The big blog swap


OKAY! So it looks from the stats of this blog like a good number of people can still get in (you’re obviously playing Google’s game; well done you for being patient).

So I’m just popping in to give an update here; an extremely kind fan has offered to build and host a Sindy Anna Jones website, so I don’t have to put up with the rubbish Deviantart environment and can have a tidy little corner of the interweb all to myself! Hooray! Well, that’s the plan, anyway. I’ll update here once it’s … you know … there 🙂

Also – if you don’t follow me on Deviantart, don’t worry you’re not missing much EXCEPT a quick comic update – I’ve done 90 pages of the next Lithium comic! Hooray! So all is continuing as usual, all is good with the world, and we will be able to giggle and get horny together soon I promise xxx

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