Haha breast physics hahaha

Okay! So I still haven’t sorted all the comic/downloads links on that page of the website, but I did add all the ‘social’ buttons to the top left of the website – and as youtube was an option I added my random youtube channel and hahahahahaaa I’d totally forgotten I’d done some booby physics ‘tutorial’ videos a few years back haha!

Anyway I just thought it was worth resharing this video … (clicky) …


… readers of Tira Yugen’s exceptional work will recognise Anna Smit in that video – she’s the extremely booby ‘Orange Dress Lady’ character I gave away (along with the comics and downloads whose links I still need to fix …) some years back and has since been put to some seriously good use in Tira’s rather magnificent comics. She’s based on the standard Daz V4 character, I just did some boob enhancement and altered the textures a bit.

Eahhhhh … good stuff. I’m amazed youtube hasn’t taken that crazy video down tbh, it does have a disproportionate amount of nip slips, but perhaps the ‘tutorial’ nature of the video means it’s like a breastfeeding video or something and gets round the censor rules. Anyway. Boob physics hahahahaha!

8 thoughts on “Haha breast physics hahaha

  1. Nice dance video, and great wafty dress. Your boobs are the best rendered mammarial protruberances on the interweb BTW. Will we see another episode of the Rather Magnificent Family do you think, perhaps put them on here if the puritans can’t cope with it in the blog.

    1. Oh I mean I can’t believe the mighty Tira would leave us all on that ridiculous cliffhanger! Come on, Anna sitting on the chair like that, watching the bathroom?!?! GYAGHH!!! I’d die. There’ll be more no doubt.

  2. BTW, while we’re talking social networks, you should look into reactivating your Mastodon account. Heck, since this new site is in WordPress, you can even add the ActivityPub plugin for WordPress and the blog will magically become part of the Fediverse, making it possible for people to follow you and even comment on the blog using their Mastodon (or whatever other Fediverse platform) account.

    1. Yeah that plugin’s installed and running, I can’t see how it works though, there’s no settings. ActivityPub says you can follow me via ‘lithiumrocks@sindyannajones.com’ but I can’t see how. And I setup a Mastodon account as well but it doesn’t connect in any way to anything 🤷🏼‍♀️

      1. Woah that’s weird. On a WordPress site where I used it had to be enabled after installation and then there was a panel to configure things such as whose articles could federate and how they should look.

        I wonder if there’s some server configuration that is getting in the way, I’ve seen others having issues with nginx . To make things worse there seem to be issues related to caching too although I remember reading that this was being worked on now that WordPress has hired the AP plugin developer, so hopefully these issues will be fixed in future upgrades.

        Oooof, I was hoping this could be simpler 8-/ (I mean, RSS is good enough for me, but still.)

        (Also I thought your Mastodon account was ? You have a new one too?)

        1. Ahh, doesn’t matter, I might just ditch the plugin, can’t be bothered to get into why it’s not running. Yeah I setup @sindyannajones or something on the general mstdn.social server, but I can’t see me using it. I’ll post on renderosity and deviantart etc and people generally share my comics pretty quick, discussion can just mostly stay on this website for now

  3. I would be very grateful and they would be very happy if the links worked, I wanted to download Skyler a few days ago, but the link pointed to the deepest part of some black hole, which made me sad and only the sight of some pretty tits could cheer me up a little.

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