I just re-read Lithium …

… as I tend to do once every few years – just to check where we’re going and that the next comic’s consistent / doesn’t include any plot holes/fauxes-pas that need to be sorted. Anyway, what a lovely comic! I don’t mean like “Wow aren’t I clever” – I mean like it’s far sillier and slower and more joyful (and more random) than I sort of remember at the time. Know what I mean?

Like when I’m making them I’m always a bit conscious of (1) GRAPHIC DEPICTIONS OF SEXY TIMES, and (2) serious adult topics like abuse and self harm.

And because I’m aware of those two big things I feel like the comics are a bit heavy. But reading through the whole lot I’m like no! Not too heavy! It kinda works! I laughed out loud at some of the gags in Lithium #8 – like when Bob is trying to get the gun to shut up and drops it down the stairwell. Or when … I mean look …

All these RANDOM moments are in a single comic:


(props to Black Books for the second joke there; I stole the ‘dreadful time at school’ gag from that.

… all of that randomness in a single comic! And people actually read these comics and are like “Yep. That’s class, that is. Totally relatable. Exactly what I’ve been struggling with. Bravo.” ~ that’s you lot – tens of thousands of people, millions reading each comic online, hundreds of people leaving comments and translating them into different languages and discussing them …

And Comic 8 is not even a key comic in the series; basically nothing happens! Comic 7 is when they first properly do it. Comic 10 is the mega resolution of all the plot threads. Comic 14 is where it all ends. Comic 8 is just like filler! Total mayhem.

Wtf is going on, eh?

When we get to the stage of AIs creating these things for us, they’re going to have a hell of a time with the prompt ‘in the style of Sindy Anna Jones’ – there’s going to be whole racks of servers just crashing and being like nope. Makes no sense. Why do people like this. Wtf is going on.

Anyway, just thought it was funny to reflect on, is all.

And here you are, reading about it, and nodding along like, ‘Yep, sounds about right.’

I suppose the question is, why do we make content like this? Why is the making of it so transformational? And why do we resonate with such random bloody stuff in the first place?!

Right, that’s all my socks paired. Back to the accounts.


21 thoughts on “I just re-read Lithium …

    1. Haha cheers – yeah Steph’s trick only occurred to me while I was rendering her standing there and I was wondering how much mischief she could get up to and I was like Oh but she can’t unlock the gun and she only has access to the Terms and Conditions … hmmm … hahaha

  1. I LOVE Lithium. Its actually my favorite of all your works. (They’re all great BTW) Lithium gets to be #1 because of the plot line and interplay between the two main protagonists. They are fully drawn (no pun intended) characters whom I’ve come to really care about. That is the mark of a truly gifted author.

    1. Ah cheers Jack, yeah I know what you mean – I’ve read so many books and have thrown them away / charity-shopped them because I got halfway through and really didn’t care about any of the characters! Strange that, isn’t it. I suppose when people write things it’s easier not to be vulnerable, but then the characters you portray aren’t truly believable, they can only ever be ‘impressive’ and that’s such a limitation.

  2. The randomness is what makes it so good, I mean the boobies are the highlight naturally but the humour is the key to the creation. Makes it more appealing than pure smut, more interesting. Who else does this so well, answer no one. I think a re read is in order at this end…

  3. I don’t look at it as “random”. I look at it as conversations with me in real life. We may START talking about something benign as sports, but then we’re talking about specific athletes, and then weird shit they’ve done, then other weird shit we’ve seen/heard, then about something that reminded us of that time when we were 14 and trying to be impressive to these 2 beautiful women and playing Truth or Dare OVER THE PHONE, and then remembering when we went to a haunted house and loved singing songs while walking through it to see if we could get the actors to break, then talking about running red lights and evading the police, and then how much we miss Del Taco. Then taking the time to back track the entire conversation to figure out how the hell we got here only to then have the backtracking remind us of another topic and then we start talking about that one.

    Quite simple, really.

    1. Haha yeah you’re right, that is what happens with conversation – so many tangeants. And sometimes it’s the backtracking that’s the most fun thing – I like asking in conversation; Hold on, how did we get from curly fries to falling in love with Beethoven’s racist pet weasel in thirty seconds of chat?!

  4. Dear Sindy,

    You misspelled Masterpiece.

    Especially chapter 9 and the absolute delightful cross comic and comical mayhem of chapter 10.

    I think the early chapters of this comic were my first exposure to your creative endeavors and soon thereafter, i was on a magical adventure through the rest of your spatial and temporal extravaganza filled with lots of delightful hot sex, humanity, healing, loving, being, living in some amazing expressions of experience in the field of infinite possibility.

    I enjoyed them all immensely.

    Your One Human Beingness has touched many lives with beauty, grace, heart, butt kicking, bodily fluids and non-stop expressions of humanities favorite activity while diving deep into the mysteries and potential we all embody!

    That’s quite a legacy!

    Thank you for the exclamation points in my life experience!

    Glow forth…..and boobify!

    1. Hehe thanks Jerry. Now I need to get this sentence into an upcoming comic, “I came here for bodily fluids and healing. And I’m aaaall outta healing.”

  5. As we know, lithium (not Lithium) is one of the lightest elements, and Lithium, while seemingly also light, is in fact, not. It deals in a most delightful and serious (but not heavy) way with the elements of our human condition, in all their wonder and weight and leaves us hopeful for its protagonists, ourselves, and humanity. Thank you for the journey.

    1. Ah I love that, thank you. Yeah the element comparison as well as the ‘hopeful for ourselves’ point – that’s so often the power in [vulnerable] stories I think, we are interested because it has such a bearing on our own journeys. ‘Hopeful for ourselves’ is an important three words, thank you.

  6. Sindy, I have experienced some troubling times and been in some dark places over the last five years or so, ever since my wife’s illness began to disable her. Reading and re-reading your and Tira’s works have been instrumental in keeping my life together. Lines like Mike’s “…holding the sad stuff and walking with it, gently.” (the one that stays with me the strongest), among others from OHB Lithium and even Skybloom have helped me cope! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the compassion you weave into your sexy, funny and touching graphic stories. And, if you happen to run into Tira, please let her know the “Family Bubble” series has helped too!

  7. I’ve read Lithium several times through before finally getting my wife to read it. Now we talk about the boobies as well as the dark stuff.

    Lithium, bringing couples together.

  8. Your comics (this one in particular) literally helped me with a lot of my own stuff, especially the bits with Skylar. Dealing with anger (seriously that broken glass explanation will stay with me for the rest of my life), and the bit in the jacuzzi about trauma (once suitably parsed) really made me look at how I was dealing with my own internal problems, it was a real “lightbulb” moment for me.

    Came for the tits, stayed for the healthy introspection.

  9. You say “why do we make content like this?” like your work isn’t so good and unique it’s basically a genre of it’s own? LIke what else has this combination of incredibly pornographic but also beautiful and good for the soul? Honestly – Melinda Gebbie and Alan Moore tried to get conversations going with ‘Lost Girls’ and got attention because, well, Alan Moore – but Lost Girls is not nearly either as pornographic nor as beautiful as what you make. Seriously, not trying to blow smoke here, but I wish we lived in a world where we could talk about your work in polite society because it is just wonderful.

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