Tiiiiiiiime travel: VOTE!

Okay, help me with a conundrum. Basically, I was wondering about weaving in a mini plot including HG Wells and young Mary Poppins, time-travelling into the Lithium series. They could visit a bunch of scenes from STFW and Grace etc as well, a sort of post-Lithium homage to all things STFW-universe.

BUT then I thought … what if HG Wells never did time travel, and Mary Poppins never did travel by umbrella  … they were just on drugs?!

I know the time-travel-plot option is more scifi, and works better weaving through all my little comics (they could visit Jilly and Ern of Kinfolk, Marcus and Sophie the Skybloom dudes … visit the whole lot in a whirlwind tour where they just say ‘Hi’ then piss off to the next era). BUT it is also funny to think that Mary Poppins was actually using opiates in the late 1800s, which HG Wells got her on to when she worked in his house? And so he never did make the time machine work …

(thanks to those who signposted the 3D model of the time machine btw)

… it was always just a bad trip where he saw flashing lights and Morlocks and Eloi! Because I think it’s more believable; that this privileged Victorian-era man tried to make a Time Machine …

… but it just didn’t work.

… and so, being a well-to-do Victorian gentleman, he got hold of some refined opiates from the silk route contacts of Greater London (cor blimey), and drowned his sorrows in one almighty bender. Right? And then introduced the young and impressionable Mary Poppins to the drug, which explains all the madness in hit film Mary Poppins:

… drugs.


Now I realise this ruins both innocent childrens’ films, but we’re all grownups here, and it is kinda funny.

But I’m 50/50 about the idea. So help me by voting – let me know in the comments below.

“I’m telling you. It’s a time machine!”
“You can’t fit in that little thing.”
“Perhaps you’re right. Anyone wanna get high?”

“Guess what I’m hiding under my coat.”
“I was raised amongst brainless narcissists, constantly under the threat of death by mutated cannibalistic monsters covered in green paint who can appear out of the ground at any moment, and I’m worried you’re going to eat me.”
“No, my penis.”


“Now, children. You tidy up this miserably colourless playroom, while I go and get high in the park with my rough mates.”


“Jimminy Christmas, Mary Poppins-sah! These opiates are off the hook!”
“I can HEAR this blue! Listen! Zhhhnggggg”


… anyway yeah, vote below. Stick with time-travel mini tour of STFW, or ruin beloved kids films with drug-based new lore?

15 thoughts on “Tiiiiiiiime travel: VOTE!

  1. If time travel were possible, it would have been possible a long time ago.
    But I don’t believe in the use of drugs either, I think it’s unnecessary bullshit. I once read a couple of comics in which a boy and a girl played astronauts in their room with a few chairs and a table, and even there they had to rely only on their imaginations.
    It’s a little scary that after 10 years of making comics about love and acceptance, you want to write about such twists and turns. 🙂

  2. An opiate bender, seems more appropriate, given the century to be honest.
    With that said, that bender could’ve given them, some sort of spiritualistic high and they then, astral projected themselves through out space and time.
    There, but not there. Just being a fly on the wall.

  3. I’ll vote time travel though the machine in the book-movie could not move spatially, only temporary. Perhaps, Mary Poppins magical umbrella gave the machine some physical movement? And seeing a Victorian era romp on the seat of the machine as it moved through hypertimespace would be delightful.

    Magic mushrooms are everywhere and if your are familiar with Terrence McKenna theory that ‘shrooms are a space fairing species spreading via asteroids or whatever vehicle presents itself to expand its species and the consciousness of lifeforms it encounters. The terraforming hitchhikers of the galaxy. Mary Poppins may have encountered some that helped magical her umbrella, spreading ‘shroom spores wherever she flys.

    You can combine both thoughts. But magic mushrooms opens many more avenues from planetary terraforming, the ‘stoned ape’ theory acting like the Monolith in 2001 and, perhaps, even advanced calculations for timespace jaunts that make their lusty adventures possible.

    Some future humans get a fleeting glance of a strange device with a couple copulation with great enthusiasm before the love machine disappears. It’s ripe for some Dr. Who and Hitchhiker’s Guide innuendo too. Some wild color art as well.

    A Rompabout

    Just a playful thought.

    I am sure you will do it wonders!

  4. You be you and go with your gut. I would never have the gall (effrontery actually) to tell a gifted artist and author what to create.

  5. They could of course use the machine to go back to the film set, meet Dick and Julie, have a chat and a cuppa:)
    I’m confident you’ll make the right choice.

  6. After reading a few of his stories like “War Of The Worlds” and “First Men In The Moon”, I kinda got the impression the good Mr. Wells may have been a fan of the sweet leaf and/or magic mushrooms as “creativity enhancers”

  7. What if the drug fueled adventure WAS the time travel through the STFW? They could be high off their ass and start seeing things from the different universes, explaining them to each other, and then they both start to see it and then they see into that version of the STFW? Then they can start seeing another universe thanks to something in there (could be a great way to get your Spock painting to be the linchpin/anchor to it all and the one thing they can look at to send them to another universe of yours. Oooo! These ideas are FLOWING today!!!!) and then they start describing it to the other and having a sense of going a different direction to another Sexy Verse. I think that would be amazing to see!

      1. My bad! I didn’t fully read any comments as I was a fountain of a thought when I started typing and it was VERY early in the morning for me. But yes; I agree with Shades! 😉 XD

        1. Oh, no need to apologize! I am just agreeing with your trails of thoughts 😀
          And know the feeling all to well, once the Dam breaks ;D

  8. So you know that fan theory that Mary Poppins and that Pennywise clown are basically the same kind of emotional alien/demon/vampire but they feed on different aspects of children’s emotions? Add that with the Mary Poppins drug lore, you might end up with something wild. And then, time travel! (I’m voting for “ruin beloved kids films with drug-based new lore.”)

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