Sexy Hairbrushing: the scene that never was

HELLO! Okay get ready … for the first time in history, I’ve actually removed a scene. I know. And it had boobs in it and everything. Maybe I’m finally growing up? No, can’t be that.

Anyway I set the poses up, got the lighting ready, and then went … ‘nope’. It’s a bit like that pose I did last week except I just altered the context and used that one in the end, whereas this one isn’t going anywhere.

So here’s the only hairbrushing scene we’ll ever have:


I don’t know why I don’t like it. Maybe it’s the boring lighting. Maybe giving Skylar normal hair wasn’t what I expected. Maybe that hairbrush just took too much effort to get in there. Whatever it was, I’ve decided it’s not working and so it’s going in the bin and I’ve written it out of the upcoming comic.

… except knowing me, I’ll just chuck it in the following comic as a shortcut way of crowbarring in another sex scene or something. So ignore this whole blog post, doesn’t even make logical sense to share these ponderings here, when we all know I’ll very likely find some use for this hairbrushing setup.

How’re we all doing? Lovely weather eh!

4 thoughts on “Sexy Hairbrushing: the scene that never was

  1. S’hot enough to boil a monkey’s bum!

    It is a little weird seeing Skylar with normal looking hair. Does it look like Jack’s torso is stretched? It still looks sexy and … boobies. So I’m a fan!

  2. Nah … I think Skylar’s innocent looks is partly because of her hair. Here she looks more like a … grown up; that’s not what I meant to write, but in lack of better words. Hot like lava though … especially her facial expression.

  3. well to start no split ends. Having grown up with 5 sisters and got roped into helping with hair brushing its to rigid and no movement also no static. Aside from all that hair being brushed tends to smell different. I surmise that it has to do with the static mixed with the normal smell of hair. That is if you have any sense of smell, lost my when I was 19. All in all hair regardless of art form is hard to portray for all the reasons above. It must have to do with expectations of the of what you know.

  4. I don’t know about that! I have found, through experience, brushing a woman’s hair can be quite arousing, for both parties, depending on how they feel about each other! I have had girlfriends tell me I almost gave them orgasms just by how I brushed their hair! Made me feel pretty good about my technique! Some even had me finish them off, which I happily complied with!😁

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