Awkward moments, silly stories

Okay, I’m enjoying putting this latest thing together. It’s a little silly, and forms a kind of chronological root to the whole STFW / Lithium universe thing. And you can probably see a little resemblance to Lithium’s Jack in the image above.

So quick update: I’ve done 106 pages, think there’s maybe 50 to go, so we’re getting there. It’s also (as always,) my favourite way to procrastinate from work, but I’m getting a bit better at being kind to myself and allowing the nonsense times to form part of the whole landscape of existence, rather than feeling bad for cocking about with silly 3D stories. Acceptance, that’s the word. Jolly good! Let’s all be kind to ourselves, eh?

Anyway, here’s another fun image:


IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP in the production of my comics, I always have a wishlist here and would appreciate any items you fancied buying for me 🙂

… and as always, as I get towards the end of this next comic, I’ll need to figure out what the title is. So that’s … quite good fun! No, no don’t tell me … it’s on the tip of my brain … ooh, here it comes … hurrrnnnggggg …

Sea … people.

Boat … lads.

Ocean … goer … times.

wait wait, I’ve got it: Ye Olde Storye o’Bigge Tites. Oooooh, so close …

20 thoughts on “Awkward moments, silly stories

  1. The young ladye faire seems to bear a striking resemblance to Sophie from “Skybloom”! Possibly an ancestress?

    1. Yep, definite ancestor, in fact I think everyone’s related to everyone else in my comics, to the extent the later series should include significantly more genetic issues haha! Ahem. Awkward.

  2. For the longest while, I’ve been trying to figure out why “Lithium”s Karen looked so familiar to me. Recently I uncovered a box of old photos that my late Mom had stashed away and found a picture of 17 y.o. me and my then girlfriend circa 1972, and she was a dead ringer for Karen! (Softer, teenage features, of course)! She broke my heart after four years of dating, by marrying a friend of mine and moving to Germany when the Air Force stationed him there!

      1. It’s okay, as the song says, “…what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger…” eh wot! (Especially after a half century 😉 ) BTW, Sophie is awful familiar too. I need to look through some more photos and see if she’s hiding somewhere in my past! (I hope so, cuz she’s quite the hottie, as are all of your female characters!)

    1. ‘Two points on the starboard bow’ hahahaha! Eahhhh … good times. Yeah I’m always tempted to do some silliness, but then it’s harder to take the comic seriously, but then, but then … tshh I’m in two minds about everything. Might just call it Vintage Titters and be done with it.

    1. Yeah same. I’ve started the first scene, it’s just going slowly. I normally start like that, ease into it. That’s what she said etc etc.

  3. Really looking forward to this. Actually, I’m really looking forward to anything you produce.
    Small token of my thanks in your inbox, an empty version of my favourite bar in art. Look forward to it being filled with boobies.
    Hope 2024 is your best year yet.

    1. Ah, thank you! Having real trouble logging in to anything Google these days; they really do not like people using proxy browsers and burner phones lol. Might setup an email somewhere else so I can actually check it …

    1. Yes but you’d also be blessed with my chaotic randomness, so they’d be an MBA in Zoetrope Cat Finance and a PhD in Unobservable Stamp Dust Logistics, 1971-1996.

  4. That looks extremely promising, how about Boat Party or Season of the Sea Dogs or Well seasoned sea dogs, nope that’s too silly. Anyhoo, procrastination is another word for waiting until the time is right, the muse has to come to you sooner or later!

    1. Ah, I like that, yes I’m waiting until the time is right. Sounds much wiser than just faffing around putting things off hehe

  5. Webster P. is an impatient, rude bully – no place for that here – get lost, Webster (Weiner) P. Your poor mother obviously failed you as a child, hence your shabbily bad manners. And please do not shout! While you are learning patience, perhaps a review of our artist’s oevre will be helpful – I am unable to count the number of re-reads of Ms. Jones work I have undertaken but all of her (their?) work does deserve multiple re-readings. So, get busy, Mr. Weiner – find your wee tool, lube up, take a few deep breaths, re-enjoy the marvellous Ms. Jones output, and shut your ****ing gob! Thank you, Ms. Sindy Anna Jones – may the froth be with you!

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