Language, Kenneth!

When I started making comics, I thought I’d upload them to a couple of comics websites, see if anyone would read them, I was hoping maybe like a hundred people might like my work (hey we all need validation at some point). Then after a couple of years it seemed like the work was going all over the place, so I stopped paying attention, stopped bothering to check stats or anything cos I knew my work was getting shared, and that was kinda cool!

Anyway, as I draw a couple of series to a close, I thought I’d have a bit of a Google and see how far the random comics of the STFW comics universe were reaching. Well, it turns out … quite far. As I blogged about a few months back, it’s in German and a bunch of other languages. But I just took a few screenshots, and shown in the scattergun approach like this (below), it really does seem to be all over the place! Hungarian, Russian, Polish, as well as the more familiar (to me) languages like French and German. Pretty cool! I’m not sure if whole comics have been translated to Kanji yet, the example below was sent to me by a commenter on this blog, but considering how good image-to-text and translation AIs are these days, there’s not much holding back the tide of GLOBAL DOMINATION MWA-HA-HAAAAA!!! Soon you will all kneel before the MIGHT of SINDY and I shall CRUSH MY FOES ahem, ahem I mean … I mean I will be a gentle and kind leader, I promise.





… crazy, right? Thousands of comic pages, tens of thousands of translated words, millions of people … think of the sperm! THINK OF THE SPERM!?!?!! Oh, won’t somebody please … think … of the sperm …


18 thoughts on “Language, Kenneth!

  1. Thanks! It’s good that not only the readers like what I do, but also the author. Although I don’t find it so funny when the phonetic words have to be translated… khm… khm… ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

  2. Well…you could have been more suckcessful in Germany if there was more swearing, but okay. And for France…I guess it’s kinky enough.
    Just couple of questions: Is there braille version yet? I want to go all touchy! And how do you cover the outback of Australia? Do the comics go well with a bugurum?
    And about world domination…so…what’s the plan? Peace by orgasm?
    You realy have to think this threw! Also: world domination it’s a stressfull job. I wouldn’t do it…I’m lazy!

    Oh…and congrats on the success!!! Profs you are amazing storyteller!

  3. A few hundred? A few hundred thousands, right?
    Of course they are translated to make them available to all mankind.
    One explanation is because they are worth reading. Even if you skip the erotic parts (not porn, that’s something else) and just read the thoughts about existence and inter-human relationships, you can still get something to think about. Of course, you shouldn’t take advises from a comic (your own words as I recall it), but finding such wise words in such a confined space, really boiled down to the mere essence of the topic, ain’t that easy.
    I’d say more people than you think will (after they stopped the bleeding from excessive masturbation) read the words and begin looking for more sources of wise words and ways to change the way things are; starting by themselves.

    1. Actually, I believe the words were,”…don’t take contraceptive advice from this comic…”! The rest of the advice is solid and relevant, especially during today’s insanity!

      1. Hehe, you’re both right. Fred – your reference is in Kinfolk, thomi02’s referring to my ‘don’t get advice’ comment near the end of Lithium 8. thomi – on your last point, I hope so, but then wise words don’t come easily, it’s only by really breaking we get to know them so in a way it’s a bit pointless. Perhaps it’ll mean people have hope that, when they break, there is life after that and they don’t need to ‘opt out’ if you know what I mean ๐Ÿ™‚

        1. Well, personally, I found the toxic/ positive comparisons quite enlightening! I recognised most of my traits as positive, but found a couple of toxic traits as well, which, after a tiny bit of internal conflict, have managed to pretty well quash! I just needed to have them pointed out, which your lists did pretty well! Thank you! Now though, I’m beginning to see the signs in most of my acquaintances, (though I don’t point them out).

  4. How does one translate “Lawks”? (I may be wrong but I’m sure you’ve used it. If not, it needs to feature).

    1. Heh yeah that’s a great word I’ll have to get it in somewhere! I only know it from Bottom – or is it Blackadder or The Young Ones? Ah yes it’s the latter – yeah I don’t know how common it really was but it’s a great word it’ll need to go in somewhere ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. As someone who joined the fray at STFW ep3 I can’t say I’m surprised. The content is worth spreading and the message needs spreading.

    What are we going to do today Brain?

    1. TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD! Awhhh, loved that cartoon. Clearly created by some sexually frustrated cartoonist but heck all the best ones were (Ren & Stimpy …)

      You joined in stfw #3?! That really is going back some, hehehh. Content’s changed a bit, but I guess that’s a good sign, we all change, the rough stuff helps us grow up a bit and become freer, it’s all good. Thank you for your loyalty though ShakeSplash, that really is impressive!

  6. O kind and gentle leader, I would be happy to apply for a position as Sentinel to help protect thee from the scalawags who would wish thee harm! Though my name’s not Mike, I pretty much have his attitude towards life in general!

    1. scalawags! Good word. If you are Mike-like in general, then you’re ahead of me old bean, keep it up ๐Ÿ‘

  7. Just out of curiosity, have you any idea how many people worldwide have enjoyed your works? (I’m sorry, I still can’t bring myself to call them comics. I think of them as graphic novels. The artwork is just too gorgeous!)

    1. Yeah it’s hard to tell, but I stopped counting when the number of readers got into the tens of millions (based on lots of different sources, pages ‘viewed’ as well as a flick through forum counts, combined with my own source download stats; and tho Google tends to throttle downloads from my Drive when I release a comic due to the sheer traffic, the vast mnajority of people get the comics from weird random forums and comix sites). So … yeah. It’s a lot, which is great.

      I think some of the more random of my comics only get a few tens of thousands, but stuff like Lithium is pretty popular. There was a note I put in the end of Lithium 12 that said ‘this message will resonate with many thousands of people’ (aboutb the doll thing; being used) – that ‘many thousands’ is an understatement based on the experience of it being read by quite a few millions and therefore the specific topic of being used/abused will be a fraction of that; ie tens of thousands at least.

      This blog gets about ten thousand visitors per quarter, so it’s not huge numbers but it’s pretty healthy. Amazing really, when you think about it.

  8. Thatโ€™s fabulous Sindy, letโ€™s hope the translations stick to the core message and donโ€™t get too distracted by the boobies and the jizz! Peace, love and chocolate eggs xxx

  9. Makes me wonder how many people Sindy is indirectly putting to work translating her work. She’s a one-gal worldwide employment agency. And who knows, they may be translated into Klingon, too.

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