A hypothetical for Desertfox …

Okay just before I release Skybloom #2 (which is taking a while as I need to add speech bubbles to 150 pages!) – quick query for one person who commented on my blog a while back …

Desertfox, if I was to turn the more sofabed-based parts of your personal story into a ‘based on real life’ one-off comic – would that be okay? It’d still be anonymous, we’d just know someone, somewhere, had actually had that happen? (Which I think adds to the joy/excitement of it) – Or would it be too weird for you?

I setup a basic studio apartment scene yesterday, just while idly thinking about the potential, and … it looks kinda cool as a draft, I think. But I know the second part of your story was super tough, so I’ll take your feeling on it seriously dude. I wouldn’t cover that darker personal part of it, it’d be just a celebration of the fun bit.

I also have like 30 concept comics, and most of them won’t get made, so if it’s a “No thanks”, that’s totally fine I’ll just mothball the idea along with all the others!

If you are up for it, I have lots of questions about the place / other details, but I’ll leave them for now. You can comment below, or if you’d like to respond on private message – best place to get in touch with me is Sitemail on Renderosity (you’ll need a free account, sorry). Thank you!

Here’s a few concepts, me trying to guess the view out the window, mostly …

… aaaanyway. Good fun to have a daydream, either way.




… and for everyone else … Skybloom #2 will be out in the next 24 hours, for sure. Thanks everyone for the feedback on the cover – I changed their positions slightly, neatened it up –

*squidge squidge*


7 thoughts on “A hypothetical for Desertfox …

  1. Sorry to butt into your and DesertFox’s dialogue as an outsider, and you don’t have to take my comment into account if you see something different in the story than I do. DesertFox’s story is so uplifting and valuable because it has both depth and height. If you leave the depth and darkness out of the story, it loses its weight and becomes just plain buffoonery. It’s a very fragile story thread, because there’s very little in it that can make it different. Suffice it to think that his mother doesn’t move into a studio apartment and so on. So many similar stories start that way, but all end differently. So, if you were to do DesetFox’s story, you would have to do the whole story, because then it would be just as heartbreaking and emotional as DesertFox’s writing.

    1. Thaaat’s … a fair point, thank you. I could go either way, though – I also think it’s fine to write gentler / less heartbreaking stories. I was thinking of writing the whole narration from her point of view and exploring the feelings that way, though without going as far as the true story does at the end. My priority is to honour that dude’s bravery sharing what he did. Perhaps we’ll end up with a hybrid plot / slightly alternate ending, or perhaps it’s best to leave it, and the only record is that comment, we’ll see how DF feels about it.

  2. Wow – just commenting on your “studio”, having lived the better part of my 60 odd years in two different studio apartments…..what a mansion!! I’m still having a hard time getting used to having to walk from place to place in the house I now share with my partner, which in a third world country would likely have several large families living in it:)

    1. Hehe, yeah it’s a fair point. It’s hard to guess someone else’s visions of stuff though, and I agree this development concept is too big. I was basing the scale assumption on my personal experience visiting american apartments, where the places I’d been to have tended to be quite … what’s a polite way of saying it … resource ‘ample’. Seemed space wasn’t at a premium, anyway. If this comic does ever get made, hopefully DF will let us know more details of what the place was like

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