Gifs! Gifs! Gifs! Love me some gifs

Here’s the first few silly gifs! Hoooray! Charlotte and her bestest pal Jack, enjoying a sunny morning in the bathroom. 

I regret nothing. Share them wherever you like, I’ll prob delete them sometime, knowing me.

Note: the only rule with these gifs, is that if you pronounce it a soft J sound, ‘jifs’, then you are not allowed to save or reproduce them anywhere. I mean, honestly, who says ‘jifs’?! 

More gifs on the way soonish! Heck I might even make a movie …

PS. someone suggested I have Postman Pat make an appearance on the Moon Moon – I mean that’s a great shout and I’m totally up for random 80s characters popping in, I just need to find them in 3d! There must be some pretty retro randoms out there … *goes searching*

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