The comics plan

Okay I realise it might be difficult to follow what’s going on with the STFW [multi-multi] series comics recently, so I thought I’d just mind-dump on where I’m personally at, and what (my personal) broader plan is for the comics universe.

I’ve worked on two major series: One Human Being, and Lithium. Amongst those I’ve peppered a few randoms like Grace … in fact the quickest way to catch everyone up with where we’re at right now is simply this screengrab of all the series:



… so let’s just say what my future plans are amongst all that, shall we? Then everyone knows and can relax.

I am going to finish Lithium at #14 – that means completing #13 within the next few months, then doing #14. That was always the plan and is my major aim – once that’s done, I can relax and make other comics just for funsees. The others slot into the STFW universe, but aren’t as crucial. So I’m saying I’m likely to wind-down my major series efforts and concentrate on the shorter wham-bam sort of comic style. Because it’s less of an effort to complete them – nobody wants huge meta series production efforts hanging over them for 6+ years.

I’ve written tons and have annoyingly unlimited ideas for others (apparently), but ultimately I am only one human … and so we all have to face that I won’t be doing this forever. Therefore my plan is to definitely complete Lithium, and then to complete some of the other threads I’ve started but keep them shorter.

Here {in chronological order} is the whole lot of the comics universe that all fits together:

  • Kinfolk: chronologically at the beginning. Will be tied up with one (or possibly two) further comics. And yes it is currently lacking a pop-art Spock reference but it’ll be in there.
  • A ‘statue’ concept comic. This sits after Kinfolk and in the Victorian era, and explores some of the heritage of the stone head that appears as a cameo throughout various series. There’s references to trade and stuff in Kinfolk already, so it’s all in there bubbling along nicely for where it’s going.
  • The ‘twins’ / mother concept comic I’ve been talking about recently. This will be a single, standalone comic – it’s just hugely huge. Twins, mothers, teens, horniness, you know the sort  of thing.
  • One Human Being. Is done. Eight comics.
  • Grace. Is done. Single comic.
  • Rather Magnificent Family Bubble. Apparently nearly finished! Oooh! And designed to thread the stone head together with the heritage of Marcus from Skybloom, apparently! According to … um … sources …
  • Skybloom: chronologically in the middle of the whole lot, early scifi technology. One more comic to come from that – so it’s two, but the 2nd comic is a long one. And there may be a third comic in skybloom, depending what mood I’m in, but either way they’re fucking in the next one, for sure.
  • Madiy & Crash: is a trilogy. One more comic to come in that series, which ties up with the next concept one:
  • Arcmage. A one-off comic. Just a concept at the moment, but a biggie – probably well over 300 pages when it’s done – it has a ‘Tolkien’ feel to it, so if I ever do complete it, it will be a purposefully epic standalone. And will possibly lead into STFW, thought that bit’s not written yet.
  • STFW. 20 comics, complete.
  • Telepathic Hentai Tentacle. Is done. Single comic.
  • Lithium. 12 comics done, #13 coming soon, then the final one is number #14. There’s no concept comics chronologically after Lithium, because it’s designed to tie-up a lot of stuff and embody a lot of what I really want to communicate … you know, awkwardness and humanness. Anyway Lithium is where it draws to a close, any earlier comics I add later will be shorter series and just chip-in to the crazy all-things comic universe. Thank you for reading 🙂


So that’s it. Any comics beyond that plan will be made up at the time and slot in randomly, but I’ll try and avoid huge series in future simply because they tend to be a bit of a bore giving them the space they require – its just so much work producing seven, eight, nine comics in a thread, even if it is great fun to do. Boobies. So I’ll stick with shorter runs after Lithium.

Oh I realise there’s no boobs in this blog post. Here is a shiny bathtime picture that’s unused anywhere else:


Bathtime is fun!



7 thoughts on “The comics plan

  1. Welcome back, Sindy Yugen.

    Your plan is so much on par with my personal preferences I could swear you’ve read my mind; hopefully that is not the case …

  2. When you put down what you want to do it seems like a lot… but when you get going it flies by. We are in awe with what you create… and have a lot of fun, silliness and boobies to enjoy. Thank you again… we are rooting for you.

  3. The Madiy & Crash is what I’m looking forward too the most. The most erotic bits, for me anyway, is seeing the “real world” picture at the end…although I wish there were a bit more of those. Maybe a behind the scenes kinda thing? I dunno. Just a perv that enjoys seeing “beyond what the story tells us”.

  4. Your works have been and continue to be phenomenal. Hard to believe one person can do so much in her “free” time. If you never produce another anything you have left us all with treasures we do not deserve. Sharing your plans with us is most generous but as Robert Burns said, they do have a tendency to “… gang aft agley.”

  5. Hooray and well done, you are a one woman multiverse, how you manage it whilst existing outside of this lovely cocoon I’ll never know. But thank you for that and the shininess and the boobies.

  6. I very much enjoyed Kinfolk but was hoping it is also available in png files as I’m not totally a fan of the pdf format. Any plans to offer that? Thanks and keep up the outstanding work!

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