Invited, uninvited.

Weeell … I was going to start Lithium #13 with Jack having sex with Skylar, like this:

… where she’s fallen asleep in a weird position, and he wakes up and is like “OOH … HELLO!”. And I initially wrote it like that because I had that pose of hers in my head and I thought it’d work well.

BUT then when I actually put the 3D scene together, I realised … no. I don’t think so, trouble is, it just feels kinda violating inserting stuff when they’re asleep, even if they’d [very] likely be okay with it. And sure Skylar would be fine with it and sure I know lots of people would find it hot, because if someone’s unconscious then the other person’s in control and control feels good when you feel so out of it, as per meta control theme for Lithium. But especially considering the whole theme of comic 12 was specifically about violation and using people, it just wouldn’t be consistent with the whole comic to do that (nor would it be particularly helpful considering this will be read by many millions of people).

I mean, unlike some of my other comics which have skirted that permissions line a little closer, heck I think I’ve grown up a bit and I just don’t think it’s cool anymore.

Interesting, that. The things we think are hot/cool/’kinks’, do seem to be trauma-related (they were for me, anyway), and we often become the very things that traumatised us, or we are interested in the very thing – like Shibari, for example, often practiced by people who have been trapped/controlled by someone. Or violence – often people who suffered violence as a kid ~ that’s an obvious one.

But we don’t often spot our own stuff – if you’re anything like me, you just think it’s part of your own corruption, your own identity. “I’m just into this bad thing cos that’s how I am.” ~ and then discover once we actually face our demons and process the bad stuff … oh snap! My identity seems to have changed. Huh. Funny, that. I don’t understand it, really – but it’s an interesting one to explore because there seems to be a bigger message that we can live free from shame and our own self-demonising.

So … anyway, yeah I kinda need to re-do the beginning of #13 a little. But that’s fine, all the hard work’s done with the general character updates and all that tech stuff I was talking about a few weeks back, and I can still use Skylar’s upside-down pose in a later scene so no problem there – it’s a good pose after all.

(Oh snap, I’ve just noticed Charlie’s eyes are wide open – you can see them in the reflection in the first image hehehh. COME ON CHARLIE, SLEEPY TIME.)

Anyway all good, it’s still nice lighting and however we start the next comic, it’s going to be rather lovely.

Talking of Rather Lovely things, word on the street is something Magnificent is going to be out within a few days – so check back! Because I’ll be screaming! AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH come on come on come on come on *hits refresh* *hits refresh* *hits refresh* *hits refresh* *hits refresh* *hits refresh* *hits refresh* *hits refresh* *hits refresh* *hits refresh* *hits refresh* *hits refresh* *hits refresh* *hits refresh* *hits refresh* *has a lovely cup of tea* *hits refresh* *hits refresh* *hits refresh* *hits refresh*


16 thoughts on “Invited, uninvited.

  1. I have an explicit agreement with my wife that it’s OK to wake me up with sex (of note because we’re also otherwise very strict in protecting each other’s sleep unless there’s an emergency otherwise). In a case like this I would expect they have some kind of mutual agreement that explicitly allows some extent of sexual play in these circumstances. Of course, if this is supposed to be the opening scene, you may want/need to find a way to mention it (flashback, or Skylar waking up and commenting on it, maybe to tune of ยซI know we agreed that it was OK, butยป, or something, I dunno, you’re much better than me at having ideas 8-D).

    1. That’s not a bad idea, using the flashback thing. It’s fine in this case though, I’ve worked it out, how we’re going to use that pose ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Something Magnificent, eh? I hope it makes it by the 31st! It’d make a delightful b-day present for me! (#69)๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿฅณ

  3. Something “Magnificent”, eh? I hope it’s before the 31st! It’d make a delightful b-day gift for me (#69๐Ÿ˜‰)๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

  4. Whom in this world could withstand the temptation to give her a little kiss … or two? I mean, that wouldn’t be like inserting stuff into somebody sleeping, would it? You could always claim you didn’t notice her being upside down and you just wanted to kiss her good morning, right?

  5. I love your posts!

    Yeah. Control and permission. Big things when you’ve had a transformative chat with your inner demons and trauma experiences. It changes you in a foundational way because they were the pillars you built the concept of ‘you’ around. The whole trauma bonding thing and the roles we played based on them loses its pizzazz and the once automatic reactions of our shadow gets more scrutiny each time it surfaces from the subconscious. The recurring patterns of trigger reaction are the bread crumbs that lead us to the dark bits, so we can grab our wounded self by the arms and giving it a long, warm, transformative hug of acceptance and forgiveness.

    I look forward to the magnificent manifestation of loving lust, further Lithium adventures and the enjoyable exploration of Skylars delightfully inviting pose.

    Shine on and through!

    1. Ah Jerry, yes I like it put like that; the triggers are the breadcrumb trail that lead us back to the dark bits – it can be so hard to figure out otherwise, where our works lie. Thank you ๐Ÿ‘

  6. Sindy, you have me hanging and out of breath just from your description and rationale for why you should or shouldn’t do what you already have done with Jack and Skylar. It is hilarious. it is sad. It is so graciously human. It is you. And I am still hanging out of breath for the eventual outcome – Thanks!

  7. My GF is very in to “con-noncon”, and while I agree that it can be very hot, it still occasionally feels like a violation of someone’s person to me. Even though she’s expressed to me on multiple occasions that it’s “absolutely fine to wake me up like that”, we’ve since developed code words that let’s the other know it’s okay.
    We work a lot of conventions; comic, anime, scifi and also an erotic arts festival on our roster, which has an ‘un’surprising overlap with our usual cons (though I suppose at that one Dungeon Master means two things).
    “Cosplay is not consent” isn’t just a phrase to us, it’s very important. Since we’re a little older than the average cosplayer we usually end up looking out for the younger crowd. She is especially good at keeping creeps away.
    And yes I totally go to the erotic arts festival in Mandalorian armour.

    1. Hehe, love the punchline to all this, the Venn diagram that involves the Mandalorian outfit, haha!

  8. I’ll echo that while I agree the idea is hot, my first reaction to reading it here was surprise that you’d be producing it. Jack considering it and Skylar telling him off for not doing it later might be fun.

    1. Yeah it’s cool I’ve figured out how to weave it in there without the iffy consent issue.

  9. do you have a time frame on 13 i wasn’t crazy i wouldn’t mind having more sex between charlie and jack and Skylar having to leave to join the council or something

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