It’s here! The greatest Skybloom comic of ALL TIME! Okay there’s only one other comic in this series, but I’m exceedingly happy with this one. It’s 150 pages of silliness, joy, and most of all … yumminess.
That’s right. Download it, read it, recover and then let me know what you think!
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- Issues getting it? Try e-Hentai, someone usually puts them on there
- ❤️🔥🛎️🥂🎁🚼
Oh boy! I can’t wait. There seems to be an issue with the pdf link…
Works for me?
Everything was fine after a couple of minutes. It’s hard figuring stuff out if you can only use one hand.
Is this where we report any typos? 😉
I mean you might as well – if it’s bad enough I might replace the download – what did you spot?
Are there potential spoilers for Tira Yugen’s comic on page 3?
There’s flippin Easter Eggs throughout all of everyone’s comics in this universe 🙂
(that particular Easter Egg is in Skybloom #1 as well – and right where he says “Be what you are – bit of a family motto”)
Are those two on the picture on Page 3 Anna and Kal?
That was amazing. I love Sophie, you put so much character in her and she is just the sweetest! Great work, one of your best in my opinion.
Thanks M! 🙏
Would you be able to put the PNGs of Skybloom 1 in Mega since they seem to be gone from Google Drive. Thanks.
They seem to be on Google still? Does this not work: ?
(I can’t log into Google anymore, so its hard to tell)
Clap, clap, clap, clap…..
The sound of hands meeting or two bodies lost in humanity’s favorite pasttime?
Impregnate everything within a fifteen mile radius! LMAO!
The differences of the self conversations while engaged showing two different perspectives of the same event was delicious.
Clean, pure, fresh Sophie brand new to existence without all the stuff, fears, scars, shame, grief we accumilate in our interaction with life (mainly other unhealed humans) is a beautiful character creation.
And Marcus with a sudden forced shift in perspective, opening into new levels of himself. Unafraid of expressing himself… his ‘boss’ Frank or a member of ‘royalty’ but uncertain and fearing rejection with Sophie. More beauty.
But, they all emerge from you, your heart, soul and creative union with the All Of The Is. Sharing parts of yourself and making it safe for the reader to do the same as we examine our Innerness through your characters to accept and heal deep parts of ourselves while entwined with the most basic and powerful of energies of connection and communion. The blissful recreation of procreation!
Amazingly wonderful(yet again!)!
Thanks Jerry 🙂
Dammz… talk about flowing… in many ways. And only day 2… wow.
Thank you sindy
Beautiful as usual then – Boom, P104 – around p109, the mood and thoughtfulness ring true and caring. I love your work.
Lovely. As always.
I just have one word. Glonk!
GLONK! Hehehh, yeah I have a policy of not really thinking too hard about conversation or onomatopoeia – if you think too hard about this stuff, the story takes years to pop out and everything gets bogged down in perfectionism – so instead we end up with “Yeahhhh … reckon it’s a GLONK moment” hahaha! Makes it funnier for me when I read the comics back months later and spit my tea out haha
Lovely story with two fascinating characters and, of course, bodacious boobies and mind-altering sex. And I can’t believe that I found an English grammatical error in this SAJ story. On page 39, the phrase “There was a naturalness to Sophie and I ….” should be “… to Sophie and me …” — (object of a preposition and all that). Also surprised that Jameson didn’t use the phrase “… and joined the choir invisible … “ when referring to her late demise. But then perhaps she wasn’t a Python fan.
Thanks for taking us on another wild ride.
Hehehh, yeah I’d be the first to admit my comics have typos … (I think I’ll turn this into a blog post because it’s a good topic, thank you!)
Wonderful work, as usual. Fascinating interplay between the two characters; one “normal” and the other a clone. Wondering how you are going to further the narrative on the disparity (& bond!) between these two conscious entities.
Thanks Jack, best way to tease out those interesting bits is to chuck in some fiascos, that normally does the trick hehehh 🙂
OMG those boobs! You are the absolute tits, so to speak! xxx