Next Lithium comic out soonish!

Okay we have *checks notes* ten more renders to go before we’re done! Then it’s just adding bubbles and checking through, so it might actually be next week maybe!

It’s soooo silly, this comic. In fact I had a read through a few days back and I had to add a note at the beginning warning people that this is a very silly comic indeed. There’s one bit that made me actually cry laughing, it’s so dumb, haha!

You’re a fan of EXCELLENT FREAKING COMICS though, right? Ehrmagherd ME TOOOOO!!!


It’s not done, you’ll have to wait a bit.

And when it’s done, I’ll hand it to the Google Drive and we’ll watch it get pummelled as usual haha

Eahhh, good times. Check back in a week ๐Ÿ‘

20 thoughts on “Next Lithium comic out soonish!

  1. Looking forward to seeing/reading it. Have been a fan of your work for years now and hope you continue to put out stories for many more to come.

    Not sure if I’m remembering correctly, but did you once say you were wanting to do a Wizard of Oz homage? If so, did you ever get a handjob on itโ€”I mean handle … -shifty eyes-

    1. Hehe, no I think I was just saying it was cool where the story starts black and white then goes colour – I should do that sometime, not do a full-on Oz re-do. Although that would also be pretty cool!

      1. Ahh, ok. Was goin’ purely off memory, so couldn’t recall the exact details. All good. ^_^

        I think you would put out a wild and off-the-wall Oz take. A miniature Skylar could be Toto. And Jack’s dick can be the man behind the curtainโ€”hah! :-p Could be a wacked-out drug-dream.

        1. Ah yeah, the mind boggles! I do actually really like the idea of it starting really innocent and just getting totally messed up haha! Aowh damn now I’m thinking about it, I have some great jungle and countryside scenery, and I could make a Tin man with a big chrome wanger … aowww noohhhh not mooreeee ideasss whenn will it eeennnnddddd

          1. -Laughs in manic understanding-
            I know how the flowing-ideas thing goes. Something of a creator myselfโ€”writing a novel. Tin-man with a chrome wang is hilarious. If it functions like that of a biological and isn’t just erect at all times, then it could squeak as it stiffens and need to be oiled. Haha. The Scarecrow could be a flat chested chick who dreams of having a bountiful rack. As for the Cowardly Lion … well, nothing is jumping to mind there, but surely there’s something comical to be had. :-p

            Hope you’re having a good day. Thank you kindly for the replies. ๐Ÿ™‚

          2. Ah yeah, nice! Heck, I’ve put a Tin man and Dorothy reference in the next comic because of this, haha!

    1. Nah it’s legit don’t worry. It’s April 2 now and I’m still saying it’s happening.

  2. It is marked in my calendar and I’ll get the tissues ready!

    (To wipe the tears of laughter, obviously)

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