A very minor spoiler

I’m thinking this next comic is probably going to be called something like Bathtime, except having made most of the comic, it’s really not about that.

So this is a very minor spoiler indeed.

As always, I like my comics to be a little gritty / believable, so the ridiculously cheery topics covered in this next comic will include …

  • religious abuse
  • self harm
  • violence
  • bullying
  • duality
  • bondage
  • hierarchy
  • mind control. Probably not in the way you think; this isn’t a hentai after all; I very definitely don’t use control to make sex happen – that’s a philosophical point that you’ll find throughout my work tbh. Love doesn’t work if we control people, and then the sex is total, total crap. Aaaanyway …

Good times! So, yeah with all those hefty human topics involved, you know it’s going to be a freaking rollercoaster. A rollercoaster with the music turned up to 11, and a steaky smell in the air …

But I kinda have to call it something Bathtime-y because if I call it “Outrageous emotional rollercoaster involving dark topics aplenty, my goodness!”, then people probably won’t click on it. Although, having said that, that title did sound pretty good …. hmm. That’s basically how I ended up with Telepathic Hentai Tentacle Spacey Rapey Sex Trek 9000 – just made up the stupidest title I could for the draft script, and then couldn’t bear to get rid of it haha! Anyway, don’t worry; bathtime or not, it’s the best one yet. No doubts right now. Not even kidding, it’s … salty.

I’m not going to list the positive things it includes because that would give too much away. Suffice it to say there’s a little hnnnghhhh and a touch of hgruerckk-k-ck-cc as well. In fact the vast majority of the comic is hhhHHHHNNNGGGGCKKKKK, with oodles and oodles of SPRrrrrschhhtttt splrrschttt sploop splp … heuuurghhhhh.

Now I just need to complete the final 3D scene and then photoshop speech bubbles onto 200-250 pages …. don’t hold your breath.

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