It’s beginning to look a lot like … boobies.

Thought I’d check in, have a quick look at Tira Yugen’s rendo profile and OH yes, yep. More comics in the pipeline, it seems. Goody! I mean I would act more surprised, but … you know.

Then I thought I’d check in on my Deviantart, and woweee … 949 notifications. Huh, personal best. Ah well *logs out immediately*.

How are we all doing then, eh? Next comic for me is Skybloom #2, but I haven’t really got started with it yet due to a problem with the Sophie character – long story but I’m wrestling with polygons a little. And it’s difficult wrestling with polygons when they’re so lovely to look at, you know? I’ll just adjust this … hmmm let’s rotate to check from the other side, hit render to verify that MY GOODNESS. It’s slow going, anyway.

On an unrelated note, if anyone’s feeling flush, there’s a few more bits on my wishlist. There’s an extraordinary number of 3D items people have kindly bought me over the years, must be hundreds of lovely things by now – very kind of you all, and does enable me to come up with all sorts of concepts and create comics for free, and keep them free too. I think when I retire from comic-making, I’ll just give away the whole lot of 3D scenes/characters for free as well – I mean I know that’s pirating and everything, but … you know. A little bit of pirate helps us all now and then, I think. Yarrr.

And by that time, manually making stuff in 3D will be irrelevant anyway thanks to advances in AI, which are due to take over the planet in *checks calendar* about a month or so. All hail our soulless AI overlords, I look forward to their inspirational platitudes filling our brains and turning us into carbon copies of carbon copies of carrbbbnnnngggg. Nice boobies, though.

Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas!



11 thoughts on “It’s beginning to look a lot like … boobies.

  1. Hi there, have a little extra this Christmas. So took care of your wish list, if I did it correctly. Have a great holiday!

    1. Amazing, thank you so much Greg! Yeah I logged in the next day to see if anyone had bought anything and bam! The whole lot had gone haha! Very kind, thanks 🙂

  2. … boobies bouncing as they go… oh I was just singing along. Looks like things are “bloom”ing everywhere yea!

  3. Cheers, Sindy. As enamored as I am of boobies, it’s your message that moves me most.

    Stay chipper. Love yourself as you’d have others love you. Be excellent to one another. Pax vobiscum. Etc.

  4. Oh, I don’t know about the AI takeover! Most of the AI stuff I’ve seen is kinda..sophomoric! Lip movements don’t match words, heads turning hairlines not, narratives out of sequence, etc.. There was one comic I read where the girl’s hairline was dotted, like a Barbie doll’s, with implant sockets! No, I think I’ll stick with human artists a while longer!

    1. Yeah we’re not quite there yet are we. I really don’t think it’ll be long though, people are working hard to train our new overlords and the tech is getting better all the time

  5. True, but AI cannot generate the warmth, the caring, the love that artists like yourself pour into their craft! When you create a scene, your instincts tell you right away if something is off, a shadow looks out of place, or the eyes are not quite the right distance apart, little nuances AI could never consider! Nah, I’ll stick with flesh and blood artists thank you!

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