
Okay this is a mini rant about Poser, apologies if you’re on the production team for this software and have inherited this vast decades-long nest of bug fixes and patching. I’ve been using it for years, and sure it always gets better in terms of functionality, and the original ergonomics concept alone makes it 10x better to use than Daz or 3DSMax or Blender or whatever, but the latest update is making my production of booby 3D comics just painfully slow, almost to the extent that it’s taking double the amount of time to create content now, compared to a year or two ago. It’s just … it’s hard work …

Maybe it’s just the 3D files I’m working with or the setup or whatever (there are a million variables so it could be all sorts of things, in this case I’m convinced it’s the hair vertices), but every time I pose this certain character, I get the beachball of doom for a few seconds and then the cursor disappears for a second. So … three seconds delay, doesn’t sound like a big deal; but if you’re making a minor adjustment every three seconds for ten minutes per render; if you add that three second delay to each adjustment then you’re [1] doubling your production time (not good), and [2] making it a slightly annoying, vibe-stealing process because you’re always waiting for it to catch up. So instead of going “Hot dang this is one sexy moment golly how can I add more humanity to this sexy damn freaking sparky scene of joy?!”, my brain is now going “Hot dang COME ON you freaking BEACHBALL oh NOW you’re ready for me to continue eh?! ABOUT BLOODY TIME YOU EFFING EFF!”. Which is not conducive to making sexy comics, let me tell you.

… anyway rant over. Would you like a comic update? WOULDN’T WE ALL, eh?!?! Come on Poser software developers, you need to spend at least as long on the Mac version as you do on the Windows version, let me tell you as someone who’s used both, you’ve clearly just made the Windows version and then run it through the Acme Windows-to-Mac Magical Software Converter Tool™️, and haven’t done much in the way of testing it. </rant>

Sorry, that was unfair, I know a few people who actually worked for Smith Micro back in the day have actually read my comics and emailed me over the years, so it’s likely someone relevant will actually see this, in which case I GET IT, it’s fine, it’s fine, you inherited lots of different companies’ and developers’ efforts to add functionality and all the raytracing-to-IBL-to-AI GPU generational evolution, and it’s not straightforward, and there just isn’t the budget for beta testing teams, I know I know I know.

Anyway, how’ve we all been, eh? Anyone recommend some other 3D comics we can all read while we wait for my Mac to stop crying?

11 thoughts on “Slowwwwww

  1. Could it be a thermal issue? That could make things get worse over time.

    And have you thought about doing an (adult) visual novel? Take a look at Standed in Space on steam or It reminds me a lot of your comics.

    1. Thermal issue – nah it’s software not hardware. I give much harder tasks to this mac, and it sails through everything. Older versions of Poser were also fine with the same exact files, same process, it’s a preview refresh issue they’ve managed to introduce with recent builds of the app 😬

  2. Do we need to setup a go fund me page… so we can getya a billion gig “ram” without a “floppy disk”!!!
    I recently had to upgrade my 10 yr old MacBook… I couldn’t make my simple YouTube videos on it anymore.
    Thank you for the update … just hope your program doesn’t need much more “viagra” pull to get it up and running!

    1. I mean my Mac’s fine, it’s pretty new and kicks ass at everything else, even with the same files on older versions of poser – it’s just a hair vertex preview logic issue bug that’s managed to crop up with the latest version, is all. (and yeah I’ve dumbed the vertices down so it’s 5 vertices per strand and like 5 hairs per patch; it’s not that, polygon count is super low and it still chokes). Aaaanyway, hopefully the next patch will sort it.

  3. Weeell, maybe the brains who developed the update will find a cure, and update the update! I have found that whenever my Android phone auto-updates, it takes a couple of days to a week for them to iron out the inevitable glitches in the processing. BTW, have you heard from Tira lately? I’m wondering how RMFB ch.6 is coming along.

  4. I’m convinced that software just gets harder to use with every new release, upgrade, patch — whatever. Been at this for several decades by now and will never be able to fathom the approaches that coders take. Seldom are their defaults the ones I would have selected. As for the ACME converter; you know, Wile E. never had much luck with anything they ever produced.

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