Slow progress, fast progress

I tend to have these bursts of creativity, know what I mean? Sure you do. And then I spend some of them on my work and get burnout (but working means I can afford food, so … you know … I kinda have to keep doing it), and then I switch off for a bit, and then reboot.

And then I have a burst of creativity, and the whole sorry cycle continues, with me syphoning off a tiny fraction to make SEXY COMICS whenever I get the chance, which is not nearly regularly enough, in my opinion, and I think it’s an opinion shared by many thousands of other people on the planet as well.

If only there was some way of turning down the work-hogged creativity when a burst is happening? I’d rather spend it on my friends and family (and significant other, if you know what I mean waheyyyy), than spending it on my work. Like, if I could do ‘passable’ work and just keep that whole thing going, that’d be more sustainable, surely. But no, what I do is direct these vast tornados of explosive creativity towards MY WORK, like a numpty, and then have to deal with the slightly boring consequences.


There’s a great discussion of this in Andor, where he finds himself a slave to the Empire and is forced into work ‘sprints’, as per the whole Agile work culture thing. And then everyone decides to shit everything up when they realise the whole system is built on lies and they’re just being used as free labour, getting squeezed of their life essence until they die.

… classic method of the Skeksis, that, and noticeable in almost every human group on the planet, before you get carried away labelling ‘the others’ as the culprits. We all do this in some way, some worse than others, sure. And I’m guilty of doing it to myself too. Hence Skybloom.

Anyway I’d prefer it if it was the other way around, putting all my effort and wonderment into the good bits of life, and letting my work just trundle along behind.

Maybe I’ll find a way to do it one day. And then I’ll probably retire and wonder what the hell I’ve been doing all these years, fannying around working on stuff when the only people who care about what I’ve done are the sorts of people who raise huge red flags in terms of their own work-life balances. Anyway, who knows, eh? What’s life all about? I’m guessing it’s not about success.

Lithium update: boobies.

10 thoughts on “Slow progress, fast progress

  1. I can totally understand where you’re coming from referencing the work to eat cycle! I retired two years ago after a half century of driving trucks, and between Social Security and my meager retirement funds, I still have to work a part time job to make ends meet! Just know, we, your adoring fans, will be champing at the bit ’til your next amazing chapter makes it’s way to our ravenous eyes, and hearts!

  2. Hey, is that Charlie who’s found something to cram up Jack ?
    Not my cup usually but I’m excited, it’s such a lovely story.

  3. I wonder a bit whether I care because you seem like a decent human being I wish the very best in life or because you create the best dialogue of all sexy comics out there.

    Truth be told, it is a bit of both. In any way, burnouts suck (I know what I am talking about), your comics are huge, your significant other is one lucky human being and I don’t know your work, but you probably need to balance out all the requirements put on you. I shift hits the fan, you can count on us internet daisies to support any decision you make. Take care πŸ˜‰

  4. Hello Sindy,

    Maybe you have shared this info before but i am curious about you taste in sci-fi books.
    Could you please share a top 10 or something with us?

    1. OKAY! Now you’re talking my language … in fact screw it I’m gonna write a blog about it … brb …

    1. I’m 51% sure this is just spam, but I like it anyway so I’ll let it slide. If you’re not a spam bot then hello and welcome and what a lovely message! If you are a spam bot then carry on and spam us with your cheery messages, I say. But if you try and link to I’ll ban yer ass

  5. Mmm boobies… Sorry what were you saying, stop grinding yourself for the man, good idea. Or, get a job that rewards, they don’t pay so well in monetary terms but are significantly better for the soul. You have heard of Patreon I believe.

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