Ackbar eggy


Okay two things … firstly, did anyone download the zipped PNG version of Lithium 13 and … could they please re-up it somewhere so I can share it again? Update: this is now done! Thank you wonderful people! No, no, haha, I did not just randomly delete my original copy of the pages! Hahaha, haha…


Is Lithium ready yet?!!?!

I hear what you’re saying, and what I hear is boobies boobies boobies. So I opened up the old Skybloom scene files and updated them so they’d work with the latest version of the 3D software I’m using/wrangling. So here are some test renders FOR SCIENCE         ^ this was the first…


Boobies and boo-boos

Comic update: I’ve finished the flipping renders! I know, smashing through it. It comes in at around 130 pages – just some speech bubbles to do and then BAM! It’s gonna be next Lithium out! Woop woop! Excited about this one, had a little read through just now, did a little giggle and a little…


Next Lithium is cooking nicely …

Okay let’s have some good news instead of squinting at our screens at the political situation in America or the environmental / arable crop situation in Spain; the next Lithium comic is a-cooking!! I’ve done 110 pages now, and there’s maybe 10-15 pages to go, yayy! Blimey, it’s been ages this one, with Madiy &…
