I thought this’d be funny, make a big-donged alien creature, maybe have it knock on the airlock door of the colony in Skybloom … and then I thought … nah.
Anyone read that comic where a teen girl humps her pet? It’s … [googles] … called Dark Rift by Epoch – anyway I quite enjoyed that, the Polly character is excellent. It’s a pay comic but I think I found it on e-hentai this one time before it got ditched.
Reminds me of that comic. Here’s the test render:
… I’m not sure I’ll actually use these characters anywhere now I’ve made them, just did it for fun.
Quick Kinfolk update – #2 is up to 180 pages! Wowee – that’s quite a large comic, then.
I’ve done all the rendering, and the speech bubbles up to page 100 or something, so it really won’t be long. Having read the comic through in draft form, there’s just one or two renders I might add in here and there, but nothing major.
Also, I got an email from Renderosity about Volumetric settings, so I thought I’d try this quick 3D hack and voila!
… okay, density might be up a bit high, but handy for any smokey fire scenes … turn it down a bit …
… bit better …
… bit cold and thin, but nearly there …
… lovely!
Anyway that effect won’t make it into this comic [edit: yes it will, but nobody’ll probably notice – just on a port scene], but it’s so easy to apply, I’ll be sure to use it somewhere in something upcoming.
Hope we’re all well! Okay!!!! I hope the pink-dicked alien doesn’t haunt your drreeeeammssss!! Okay byeeeeeeeeeee!!
Yup, definitely getting haunted in my dreams. Good heavens…
It oddly looks terrifying, in a cute way? I can’t quite put my finger on it. Makes me think of Gremlins.
Anyways, not an expert here but is Volumetric Effects, is it supposed give the sense of, dust floating in the air?
Or am I miss-reading it somehow… An example with Volumetric Effects turned off, would have been prudent.
Yeah Gremlins is a good comparison, when I was doing it I was like ‘this is great!’ but looking back … yeah, no.
Volumetric – yeah dust, exactly. So you get glow from powerful light sources, works well with sunrises warming around the place, or fog. I used a different technique in the first comic for fog, but yeah it’s basically the same – adds noise, is the only problem. Without volumetrics – third test render is basically turned off because it’s so thin, so that’s the comparison.
I always wonder what evolutionary train of events leads to an organism having such an out-sized portion of its body. Evolution would suggest it’s from responding to a need, so the question is what would the corresponding vagina look like. Or bum hole?
Hehehh, yeah but we only think out-sized because we’re used to judging ‘correct’ geometry – which is a human bias. Some animals/insects have a dong that’s like half their body! Survival of the fittest would suggest that the bigger and deeper you can shove the sperm, the more likely you are to succeed if there’s competition around, so maybe it’s just that hahah oh lordy now I’m imagining hundreds of these things competing for breeding rights! Need some sort of locking system like dogs/wolves lol