficult stuff and that’s often the blockage in any sort of talking therapy; what we’re prepared to actually talk about. But yeah it’s been incredible for me, really shifted stuff. And trauma is that thing that affects what we believe about ourselves, so to shift that stuff is seriously affecting, as you probably know. Ahhh, all good eh

  2. Wow, that’s a share and a half! Firstly, as for the “secret”, your readers aren’t a bunch of teaspoons: we knew. It’s too good *not* to be you. As for the therapy, beautiful to hear what’s happening. Keep it up and don’t ever worry about your output. You’ve created so much already that if you never released another artwork you’ve already added enough happiness – and boobies – to the world for a lifetime. Px

    1. Ah thanks Phartiphuckborlz. I do love the insult ‘teaspoons’ – are you from London by any chance? I have a kind of Jason Statham voice in my head when I read that insult haha

  3. A most awesome and brave sharing! Thou art saluted!

    We are all walking wounded from multiple emotional and psychological scars earned during life’s infinite experience cycle, most gained through our interactions with humans or the organizational belief systems and structures they-we create. Most don’t realize it, even fewer understand they can be worked with and healed.

    Therapy can work with the right combination of tools and personalities. Self-hypnosis, breathwork and psychedelics can also generate incredible inner shifts in altering stagnant patterns. These last three tools have been extremely beneficial on my path. But the common denominator to personal healing and expansion is to acknowledge, embrace, integrate and release.

    Each scar contains an element self that conceals a precious and delicious part we have buried. But when we are willing to face the inner dragon, it transforms and we get the sweet gold it’s been hoarding.

    The process takes courage and anyone that chooses to trod that path is to be commended. It may not be easy, but the journey is worth it.

    That’s why we love your work. Because YOU are in it, truth laid bare so we can ponder and grow as well (and, if course, the incredible embrace of human sexuality, which is also extremely healing to go beyond all the insane rules regarding sexual behavior we have made in an effort to restrict the natural expression of our biological and emotional Being).

    I look forward to seeing more of your creative realness and soulful truths expressed by any name you chose to share them under!

    Keep your bright heart shining!

    1. Tira! Thank you for visiting! When’s the next comic out?!?!?!

      I’m kidding I’m kidding take your time sweets xxx

  4. Very, very honest and touching … and it proves all great artist do have a little something in their mind. Johnny Cash, Amy Winehouse, David Bowie, Vincent van Gogh, Sindy Yugen … all great artists and all of them create(d) art to be remembered.

    Stay safe …

  5. In a few thousand years people will look back and say funny, relevant and the poo in the sink really happened. Need I say more?

    1. So how about some one liners? Call it whispers.

      – Skylar whispers to Jack, Do you think Charlie would enjoy it if I had a penis? Jacks eyes widen.
      – Charlie whispers to Jack, I still have rope, I’ve been practising my knots. Jack gulps
      – Charlie whispers to Skylar, Did you get the handcuffs and whipping cream?

  6. As Steph says to God/Emperor in Lithium 11, ” Dad used to say part of being happy is to carry the sad stuff with us, walking with it, gently.”! I still firmly believe God is working through you and your talent, getting his message across that none of us are perfect, but if we at least acknowledge the fact that we can change, and become better people for it, we will make this world a better place! Now, a question; in Lithium 12, just after Ix headbutts the Pokedork, how is the guy on the lower right viewing Charlie removing her pyjama pants on his tablet? (I’d recognise that delicious bum anywhere, but the suspenders were a dead giveaway!) Yes, I’m American, but out of courtesy to your talents, I’m using the British spellings! Don’t want to ruin the vibe!

    1. By the way, would you have possibly had a hand in the Project Bellerophon/ Project Nemesis series “Space Trek Fleet Wars”? I’m seeing a similarity in those characters to your other works. F’rinstance, STFW’s “A Fairy Good Deal” and OHB’s “Butterfly Effect”! P.S. I found your work through “A Fairy Good Deal”! I was perusing an adult comic site, found AFGD, loved it, wanted to find the rest of the series, searched for Project Bellerophon which led me to the SFTW series, which, in turn, led me to your works! Best search results I ever found!

      1. It’s all Sindy’s work. Go the ..\comics page at this website and you’ll see it all listed. Really helps to start at the beginning with all of it, and her. She’s quite remarkable and a real talent.

        1. I knew she had a hand in it, but I was thinking of her more as a collaborator than solo artist! The “Born To Be Fit” tank top Xho wore in “Project Nemesis” is an exact duplicate of the shirt Kal is wearing in TRMFB chapters 4 and 5, right down to the neck and sleeve piping!

          1. Yeah they’re all part of the same comics universe.

            That ‘Born to be fit’ top Xho is wearing is just a standard / free part of the content library that comes with Poser – it’s a massive collection of clothing and props/scenery (like 25gb or something, it’s insanely huge) that comes with the software, so there’s lots of common props in all Poser comics.

            Like, recognise this suit:
            Or this scene:

            Or here’s a funny one – look at this Skycar: ~ and then look at the pod that Marcus wakes up in, in the most recent comic Skybloom heheh

          2. (ALSO: Fred, that guy on the lower right is viewing Charlie removing her pyjama pants because [1] I thought it’d be funny, and [2] is one in a long line of meta-meta references when the topic on that page is meta references; the conversation on that same page is talking about the storyline of the comic series they’re in, so the next guy is literally reading the very comic that he himself is in. Same internal referencing that Karen does at the beginning of comic 6, or the conversation between Bob and Skylar near the end of comic #8 … it’s just me being silly)

  7. There is only one Sindy out there and she has no match for story, development and graphics. Whatever projects you decide to bless us with will be welcomed and revered. It’s great to have found you.

    It’s also nice to see one of my favorite characters of yours, Laryn, putting in appearances regularly in the website’s banners.

    Now back to that curious stairway in Anna’s flat. Any chance for us to see a photo of the real thing?

    1. Ah yeah I quite liked Laryn and Sam. Once I’d made that comic though, it sort of didn’t need any more – not least because they were quite wild in terms of body shapes/sizes hehe

      1. Amazing body notwithstanding, Laryn’s character seemed to have it all together; knew what she wanted and what she didn’t and could help others come to terms with themselves, if they were willing. Self-actualization incarnate.

  8. I’m willing to wager that you’re either a Drug User or an Alchoholic and that’s why you can’t get your ass off the ground and work again. I have given up on you, never to return.

  9. Sure, next you’re gonne tell us that you’re somehow involved in project bellerophon too.

    We already love your comics, because they are amazing, and you’re probably amazing too. So there’s absolutely no need to lie to us.

    I hope you have an amazing day/evening/night/pizza.

  10. Really happy you’re finding this path. Always wishing you the best of luck. Looking forward to reading your next comic when it’s ready to be expelled from your brain. 😉

  11. We will indeed but only if you do, you are the leading light round here, the truth to darkness so to speak. So really glad that the therapy is proving to be so positive and constructive, you are the bravest writer alive in my book and a genuine hero for our age. So as far as can be seen you’re good to go, so no more prevarication and let me know where to send tiramisu. xxx

  12. Dear Sindy,
    Thank you for sharing.
    That…. was… intense!
    Take whatever time you need. For whatever you need it for.
    No matter what, we love you. I love you.
    It’s good to know you’re taking care of… things… and yourself!
    Please continue to do so.
    You’re on track…
    We’ll meet you at the station.
    Until then you’ll be in my thoughts.

  13. OK, cool! Just wondering. BTW, “Forbidden Planet” was the first Sci-Fi movie I ever watched, ca. 1967. I was like 12 y.o..

      1. True, but only the ones who have good taste in art! As I have said before, I refer to Sindy’s works as graphic novels! I just can’t bring myself to demean her art by calling them comics! The artwork is just too stunningly beautiful!

  14. Hi Sindy,
    First, many many thanks for everything you share so freely and generously with us. You give so much empathy, love, understanding, sensuality, forgiveness, and all around food for thought that I thank life for knowing you, even if it’s only through your comics and website.

    About EMDR, I have to agree with you, until today, it’s been the most helpful form of therapy for me. It allowed me to keep on gathering the broken pieces (physically and mentally abused at home, harassed at school and some other shit) and to start having a bit of self esteem.

    If I may, I believe you match the song “Love is all” (Roger Glover) quite perfectly ’cause I’m sure you give tons of it. [Hint] Maybe a song to go with one of your next works. [/Hint]

    Again, thank you so very much for sharing some with us.

    I sincerely wish you the very best. Lots of love.


    1. Thanks Tom, yes on EMDR, I definitely rate it so thank you for adding your voice to this. I will check out the song suggestion 🙂

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