Votes are in …

Goodness, what an active lot you are!! We had nearly 150 votes in 24 hours, which is quite extraordinary for a Tuesday/Wednesday morning. There are major companies who dream of that kind of interaction. Mwah-ha-haaa … boobies.

Anyway thank you, everybody. Funnily enough, there was rather a clear winner for our cover vote, and being someone who balances a healthy disrespect for peer pressure with a desire to fight my own ego every chance I get – I’m going to go with the flow on this occasion and release the comic with the clearly-voted winning cover! Hooray!

As a thank-you, (especially to the person who kindly just bought me this 3D scene off my wish-list), here is a random character-dump bathroom scene:

… to, um … to test the lighting. Looks like Ern slipped in the bath. Hope Madiy’s okay.

Ah well, back to the comic currently under development:- I still need to render the last bit of one scene, and add 90% of the speech bubbles, but expect some nudity, some silliness, some pretty gentle STFW lore, eeeeven more pages than the previous comic, and … above all …



… calm moments.

9 thoughts on “Votes are in …

  1. Hi Sindy,
    I’ve had trouble getting the comments to accept me so hopefully this will work.

    I’ve just got around to converting Skybloom 2 to Jpg and compressing them to save space and found a very annoying problem. The additions of ‘a’s, ‘b’s, and even a ‘c’ added to consecutive images sprinkled throughout the comic and then finding gaps in the image numbers. My dash of OCD could not handle that, so I had to renumber all the piccys from 146 back to 06, and that’s before I start to read it.
    However as a fan right back from ‘Upstairs, then STFW up to the present stories, I forgive you and wish you never to get bored with making these gems and…………………….. here’s to more BOOBIES!!!

    1. Ah yeah that’s a shame, different computers have different ideas about numbering order. Normally my comics include one or two alterations like that, but Skybloom 2 had tons of alterations – as you’ve discovered! On the plus side … it was a cute lil’ comic so heheh

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