Spam spam spam

Okay I can no longer log into any Google account, because Google is mean. I don’t think Google has heard of ‘privacy’, so if someone could let them know what it means, I’d appreciate it. Trouble is, I also can’t check my general Sindy email, and so I can’t email the WONDERFUL web host of this very website, so if I have trouble logging in to this site then that’ll be it, we’ll be stuck. In Tira world, wondering what the Yugen is going on.

EDIT: THANK YOUUU!!! Ignore this paragraph, it’s done. Anyway, if my web host does happen to be reading this … hello you beautiful wonder, you. Could you do me a massive favour and install an anti-comment spam plugin please? I’m getting 300x (literally) Russian spam comments every single time I log into this site, and I have to wade through them like Volodymyr Zelenskyy shouting NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NYET NOPE NICHT before I get to the real stuff. Maybe if we just spam-binned any comments with links in – that’d drop 90% of the spam. Thank youuuu!!! EDIT: done yay!

Anyway talking of which, I logged into my Deviantart account recently and …

… blimey. People sending me Llama badges (whatever tf that means) and commenting on ancient renders and such. Tsssk, the internet, eh? How much of it is actual humans, and how much of it is just servers talking to other servers? Hard to tell. But at least the legitimate humans I do come across are absolute belters. Honestly, that’s the only conclusion I can really come up with – erotic 3D comics are nothing compared to actual, living, breathing humans. We’re all so flipping marvelous! In so many years of running blogs and websites of all sorts, you know how many nasty comments/messages I’ve had? Among tens of thousands of kind ones, I’ve had about twelve nasty comments, from like three people who obviously are suffering a bit. That’s it! Going by those stats alone it looks like humans are 98% wonder and 2% struggling enough to be mean. Extraordinary.

And IRL I live/work/hang-out with humans from ALL strata of society, in VERY different life situations, and I keep coming to the same conclusion – humans are incredible. We’re genuinely ridiculously wonderful.

So while working on the next scene for Lithium, I opened it up and thought I’d ‘un-hide’ all of the characters in it – this means showing all of the previous iterations of characters in that 3D scene that I’d moved on from, got out of the way, hidden their clothing and what-have-you. And this was the result:

hehh. Anyway in amongst all that clutter (aka SPAM: the meta-theme of this blog post! I’m nothing if not big brain) was our dear Jack pulling down Charlie’s pants from a very much earlier scene in the comic series you may have heard of (I think it’s called Calcium or something).

And I thought yes, that’s a good place to start this upcoming scene I’m working on. So here are some development renders where I’m sorting lighting and skin and stuff. And boobies.

… none of this is actually in the upcoming comic, I was just messing around. Bottom. I mean lighting development. I mean bottom.


Comic update: yep. Next Lithium is in the production thingy. ‘Pipeline’ sounds a bit too efficient. ‘Fartpipe’. Better.



(Yes is there is already the most extravagant anal scene I’ve ever done, so if you like bum sex, you’ll like the next comic).

(No I don’t do my comics in any logical order).


8 thoughts on “Spam spam spam

    1. It seems as though the “anti-comment spam” plugin has been installed…
      If only our mysterious Sindy looked at draft posts, maybe the email issues could be sorted too! šŸ˜‰

  1. By the way, you should be aware that on the e-hentai dot org site, people have been translating ā€œLithiumā€ into Hungarian. At this rate, I expect some Japan or China fan to have translated Ā«LithiumĀ» into Japanese or Chinese, which would be pronounced as Ā«richiumuĀ» in Japanese or ā€œleiā€ in Cantonese. I look forward to the next chapter.

  2. Yes, please say you meant “anti-spam comment plug-in”! I know sometimes we get a little Spoonerism slipping in on us and am hoping that’s what happened here!

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