New Yeeears, new feeears

Howdy all! Well, one of the all-time great Christmasses, that was for me. And you know when you’ve weathered a few storms you can really appreciate when things work out. I mean sure, I cocked-up the Christmas pudding and sure our New Year plans got bollocksed all to heck and we had to come up with a swift plan B, but when you’re used to real issues, First World problems are rather enjoyable to play with, eh? I hope you’ve all had a decent time off and some good times to be human as well.

Soooo, above is an image from the upcoming comic. Mm. Boobies. Ahh, how I’ve enjoyed learning about lighting from my many hours playing with 3D software. Good times, good times *wipes tear from eye*. I’ll try not to give away too many spoilers, but suffice it to say the new comic will include a sort of Sindy-invented middle English dialect which I’m sure will annoy some, and be too historically inaccurate for others, but I’ve just written it to sort of feel ‘right’ to me. So there we are. Don’t hold your breath though, I’ve done 70 pages … wait lemme check … NO! 69 PAGES EXACTLY! Haha, perfect.

Ahem … so I’ve done 69 pages but I guess we’ve still got halfway to go before we’re done … oh, unless I release it in chunks? Hmm, one to ponder. Anyway, I’m enjoying working on this comic because it’s an 1800s era sea-voyage pre-STFW (it does tie in, but it needs another comic to reveal the real STFW link) sort of innocent niceness that’s working for my brain right now, so let it dither along, I say. And when the ol’ noggin is calm enough perhaps I’ll plough into Lithium, but until then I’m enjoying these little side-quest comics.

Anyway, the title of this blog … yes, new fears. It turns out if you choose a path of learning, a path of journeying towards what Love might be, then you choose a path that’s sliiightly inconvenient. It turns out you have to choose to face your fears now and then, and ask yourself why certain things are the way they are. So I’ve been doing a little of that these last few weeks, and I’ve found journaling pretty helpful, and unexpectedly revealing. Don’t know why it’s unexpected, I seem to have to learnt the same lessons over and over again, and still need reminding of them. Anyway, that was a little bit of vulnerability for this blog post, always good to put a little in, I feel.


Pip-pip everyone! Happy New Year!

25 thoughts on “New Yeeears, new feeears

  1. Glad to hear you had a good and therapeutic break, I did a jigsaw of the one piece in 10 minutes variety for the first few days at least, great meditation in its own way. Thankfully assistance came in when it looked like there was an end in sight, it’s what Christmas should be all about. Exciting news about the vintage comic, especially if it features images like the spectacularly lit example at the top, hmmm… underboob. Glad to hear that you are continuing to explore your vulnerability, you are a lot better at it than most and that’s what makes you and your work so appealing. Keep yer chin up and happy noo year

    1. Thank you MJ, yes its a difficult thing to actively march into one’s ‘weakest’ spots, but I suppose I’m learning that its so freeing in such an unexpected way and I’d like to hold onto that learning/changing, really. Plus the holy underboob, sure, sure.

          1. Heheh don’t get me started down that track I’ve gotta sort out the 24th century first lol

  2. >>oh, unless I release it in chunks?

    I’d be happy with one page at a time. We Holye Unwashed are easy to please, especially here.

    1. Yeah I’ve wondered about one page at a time, it’s certainly good for visitor stats. Trouble with that method is the real fans over-read the early parts and it all gets a bit disjointed. I think part of the sexiness is the flow through a conversation / subtleness, as well as the sense of immersion in the story, which would be lost with the one-page thing. Best mode for a full on brain-dumping, heart-fucking story is all in one go, right in the sweet spot of 100-200 pages long, I reckon. Still, that means I might do a two-parter rather than one giant 400 page epic that I was pondering.

  3. Yeehaww, a new story! Can’t wait to read it! Happy to hear your holidays went well. Ours too! Hope your activities kept the creativity generator fueled up! (Sounds like it did though with a new storyline coming!) Excellent news for us all! BTW, have you heard anything from Tira about TRMFB? I think Anna’s getting a little antsy waiting there for Kal to finish his bath! Chun will be calling her soon for a progress report! (wink, wink!)

      1. Yeah, I think it’s been over a year! (released Nov. ’22 – Jan. ’24) I’d hate to see Anna’s delightfully rounded bottom being flattened by that chair, not to mention Kal shriveling away in that tub! Also, Chun has probably worn Frances and Fanny to nubs!

  4. Delightful post. You seem refreshed and exuberant and it’s infectious. Release to your adoring fans in whatever way suits your fancy. Always grateful for your gems in any way.

  5. Why YOU finish the FIRST BIG Comic you STARTED!! Yoiu’ve been a Major League SLACKER for too damn long! So you can understand – Kom uit je reet en maak The Rather Magnificent Family Bubble af

  6. correction:
    Why DON’T YOU finish the FIRST BIG Comic you STARTED!! You’ve been a Major League SLACKER for too damn long! So you can understand – Kom uit je reet en maak The Rather Magnificent Family Bubble af

  7. +1 for releasing the entire finished comic instead of in releasing it in pieces or page by page. The stories you spin are full of wonderful nuance. As you said, the flow of reading the entire story at once is what makes them so enjoyable (for me). If the stats for the website suffer, I will visit every day if that helps! Keep up the good work and thanks!

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