Free comic: Kinfolk ~ to the quiet skies

Well, here it is! I wrote the script about a month ago, and I made a couple of test renders and thought … yep. Let’s smash this comic out over the Christmas period because it’s a beaut. And now it’s done, I’m really happy with it! So here it is, for free.

A quiet seascape, a wooden boat, and a lot of time on their hands. Grab a mug o’spiced rum, pull the shutters, light up the paraffin lamps and sit back for a jolly lil’ tale … a tender story of … well, you’ll see. Read it, share it wherever you like, and let me know what you think πŸ™‚



37 thoughts on “Free comic: Kinfolk ~ to the quiet skies

  1. Very nice (yet again). I will enjoy it several more times to soak in more detail and beauty and real world wisdom. Repeated visits to your creations are a common them and I get more out if it each time.

    Thank you for being you!

    1. Cheers Jerry, yeah it seems if a conversation’s natural / flows along a character’s legit set of values (ditto poses, layouts etc), then there’s always more to notice on re-reads. I find the same.

  2. Seems I can`t downlaod it… sooooo sad. But I`m sure it will be out there somewhere soon enough. So thanks in advance.
    By the way… ever had a look at Pixeldrain?

  3. The graphics are arguably the best you’ve ever made public, and the story itself compares to the best from your hand; and in my humble opinion, your stories are without competition …

    “Stick a finger in me, and you’d scold it” – I wouldn’t mind.
    “Your dick stares at my with intent” – So do I.
    “By the pale cones of mercy” – Pure gold.

    You are spoiling us rotten are you! – I don’t mind.

  4. Wow, what a story! The banter between Ernie and Jilly is so much fun. What an intense, erotic, intimate , sweet story. It was a wonderful read and the graphics were unbelievable. Jilly’s boobs, are dare I say, more epic than even Steph’s interstellar bazongas?

    Oh, to be on a river, a sexy river with boobs.

  5. Wonderful way to start the new year, with a new story from Sindy! I’ve read through it four times and find some new nuances each time! Love the storyline, especially the sidetrips to Meg whenever she’s mentioned! Is this a one off or a continuing story? Hope it continues! (I miss the thought sidebars though. Gives insight to the character’s feelings.)

    1. Cheers, yeah I included Meg because I hadn’t had enough red-haired people in my comics so far! Kinfolk is a continuing story, which sets up a decent section of the STFW Lore I’ve been developing, but how and when the next comic gets done, I’m not sure.

  6. Well you’ve done it again.

    Simply delightful story with wonderfully rendered seascapes and landscapes to boot. And the phrase “.. are doing what normal folk do..” made the song “What Do Simple Folk Do?” from “Camelot” pop into my head and now I’m tormented by it constantly — will have to give it a listen. The lone boat in the fog harkens me back to “Time Bandits” and I think the lady’s (Katharine Helmond) boobs in it were almost as big as Jilly’s, so perhaps art does imitate art.

    Thanks for such a lovely work.

    1. Ah yeah, the ol’ boat in the fog tactic, I knew it was familiar when I created that scene, probably from that! I tried to watch Time Bandits recently, and it’s a bit … I don’t know … slow or something. Maybe indulgent. I just didn’t get into it perhaps, possibly the randomness doesn’t help.

  7. As usual great story, solid plot-line and wonderfully artistic illustrations. Well done! (Jack & Charlie are still my favorites, though. Love their stories!!!!)

  8. Sindy you have done it again! What a beautifully illustrated and crafted love story. I actually have watery eyes as I attempt to describe how you and your artistry make me feel as I dashed from frame to frame.

    I was reminded of my own “first” experiences from my first 81-years, so far. Thank-you my love.

  9. Wow, this was amazing!
    Super sexy, super sweet and just a tad sad, the perfect combination.
    Thank you for sharing your talent, it really makes my day (week, month, year) whenever you release a new comic or episode.

  10. Loved the seascapes. You have an eye for the light. She’s going to suffer back pains soon enough with boobs that big though they would be fun to play with.

  11. Wow! Some of your best graphics ever! However did Ern manage to keep those nipples out of his mouth I’ll never know. I know I couldn’t have resisted having Jilly ride me while I sucked the bejazus out of those tits! Well, maybe next episode!!??

  12. Hey Sindy, maybe we, your adoring fans, could persuade your site benefactor (bless her/him forever) to create a site for Tira Yugen as well! This would do so much for furthering the causes of caring, love and harmony (plus boobies, bums and willies) throughout the world as your works have done! I know Tira would appreciate it as well! Hopefully he/ she will read this and consider the idea! How say you?

  13. it’s really encouraging to see you still creating things like this! Just know we appreciate you and are grateful we get to see the fruits of your imagination πŸ™‚

  14. Shiver me timbers! You have truly excelled yourself, what an absolute corker. I plan to nominate you for an OBE (order of the boob empire), it’s the very least you deserve for creating the most intimate, sexy, beautiful and tender work of fiction ever to be unveiled on the interweb. Talk about the genius of love, the perfection of boobs and the moistness and excitement of first contact, you have truly nailed it. Both for me and my lovely wife I should say, so here’s sending you belated wishes of joy and sexy fun a few days after valentines xxx

    1. Thank you, and what an honour to receive my very own Order of the Boob Empire. I hope one day to visit this Empire and set up shop.

    1. It was released as png for a few weeks initially (I don’t have the cloud space to offer it forever), it’s probably out there on an e-hentai torrent or something.

  15. Well, it looks like I found my Sophie! My daughter April’s BFF when she was a teen (she’s 43 now), Ashley! Ash recently sent April a pic of her and her family, and except for a slightly different eye geometry, she could pass for Sophie, including her sexy little overbite!

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