
I’ve had a chance to use my reasonably mighty cerebellum (we all have one) on the Great Poser Problemℒ️ and have realised I can just work around the software issue by hiding people’s hair, creating scenes frame-by-frame, and then un-hiding all the hair and ploughing through the rendering timeline that way.

So … it’s not fixed, and it’s still not as quick a process as it used to be, but we are in a place where it’s not gonna take years per comic any more. Only thing that’s going to take years is getting through all my comiccy ideas which have been shelved in various forms, cos there’s just tons of stories waiting to see the light of day …

Anyway I’d like some closure on some other comics first, so let’s start with some magnificent projects and see that all tucked away first, shall we? Splendid, splendid. Jolly good.

Now the only delays I have to deal with are workload and real-life-stuff-going-on -related, but heck I’m sure the people who read my comics will understand that kind of delay, we all have that crap going on, eh? Right.

So that’s vaguely good news. And to celebrate, I’ve been thinking of giving away some full Poser scenes!

Does anyone actually use Poser? And would like a free scene with all the dependencies included and the whole thing already setup? Not sure the legality, but heck I use V4; one of the most pirated and already-distributed figures out there, so I don’t feel too bad about it.

Anyway yeah, so if I was to give away any 3D scene (where each frame of the scene is the next frame of the comic in that scene, which tends to be how I work), what would people want? Something from OHB? Lithium? Grace?

Let me know what you want and I’ll bundle it up.

22 thoughts on “Hhurrrngggggg!!!

  1. Everything is fine….but relax.
    I have used poser, but I guess it’s something you need to keep on working with to keep up.
    I remember growing up and going on vacation and having to leave my magazines at home. I started drawing my own porn… Those were the days…

    1. Yeah I did a similar thing, always found porn a bit grim and mean, compared to real life. SO I started drawing my own, hehe

  2. I’d say that’s rather magnificent! I like the image of the lady having a jolly good time. I am glad you are finding work arounds for the various challenges life and the tools we use to navigate and enjoy in it.

    Align with and enjoy the process! Carry on, brightlight.

  3. Brilliant idea there, sometimes you just have to think outside the box and go unconventional to make things happen! Happy to see your creativity extends to problem solving as well!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

    1. BTW, any word from Tira? I’m beginning to worry a bit. I’ve been checking her blog, and nothing new since June ’23!

        1. Tira had to relocate to Renderosity, due to access problems with Tumblr! As of 05/05/2024

        1. FYI, Tira has had to move to Renderosity, due to access problems with Tumblr! As of 05/05/2024!

  4. Sounds like things are looking up. Glad to hear about making some great leaps forward with your personal demons (per your last post). Keep up the great work, your comics have helped me resolve some of my own, mostly the ones that I can’t tell my VA mandated therapist about or they’d probably want to commit me). Can’t wait to see what the future holds for us all. Thanks for what you do!

    1. Thanks Losfer Werds, yeah being 100% open with the therapist is about as hard as it gets, huh? I found that was what so many people talk about when they say ‘facing your demons’, and eventually saying the words I thought would get me taken down, the therapist didn’t bat an eyelid! They’ve heard it all before, it seems, and saying the stuff was a big part of me moving forward with certain things I thought were just stuck parts of me. Aaaanyway, all good dude

  5. Tira had to relocate to Renderosity, due to access problems with Tumblr! As of 05/05/24, and, she sez Ch.6 may be out by the end of the month!! Can hardly wait!😁😁😁

  6. I’m thinking more of a collaboration of artists than a single person. I have noticed many similarities in the works of Sindy, Tira, and Project Bellerophon/Nemesis, that I can’t quite put a finger on! Almost a signature style. Sort of like just glancing at a poster and recognizing the work of Rodger Dean, (famous for most of the Yes album covers), or seeing a comic and knowing it was drawn by Moebius of “Heavy Metal”, graphic novel fame! Maybe like a band who didn’t actually break up but whose members embarked on solo projects whilst still getting together occasionally to cut an album kind of feeling!

  7. Do you have all the pictures of your comic created as frames on a single poser scene? How big and sluggish that file becomes to work with when you go over page 100? I use Daz studio, but never thought about putting a whole comic into the timeline, I usually just render the page and then move on.
    But this is interesting.

    1. Yeah, I work like that with each comic frame as a different frame on the animation timeline. It doesn’t become more sluggish – think of the 3D assets themselves as what slows it down, but the animation timeline is like a tiny little excel spreadsheet of keyframes, which just records changes in joint angles etc – there’s no additional polygons or anything so it’s a really efficient way to work through scenes rather than saving new files each time. I still duplicate / change scene files sometimes, just like everyone else, but I have some scenes which have gone on for 500+ frames in them, at no additional hardware load. Recommended πŸ™‚

      1. (It’s also good because if you need an expression for a character that they used in a previous comic, you can just flick back to that keyframe and copy-paste their facial pose, which saves loads of time. Or if you need them in a particular pose you’ve already created, you just grab the keyframes and paste them into place. Or lighting … camera angle … anything.)

  8. It looks neat. Wonder if DAZ handles the timeline like Poser. Never did animations, but every single time I tried to use the timeline everything just exploded, I had the characters running around the scene while breakdancing.
    Gonna try.

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