Rather Magnificent comic #6 is OUT!

**Runs in, panting**

**Slams comic on the desk**


As per Tira’s announcement, the Rather Magnificent Family bubble comic #6 is out! Woop woop! Well my goodness, they actually … okay no spoilers, but heck just check out the comic. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD CHECK OUT THE COMIC AAAAHHHHHH

Tira’s download folder: https://mega.nz/folder/DPpEhRzI#gulDX6Hjo7dh7c7cRUVA1g

Tira’s feedback thing: https://tirayugen.blogspot.com/p/feedback.html


I don’t know who writes these things but DANG they’re hot.

Okay I do know who writes these things; me Tira Yugen. Maybe it’s really Liz Truss? Or some other high-ranking Member of the UK Parliament? Probably Conservative Sir William Cash – that’s my best guess.

When all this is over and AI does the number crunching and publicly announces who all the anonymous authors have been over the years, and it turns out all the STFW authors were members of the active UK Parliament, there’s going to be one heck of a field day in the press. Ah well, lol.

I don’t mind admitting I get bored with all the flippin COBRA meetings and Chairing Standing Committees, and making comics has been a fun distraction for me, and as a Member of Parliament, I think it’s important to unwind now and then. And boobies.




… oh yeah stop reading this and start reading the comic, it’s crazy.

40 thoughts on “Rather Magnificent comic #6 is OUT!

  1. Absolutely incredible! Well worth the wait!

    A little taste of everything….love, healing, support, Dad, Chun (hilariously sexy), and lots of the most delightfully intimate, wonderfully exotic, squirtified, joyful love play.

    I had no idea parliament was so creative at things other that enriching themselves by taking from everyone else (like the US congress and politicians everywhere). I dont think they have enough combined brain cells to create the joyful explorative romp of STFW. But i kinda knew who the true author-artist that goes by many names was.

    Thank you! I will experience it several times (like i do with all your work).

    Keep shining, brightlight! May your creations neuralize the shame and fear and unkindness right outta the human experience!

    1. Yeah it’s amazing how much talent is in Parliament, really. It’s all that free time, good quality diets and plenty of sleep we all have, I swear.

  2. Aww yiss!

    (Does anybody know the (sub)title for this chapter? The older ones had their title on the Comics page on Tira’s blogspot, but this one isn’t there (yet).)

    1. The old blog has died – Tira posted on Tumblr saying they couldn’t post to that blogger anymore (someone should comment on the past post really cos it looks haunted, that place now). So that old comics page won’t get updated ever I wouldn’t have thought. What should it be called, do you think? Like ‘Together’, or ‘Official’ or something. Not Official, that’s crap, but you know … something more sexy. Whole? Joined? Humpyfriends?!

  3. It’s magnificent … has it all. Love and peace (and boobies) … reminds me of being in love for that first time.

    1. LET’S GO! Yes that phrase does appear quite a few times, somebody’s been playing Minecraft perhaps hehe

  4. Totally Chunned, an hour and five minutes of tingling horny breathless heaving deliciousness. There’s immersive and then there’s 06. The Rather Magnificent Family Bubble. Hohhhh WOW! Incredible!

  5. I am really interested to see how they’ll manage the conversation with Dad when updating for Deliciously Awkward Family Bubble.

    The one with Mom/Big Sister in Chapter 4 is easily manageable, but this one. Ooooo.

    1. HAHAHAHA! DAVE! OMG, yes you’re quite right, I hadn’t thought of that! Oh dear, well I guess we’ll find out hehe 🙂

      {I imagine Tira will do a little facepalm at that one … ahem … }

  6. Wow!!
    The Rather Magnificent Family Bubble – 06 – was great, simply amazing!!

    Could you please convey a message to Tira Yugen for me? (That is, if you should happen to have any way of reaching her?)

    “Tira, you are truly talented. Almost on the genius-level in terms of artistry as Sindy. I will go as far as arguing that you and Sindy has set the golden standard for others to be judged.
    I would like to thank you for creating The Rather Magnificent Family Bubble. And from the bottom of my heart I hope that, when you have time and feel inspired, you will also continue to work on the Deliciously Awkward Family Bubble comic. Thank you in advance.”

  7. I’m glad that the new chapter is out, sad is that I get a huge crossed out eyeball and says I can’t see it from the mega site. I’ve tried 3 different devices and all. Oh well… just gotta wait till someone shares it kn another site.

    1. I had to download to my phone’s photo gallery, then transfer the files to my chromebook! Hopefully, it will make its way to allporncomic.com, where I have found all the rest of Tira’s, Sindy’s and Bellerophon/Nemesis’ works!

  8. I actually prayed that TRMFB #6 would be out by my 69th birthday (May 31), so I could celebrate with a new chapter, and praise be to him/her, did they ever deliver!! I have been an avid reader of Sci-Fi and Sci-Fantasy since my teens, but literally nothing I have ever read before has knocked my socks off like this chapter has! I was absolutely enthralled through the entire 145 pages, and have been through it at least three times a day since the 18th, when it was released! I cannot thank Tira enough for such a “Magnificent” birthday gift! Now, I just need some more Sindy releases and I will be set for life!😁

      1. Thank you good sir/ madam! I’m still in pretty good health, so I hope to have at least a few more good years in me! (To enjoy more of Sindy and Tira’s works)!

  9. I’m thinkin’ “Lithium”, “Skybloom”, and “Kinfolk”, plus the twin story, Sindy!

      1. No rush, as I said before, I am still in pretty good health, but who knows when the Emperor of Ethealdor may have a mission for me, hmmm?

  10. For Sindy:
    Just finished reading #06. More than worth the wait to see Anna & Kal find themselves and each other. And to see that staircase in all its magically structural wonder, too. Thank you for another lovely story and artwork.

    For Tira:
    Net #06 gelezen. Het wachten meer dan waard om te zien hoe Anna en Kal zichzelf en elkaar terugvinden. En om die magisch structurele trap ook in al zijn verwondering te zien. Bedankt voor weer een mooi verhaal en artwork.

  11. Gorgeous, as ever. Thank you so much.

    Also just realised (as I listened to music this morning) that I never thanked you for bringing Klaus Schulze into my life. Thank you again.

    A day of gratitude!

    1. I … did I? When was that? Sorry, my mind is like a sieve sometimes. Is it referenced in a comic or something?

      1. Yes, it was one of your suggested pieces. I think. But my brain is old and fried. Cannon in D Minor, if I recall. Can’t remember which story and I can’t look as I’ve decided on a no touch month and looking through your stories to find it would be too much temptation two days in. I may have dreamt it, of course. Still, even if I dreamt of you saying to try it, you were involved, so thank you.

        1. Oh that Cannon in D Minor – oh yeah! Yes that was Lithium 10’s action music, hehh. Happy to take credit even if we both dreamt it 🙂

  12. I presume you will be running for office again soon then, you’ve got my vote. Many, many thanks for this. I have been away too long but am very glad I returned at such an exciting moment. Give my love to Tira, she’s a ginuwine marvel xx

    1. I shall be sure to pass the message along 🙂 And no I won’t be running for office; anyone who fancies a crack at any particular throne should definitely be kept off it, in my opinion haha! I’ll wait until a group of friendly hobbits alter the politics of the lands and I find myself unintentionally singing songs with them in a wistful and dreamy manner 👍

  13. Is Anna’s mug a reference to “Flight of the Conchords – It’s Business Time”? I feel like it is…

    1. For sure 👍 – it’s the exact same font and colours and everything. Loooove Flight of the Conchords!

  14. I know that I am way behind on this one but hoo wee this one is special. Rarely if ever has anyone recreated the excitement, the thrill, the intensity of primal experience so well as your alter ego did here. I tingled all over reading it and could barely cope with the tension, thankfully you dropped a Van Halen reference to provide some respite. What can I say Tira’s latest is profoundly beautiful, intensely sensual and hot as a red poker. Many, many thanks and big love

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