Summer brain

Hello! Okay just a quickie for a few weeks, as the previous post will have alluded to, I’m starting to realise there’s a big pile of blah blah going on in my head and so I’m Taking Action (advanced) before I totally meltdown, and having lots of lovely time off! Yay! Well done all of us, disappear in our helicopters to lands aloof, I say.

I realised that pressures of [1] dependents [2] finances [3] people dying [4] beloved ones in need of social/psychological support [5] voluntary stuff [6] national workloads and Extremely Important people needing me to do things [7] elderly relatives getting even more elderly and needing serious help [8] urgent home improvements bordering on safety issues, and [9] eight thousand side-missions including at least five extremely sexy 3D comic series that have been helping me procrastinate very successfully  … have all been weighing on my poor little shoulders quite a lot for a few months, and so heck let’s chill out a bit and let the ol’ noggin process some stuff, eh? Highly recommended, that.

And I need to take my own advice and do some more journalling than I have been recently, cos that always helps as well. Except when journalling accidentally turns into writing even more Extremely Sexy 3D comic series, because then I have to flippin make said comic series and that’s just more work, eh? I need to write some stuff without letting my genitals do the steering, FOR ONCE, amirite?!?!

No, perhaps it’s alright to let the mind wonder – but maybe I should publish some on AO3 as text rather than turning everything into 3d creations – so much quicker, then.

Anyway so I’m looking after the old brain after all, how about you, eh? What steps do you take to feed that dear mind of yours? What gives you energy and is a positive-cycle activity that you’ve learnt to turn to? Answers to this sort of thing are always interesting, cos it helps us inspire each other get out of our various funks! So I’m all ears. And tits. And dicks. And bottoms. And ladybits. Wowee, it’s like I’m written by some horny AI.

Lo! Here are some very random pics, because why not:


12 thoughts on “Summer brain

  1. Hey. Yep. The mental hamster wheel likes to spin, doesn’t it? Creates this rather chaotic pattern of energy that easily leads us on an inner wild goose chase to the next worrisome distractive thing.

    One of the best tools I have found personally, is to center in my heart space and focus on a breath cycle actually breathing into the heart. Inhale count of four, hold four, exhale four and hold four. This seems to take me from chaos back into coherency. Origin (for me) is but there were other guides as well.

    Unplugging from the electrified mental socket has been a useful visual. Pull the plug and recenter.

    I often say thank you to the pattern to acknowledge it and give it some attention but from the level of heart rather than mind. It seems to dissipate much of its insistent urgency. Ignore the ‘monster’ and it grows larger, face it openly and it shifts to an ally, often dramatically.

    There are tons of things we take on as ours but really are more the assumed weight of expectation from self and others. You can’t pour from an empty cup so we need to stop and refill ours from time to time. Heartbreath is one of the quickest refills I have found.

    Your creativity will always seek an outlet for that imaginative pulse is probably the closest energy to the real self unencumbered by all the human made must do’s, rules, regs, demands and psychic-emotional manipulations. It’s pro-creative not procrastination.

    I hope you find a useful fragment from my chunk of the hologram!

    Shine through and beyond!

  2. I finally am on a vacation from the crazy in my life. I’m 1200 miles from home … 4 wheeling miles per day on trails… then here at the end… I’ll drive that 1200 miles back home to hear the cranky ones for a day the drive my 600+ miles to work so I can feed the wallet.
    Everyday I’m trying to take it easy but life happens… we all do what we must but still enjoy… plus… titties and beer … who can ask for more 😉

    1. “And what will you give me for your titties and beer? I suppose you notice this little contract here?” -Frank Zappa

  3. You’ve got to get away from it all, escape, travel, take some time off. It seems that stuff to do increases with age and that the only way to get any relief is to go somewhere that the stuff can’t be done, preferably where you can do something physical. I choose mountain biking but there are many alternatives, we are physical beings that get too wrapped up in mental issues. So go mad and get out there.

    1. Yeah, I so agree. We’re physical and spiritual beings, I think – I don’t mean spiritual in a specific way, just an ‘other’ sort of allowing-space-or-mystery sort of way. Like irrespective of ur beliefs, making space to just sit and be, allow that processing space, be mindful and present and have that contemplative moment is so crucial to us – and I suppose mountain biking probably helps with that! Like it gets you out, gets the physical going but also makes that space to sort of process quietly.

  4. Having some rest is nice. I too am taking some rest, trying to solve all the mess my wife has been ignoring for years and taking all the blame for it. Fun times.
    Take care…
    I recently picked up lithium again…good times…

    1. Ah yes, long term relationships can be a little in need of some grace at times, eh. I hope you enjoy your rest and can move forward as well 👍

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