Lithium is a metal.

Okay fine, I’m working on Lithium #13; we’re 15 pages in, and everybody’s naked. Pretty standard plot really; girl meets boy, boy meets alien, alien meets girl and boy and then girl and boy and alien have sex and stuff, get involved in some shenanigans and learn something. Same as all my other comics tbh.

Anyway here’s Charlie getting her horny face on; I’m so glad that when I created that ‘F%ck I’m horny’ expression for Comic #2, I saved it as a set pose because I thought I might need it again and lo! Its been in most comics since, heheh. Also interesting that ‘horny’ looks a bit like ‘disgusted’ just with a little more squint – I suppose the lips get involved and we look like we’re sneering, when really it’s pure yuminess.

Quite enjoying that reflection in the wardrobe too, this version of Poser is doing a rather sterling effort I must say. Apart from the hair thing that nearly put an end to my entire production schedule, but we won’t mention that.

How’s everyone doing then, eh? Here’s an old and irrelevant gif.

Rather entertaining American news to see Donald Trump get done for crimes and the court actually making it stick; that’s great! I’m looking forward to seeing what punishment he’ll get, though I doubt it’ll be the jail time he so desperately needs.

Strangely enough he tends to make statements like ‘The Europeans; they love me over there!’ – but just so we’re all clear; no we do not. I think I can speak for everyone in the whole of Europe [[[minus a couple of far-right extremists and some holocaust-denying groups]]] when I say that Trump represents everything grotesque and wrong about not only America, but our species in general, and though I very rarely wish ill on fellow human beings, I would probably make a special exception for a character like Trump. I’m not saying I hope bad things happen to him necessarily; he does after all live within the hell that he conjures about himself every single day, but I would prefer it if he disappeared from any sort of public role and was safe out of harm’s way somewhere. Preferably with Nigel Farage, if we could manage to get both animated corpses together in a jail somehow, where they could keep each other entertained without constantly stabbing society with injections of ignorance as if people’s lives were a trivial game to be won.

And in equally entertaining UK news, we have a General Election coming up! Hooray! This is the first chance in many long, long, painful years that we have the opportunity to get rid of the most grotesquely inhuman political party of the modern age. Will we take the opportunity, and actually bin them? Who knows. Considering the IQ of the general UK population when it comes to the consumption of news media, and our collective inability to remember grotesquely unethical policy decisions going back to 2010, I wouldn’t put it past us to vote them straight back in.

If you’re in the UK and can vote, please do so for anybody … anybody except these tossers. Not Farage though, obviously. Every time I even need to read or write his name, a fairy dies.





24 thoughts on “Lithium is a metal.

  1. As always… love the the little bit of blogging and Dammz … I miss that gif… wooo.
    As for the little bit on the political opinion… I’ll leave mine out because we all need to hear each other and understand what makes people think and believe. Definitely appreciate you sindy thank you.

    1. Thank you! What I’m good at is trying to honour humans (hence the comics), so I reserve the right to have an extremely biased opinion against those who … do not honour humans.

      You’ll find some of the most wonderful people throughout history have been biased in a similar direction 👍🍫🎄

  2. Now for the burning question. Will we see Bob and Steph reunited with the rest of the camper crew? I’m sure Eep, Jen and Suki would be over the moon moon to see them safe and sound!

    1. Now the burning response: we might see it from a distance as a cameo, but their threads have run all they’re likely to, I’m afraid.

      1. ‘S okay, as long as they know everyone made it out alive! I’d rather see happy tears over sad ones any day! Then their stories can run as they will!

  3. Trump, Xi, Putin … Maybe they just need to get laid? Any way, they are all dangerous from my perspective.

    1. great ideal so let put the 3 of them in the same room so they can keep it to themself and save the lady from being force to fake their “how great they are”.

  4. Your work is fantastic, your allowing us behind the curtain of your thoughts and process is a real treat. I look forward to everything you publish, but Lithium, Charlie and Jack hold a special place. The humour you display and the wit and warmth of the characters just makes each read a joy. Thank-you Sandy!

    P.S. The boobs are a plus too.

  5. Did you pay attention to what Trump was convicted of? He paid for an NDA (which is perfectly legal and common) out of his own pocket rather than declare the cost as a campaign contribution. Had he declared the cost as a campaign contribution they would have convicted him of misuse of campaign funds. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

    Did you also notice NY retroactively changed the Statute of Limitations from 2 years to 6 years after the 2 years had passed specifically to apply to Trump? How is this fair in any free society, for after you have done something the government to outlaw it so they can convict you?

    And then never in the history of the USA has a state prosecuted a Federal crime. Biden doesn’t understand how NY prosecuting Trump for a Federal offense (which the Federal prosecutors did not recognize as an offense) opens the door for Texas to enforce immigration law.

    Trump will win in 2024. Has raised $400M since the conviction. Americans are mad at this kangaroo court turning our country into a Banana Republic. If Trump selects Vivek Ramaswamy as VP we will have a revolution!

    1. Mm. As an independent and [thankfully] fairly distant observer, this is reminiscent of the sort of chaotic conspiracy stuff I’ve seen elsewhere. Roughly as convincing as the whipped-up froth around the “…but her emails” campaign, or the “…wheres Obamas birth certificate” thing. Irrelevance piled on irrelevance … from both sides. Nobody’s winning when it gets like this.

      Whatever ‘side’ people are on, you have to admit American politics has gone a little … Roman Empire. I see very little actual politics going on, and a vast amount of wank.

      1. Sindy, you’ve hit the nail dead square on the head! Too much wank, and not enough policy, which, TBH, is standard procedure nowadays! We, The People, need to completely clean house, (and Senate too), and elect some folks who will listen to the REAL bosses; we who elected them to represent US, not some big money special interests! (Big Pharma, Big Oil, Big Military Contractors, Big Energy, etc. ad nauseum)

  6. I beg to differ; a naked Charlie doing sit-ups can never be classifed as irrelevant. Please include at least a cameo appearance of Laryn in the next Lithium; perhaps doing lunges.

    And it’s unfortunte that the higher courts in the US (including SCOTUS) don’t seem to have the same basic understanding of guilt, innocence and justice that the jurors in the NY court do. Perhaps too much knowledge and not enought wisdom.

    1. Ah, Laryn as a cameo might happen – but it’s not going to be until Lithium #14, I’m afraid, and then only very briefly!

  7. What nobody seems to look at is Don’s Father, a German bourn immigrant, was a Nazi. Most likely a supporter of the Nazi supporters group that attempted a coup pre US entry into WWII by the ultra wealthy like Ford, Dupont, Vandebilt the who’s who at the time. Not much information on the whole thing but I did find a doco on youtube.
    Not taught in US history in school’s. I’m of the opinion that Don’s attempt is a continuation of his father’s teachings. I’m 73 and a Viet Nam vet. So only 5 years younger then Trump so I grew up in the same post-war era and even spent 2 yrs in Germany Munch. One of the first family’s to arrive after the occupation had turned into reconstruction. Just to put things into context. The irony of it was that F.D.R. was a (R) and on the who’s who list of the time. Back to the moment and Lithium. I’ve read the available episodes several time now and see where the next episode is headed. “YEA” more sex and I realy liked the little sex fiends from the last issue. A fantasy of most little people without any bone system I’m sure . Regardless of how long it takes it will be worth it.

    1. “What nobody seems to look at …” – I’m sure there’ll be a ton of journalists who’ve investigated that, and found nothing of any interest (otherwise it’d be published). That’s how conspiracy theories get formed, especially on youtube; you have to fill in the blanks where there’s zero information of any interest with ‘some great coverup’, and it quickly turns into a dark organisation that’s responsible for all the evil in the world. I have to admit it’s a tempting scenario because it feels good to think I can just blame bad things on some shady group that could one day be eradicated, and *pop* the world will suddenly be full of goodness, but unfortunately I don’t think the world works like that.

      I suspect what’s happened in this case is Don’s father’s teachings were simply good old fashioned greed and racism, and a total lack of actual parenting (you know; being present, communicating, telling the truth, demonstrating love, all that boring stuff).

      With the politicians / prime ministers in the UK that I think are awful (Boris J, Liz T, Rishi S … we’ve had quite a run of them), I have to focus on what they actually do and say, how they sway the vote and the consequences of that. For example, there’s a big hoo-haa at the moment over a betting scandal – honestly, I don’t care about that sort of minor corruption, I expect it of this lot; what I care about is how their day-to-day decision making affects the most vulnerable in my society. When the corruption gets really bad (eg the PPE scandal), I just want to see solid facts turned into prison time, that’s all! IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK AAAHHHHHH

      Hehe, anyway yeah, definitely some sexiness coming up in the next comic, not sure we’ll see the sex fiends in action again, but there’s already a tiny cameo from our dear cowboy yee-hawww

  8. Every plot needs a baddy, we get Farage they get Trump. At least we have the sense not to consider ours worthy of leadership. It is a worry that such a culturally invasive society as the good ole US of A looks likely to elect such a desperate and conniving con man. Perhaps we should cut off diplomatic relations if that happens and go back to the horse and cart…

    1. 👍 All this goes to show just how much leverage the media has; we should’ve learned with Lady Di, but we don’t seem to have, and all the absurdly right-wing press we have to put up with has delivered us a big steaming pile of … ‘Reform’. Thanks, Murdoch.

      I for one, welcome our new overlord Count Binface.

  9. Yay. More Lithium. My mostest favourite.

    I love your posts and I love your comments on the a@@hole Trump. I am ashamed that he and my country are in the same sentence. But we will go on from here and get better.

    1. Aye, well no worries. Every country has their cunt – that’s why it’s in the word. Thanks fully we can all stand back a little and observe the consequences of certain life choices and hopefully learn and progress as we go!

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