Maybe … probably … next week!

By the pale cones of mercy … new comic out next week! Probably! Don’t quote me on it, stuff happens, but all being well it’ll be out soon 🙂

It’s a heady mix of post-renaissance whimsy and pre-industrialisation … errr … nudity. I’ve done about 150 pages so far and there’s just a little tidying up to go, so … nearly there! Oh and all the speech bubbles. Hmm. Well, that shouldn’t take too long.

I’ve also made it a homage to all things Shakespeare (whose vocabulary affected this fair isle for a decent whack o’time, as I’m sure you know), with more than a reasonable dose of references mixed amongst my own madness. Ooh, Marlowe, gotta get some o that beaut in there too, brb …

9 thoughts on “Maybe … probably … next week!

  1. Waiting with bated breath. And I just realized that I know your work too well when I can instantly identify the works your site’s banner panels are taken from.

  2. Oh, yes! Shakespeare! The picture reminds me of his famous quote:
    “Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achive greatness and other have great boobs upon them.”
    BTW: are the boobs in your comics getting bigger by each story?
    Anyway. When it’s about boobs, we are not here to judge!
    As Churchill said: “One shall not be judged by the boobs.” (…just timeless…)

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