I realised this week that I have made two major, major cock-ups with Kinfolk! The first cock-up is that I based it in 1795, which was a result of me working backwards from an intended next generation of characters (unpublished concept story), and getting the damn maths wrong! Should’ve been more like 1815! Bum!
Not 1815! Damn I’ve done it again … let me think … 1830. That’s it. Bugger, too late now.
Ah well, I’ll have to alter the script a little to account for that if I ever do make the next generation thing; shouldn’t be too difficult, we are after all dealing with FICTION. I just … you know … I like the lore to work (and in this case tie-in with real-world events). Care about canon, I say.
Second mistake, was how they had sex in Kinfolk. A cock-up in both senses, this time. I was sort of holding off with the first penetration because in reality there’d likely be a little blood, and I didn’t want to show that really, so we went all-guns blazing in the second pose instead, which made it more realistic but you couldn’t see anything! And that first pose was much better looking in terms of lighting and layout. Anyway I realised that when I read it through a few days back and thought COCK! I should’ve kept going with the first pose where she’s on top of him, because that was great, we should’ve had him get substantially deeper (oooh, say it again for me … substantially … deeper … mmmhh … ). And so I thought I’ll just … render a bit more penetration in that pose right now.
So here we are, you don’t have to wait for comic 2, here’s what would’ve happened if they’d gone deeper the first time:
(You’ll have to imagine your own motion blur and witty quips and all the ‘ooh’s and ‘aaahhh’s and ‘hrrrngggg’s and squelchy, squirty noises).
My dear Sindy, we, your devoted readers, are not worrying about temporal displacement, only that your stories contain the bits of you that makes them so believable! We can feel the characters’ feelings as if they were our own, which is the main reason your stories are so popular (along with the boobies, bums and willies ๐)! As I wrote before, we feel the YOU that goes into the characters, which makes them so real to us! I now have a tie for favorite author/artist, you and Tira! (It was just you until TRMFB #6 came out, sorry!)
Hehe ๐
Hands down I agree with Mr Brown. Not to worry my dear.
Sidenote: When the *bleep* are we going to see another Lithium or Skybloom comic.
Sorry no pressure. Got out of control there for a moment.
Seriously take your time and it will be ready when it is ready.
Thank you for your very active, ahm and imaginative mind. you make us want more.
Ah yeah I wanna do another Skybloom too! Hehe, next one goes hard pretty quick tbh. And yep, Lithium update imminent ๐
I sure didโฆ open this blog while at workโฆ uh oh ๐ณโฆ. Got myself into a little trouble on the high seas. Ahoy mateyโฆ we need to get to safer waters! ๐ฎโ๐จ๐ฎโ๐จ๐ฎโ๐จ
Well played sindyโฆ well played ๐คค
Lol, well you’re not the 1st person to open an adult blog at work, I’ve been semi-caught myself a few times too, ahem. In fact a few years back I wanted to blog more and so changed the theme on my own blog so it looked like an Excel Spreadsheet haha! Worked well apart from all the … you know … pictures of boobs and bums and willies.
TWO Criticisms –
1) WHY is it in every Illustration you do, the “Undies” look like little girls and boys wearing their GRANDMA’s and Grandpa’s Size 14 underwear??? It looks Absurd, Disney Cartoon like!
2) Female character’s breasts ……. Please learn how to draw a REALISTIC Areola and Nipple, that don’t look like a Volcano and the crater at its center. An ERECT Nipple and a subtle Areola is far more normal and sexy. The absurd OVERSIZING or the Breast (and often asses too) compared to the impossibly undernourished looking skinny bodies on the women or girls (Kinfolk a particular example, but also in ‘Family Bubble’, ‘Lithium’, ‘One Human Being, etc (yeah we actually DO see it’s all your work)), also looks absurdly Disney Cartoonish.
I know that’s harsh, but truthful ….. however, your stories are very clever and very enjoyable.
Webster! Welcome back. TWO replies, (1) seemed cute, might delete later, (2) boobies. KEEP the criticism COMING if ya feel better for it ๐โ๏ธ
considering the time frame there would be more hair if you know what i mean unless these people upper class society they usually don’t shave
Yeah I know, it’s just a bit of a nightmare doing hair in 3D scenes so I try and avoid it. Plus lots of other reasons why I’m not keeping too historically/bodily accurate!
is there going to be a second one to this comic i hope so
Yeah pretty sure there will. Gonna focus on Lithium and Skybloom first tho.
Fabulous! Bring ’em in any order you see fit. I spend a lot of my free time re-reading your stories (and Tira’s of course) and feel a little more of where the characters are coming from each time! It’s my “happy place”! BTW, Bob’s therapist in OHB wouldn’t happen to be named Patrick, would he? Asking for a friend!๐
Just discovered your site and this was the first comic on your site that I read. Amazing!!! You know how to tell a story. Looking forward to reading more.