Suffer! Lolololol

I was talking to someone yesterday, who said their meditation method focused on reducing their own suffering. Now … bear with me … on the face of it, this makes sense, I mean who wants to suffer? Except … still bear with me … I completely disagree with that philosophy. If we prioritise the removal…


Staring into beauty

HELLO the internet. Well, gosh it’s been a few weeks eh and no doubt many things have happened in your life since we last spoke. How do you feel about that? Hmm, I hear ya, I hear ya. Existence eh? Classic stuff. Personally I have been suffering from what the doctor calls a ‘disease’, which…


The big-boobs little-boobs dilemma

I know it’s an annoying topic, nobody likes to discuss boobs, but it’s a detail that needs to be sorted out. Plus this spacesuit is getting better as I sort the materials. So here’s a bunch of renders … Anyway, question is, do we go for buxom or … you know … believable human? To…


Furries! Furries everywhere!!!

In my bid to take over the world by touching on every kink known to mankind, I thought I’d have a little Furry action in one of the upcoming OHB comics. I mean, knowing me, I might not. But there’s a 92% chance I’ll stick with the idea, having built this character. To be honest,…


It’s happening.

^ Barely even counts as a spoiler, but yeah there’s some new people. OK … I have completed all of the rendering for Lithium #10*. The comic will not be quite out this week I don’t think, because I still need to do all the bubbles and put like 20 pages together. But I think…


The morning after … outfit vote!

Having got 80% of the way through comic #4, it turns out it’s been a heavy night for Charlie and Jack, so we need a quick vote for outfits. I know … onerous task, but Charlie’s character does change outfits every 5 seconds, and this is an annoying symptom (having to decide what’s next), but…


Cover preview …

Well. Well then. Huh. It will be out this week. Probably not tomorrow or Thursday, but definitely by Friday! Wahooooo! Another thanks to the people who bought me 3D props a few weeks back – a few of them make it in near the end of this comic. Couple of haircuts, a jumpsuit and a…



OK I’m trying something new for Comic #7 – I’m going to suggest people start listening to a certain track on a certain page. This is because, while creating the 3D scene a few days back, the music randomly came on and it absolutely got the hairs on the back of my neck going. You…


A little love story

You may know that I read all the feedback on my comics, and I take it seriously. Sure, some of it’s nonsense purely as a symptom of the sheer number of people leaving feedback – if you ask a thousand people for advice, at least thirty of them will talk total BS (I’m normally one…



This is mostly a bunch of renders with our young couple to test new lighting and skin. And a massive rambling discussion on the topic of hate and love as well, sure, sure. I had a really interesting few chats with some very difficult humans recently, and the wonderful thing I discovered, is that love…


Fans are cool

OK, the thing is, you dudes are awesome. There’s this phenomenon called ‘fan service’, where the artist works fan-pleasing gratuitousness into their art, but let’s face it my comics are like 90% ‘Sindy service’ and that has a similar effect so I’ve never really felt the need to worry about fan service. But the thing…


The Eggiest of all the Eggy Eggs

Okay, you know how I like to put film/TV and niche pop culture references in my comics, well there’s also self-referential consistency MADNESS in every comic, too. Here are the top 10 silly ones from Lithium #10 … how many did you spot?!   ^ circled in red is Skylar’s goddamn TOAST which she dropped…


God is left-handed

Think about it right, God gets to show off the magic in minority stuff like orangutans, seahorses, human knee joints, unusual little cosmic events, moon coronas, stuff like that. So of course he’s left handed, because that means creativity and zaniness [sarcasm]. So of course they’ll be left handed in my upcoming comic [not sarcasm]….


Awkward moments, silly stories

Okay, I’m enjoying putting this latest thing together. It’s a little silly, and forms a kind of chronological root to the whole STFW / Lithium universe thing. And you can probably see a little resemblance to Lithium’s Jack in the image above. So quick update: I’ve done 106 pages, think there’s maybe 50 to go,…


Ahhrrrnk! Heuck-k! Cheeky …

This is what test renders look like – rather than render a whole scene I’m often just rendering the bit that’s hardest to get right, to save time it’s normally just the face (cos expressions are hard), or the ‘bits’ that are touching (to make sure there’s no pokethrough / overlap or whatever), like fingers,…


Don’t fear the Reaper

Interesting that I’ve had a good few bits of feedback from people saying the moment with the henchmen in the latest comic was the most touching / got them in a deep place. I know what you mean, having the lowest-of-the-low henchmen mercenary type people be wonderful to each other is a bit special/unusual. I…



You know how I like to do Easter Eggs, ok? Both chocolate and nerd-reference variety. Well … this is the Scarab of Destiny. Bear with me … Basically, rather than add a single Henchman/Trooper to a 3D scene at a time, I created this Poser file whereby a whole Fireteam is slaved to a single…



As you may know, I wrote 95% of the Lithium series in one sitting a few years back, and I’ve been working through producing the actual comics every few months. Well, today I took some time out from my not-very-busy work (hey it’s Easter, everyone’s porking chocolate), and FINISHED writing Lithium! 100%. Wahoo! Well. Honestly,…


Indiana Jones …

OK it’s doing my head in that I don’t have any Indiana Jones references in my comics yet, and my stupid damn alias is Sindy Anna Jones. This is obviously unacceptable and I need closure. So … HELP ME! What’s your favourite Indiana Jones quote / moment / reference that I should crowbar into the…


Stretchy tops

Stretchy tops, I mean … they’re basically witchcraft. No matter what way your bread is buttered, male or female or trans or nonbinary, the thing is that little stretchy tops are here to stay. And they’re hot, so there’s that. So here’s a Rainbow Brite (basically choosing things from my own childhood) -themed little top…


Tipping point

  You know when you do a piece of work, a difficult project or whatever, and you don’t know if it’s going to be a box-ticking exercise or a profound piece of wonderment straight out of the soul of the universe? And then there’s this tipping-point, where suddenly you know … this is going to…


A very, very big heads-up. Hooohh.

Do you like erotic comics? Do you like pure joy?!?!! Well … as a little mid-summer treat, I have just been sent the pre-release draft of The Rather Magnificent Family Bubble part #4, which will apparently be out in a few days – and honestly, it’s brilliant. Tira has used my free orange dress V4…


How to use a bath.

Look, it’s very simple … okay fine, I’m procrastinating from Lithium by developing the Backyard twin characters, and I’m procrastinating from that by making another *checks notes* twenty pages of the Colony comic, and now I’m procrastinating from that by blogging about procrastinating on it. But yesterday I read through the Colony script and it’s…


Dark hierarchy scenery go go go

I’ve put together some more scenes to start to show the extent of the baddie’s lair up on the moon-moon, and honestly it took no time at all! Mostly the problem with this stuff is lighting – it makes such a massive difference to the feel of a place. It’s all about Chiaroscuro. The ‘tank…


Working on #7

I’ve finished the first scene for comic 7, giggled most of the way through it, and didn’t need to re-render a single thing, which is always a good sign. Or maybe it means my eyesight and/or sense of quality control is fading … heck, either way, I’m happy. Anyway, here’s some dev renders for getting…



Well, I was after a corvette – small, fast, mostly engine, space-capable craft that looked domestic rather than industrial or military, and I think we’ve hit the jackpot with this one … the seats spin and everything … Just do some quick character tests … FOR SCIENCE. Hello? Anybody ho… wait a minute … what’s…



A few weeks back I asked what a good ‘bad woman’ name is, and had a ton of messages from lots of different people saying ‘Karen’!! Haha, what is it with you people?! Anyway, I have to admit, I knew a girl at primary school called Karen, and for one reason or another I hated…


The perfection trap

It’s been funny reading your feedback to the last comic, the vast majority is very happy people saying lovely things, but with about 10% I honestly don’t know if people are joking sometimes, if they really don’t get why it is what it is, or they just don’t understand what humans are like, so I…


The greatest debate of all time … VOTE!

Well I’ve just wasted a night rendering the next comic, because my render PC (Windows 10 Pro), decided to force updates. Logged on this morning and find its both borked itself, and little details like folder view and display settings have reset FOR LITERALLY NO REASON, and I had to get involved with its brain…


Karen. Is. Lasagne.

This blog post is inspired by The Night Window, by Thomas Newman. Play it as you read! Why not eh. (Fun fact, lasagne is plural/general, lasagna is singular/specific, apparently. Aaaanyway …) Karen. Is. Lasagne. We all know this, right? Lasagne are made with onions (which make you cry) amongst the deep layers, then the layers…


Wears the soap

It seems that, in between real life and work and some pretty big changes that have happened recently, I can’t see Lithium being completed for a few years. Don’t panic! Read this blog post in full before anyone goes nuts. Sure there’s only two comics to go, but based on (1) recent changes to Poser,…


An amuse-bouche …

There’s excitement in the air! Ooooh I almost thought I was going to be able to finish it this week, but having started ploughing, through the photoshopping, it’s not going to happen – shoouuuld be next week though. Probably. I’ll aim for next Friday. So start saving up your saliva … No … wait, don’t…


New comic released tomorrow!

Who likes free? Who likes comics? Who likes FREE COMICS wahoooo!!!! Well, that’s three wishes in one, but okay if you insist. I’m going to release a silly little tongue-in-cheek mini space adventure comic early morning tomorrow! Hooray! Okay, no it’s not the next Lithium, but it does have … you know. Boobies. I mean…


Sitting up.

Okay look, it’s January, people keep going on about joining a gym and losing weight and blah blah, but I figure the older I get the less fit I’ll be and the less effort I’m planning on putting in, so something’s got to give. So that’s right, Charlie’s going to do my exercise for me….


Let’s do some folding

OK my work has calmed down a tiny bit, and I thought I’d show some working for the upcoming comic. Just to show some of my thinking. Basically, I took Charlie’s Rainbow Brite top from an earlier comic (which was, itself made out of a chopped up swimming costume mesh), and stuck a Princess Peach…



So I’m going to be in central London most of next week, doing some silly project.  Meanwhile, I’ll also have my laptop with me, and I’ll also be doing a very very serious project. With boobies. I’m doing that thing where I … actually I’m not sure how to describe it. Maybe part of reality…


A new hope

So I’ve had a little break from Lithium, celebrated the completion of 0HB, and have been pondering and writing a little. Thoroughly recommend it tbh! Write your shit down, people – seriously it does wonders. Hahaha, aahhhh, Skylar.


Lithium is a metal.

Okay fine, I’m working on Lithium #13; we’re 15 pages in, and everybody’s naked. Pretty standard plot really; girl meets boy, boy meets alien, alien meets girl and boy and then girl and boy and alien have sex and stuff, get involved in some shenanigans and learn something. Same as all my other comics tbh….


Comic covers and titles! VOTE!!!

OK wonderful people of the internet, I have too many options right now so you have to help me decide stuff. There’s an anonymous form below, please use it to help me and I’ll try my best to finish the comic in the next week!!! VOTE GOGOGO!! I don’t want to spoil anyone’s fun, but…


A spacesuit for every occasion

Playing with character settings and a ton of textures and materials and scenes … Love this freebie spacesuit outfit. For most of these renders I’ve hidden the sleeves, so it’s more of an action suit than an airtight vacuum-of-space sorta deal. Such a cool retro look to it, though! Loving Superfly’s render engine, which can…


Ask the fans: to split or not to split?

OK slight problem; I’m enjoying making the next comic so much it’s accidentally got to about … ooh easily 230 pages by the time its done. That’s a lot, and it’s not exactly plot heavy so it’s maybe a bit long for what it is, and the separate ‘acts’ certainly deserve to be comics in…


Initial character ideas

I wanted to create a comic with just a few characters, and tons of awkward ‘human’ situations. Because they’re the funniest. OK, maybe not funniest but they do happen and are all part of the great wonderful fiasco of real life. And they’re great (like scifi) for getting to the core of what makes us,…


Growing up

OK, this is an animated gif (in case you didn’t watch it for long enough …). I’m not doing one of those ridiculous “Oh my god my tits just tripled in size!” things like you get in some comics, HOWEVER … changing shape as you get older  is part of life whatever your age/gender: we…



  OK sitrep: it turns out that having a break to let your brain untangle is absolutely flipping amazing! 10/10 would recommend, it is ok not to be ok, we all need to look after ourselves now and then. Rest is part of resilience after all! Yay! 🙂 So … the comic!! I’m just getting…



It’s weird rendering in 3D sometimes because lighting has to be setup by the render engine to cope with whatever it’s fudging about the real world. So like in this scene I want it to be really dark, just moonlit highlights, but the renderer’s like “NOPE.” and perfectly exposes what I’d intended to be under-exposed….


The very long scene …

Okay, there’s still just one scene left, but it turns out it’s quite a long one so is taking a little longer than expected. Good news though … it is entirely possible that Lithium #11 will be out this Friday! I’d say it’s 50/50 possible this Friday. Unless more things kick off in the real…


Wahoo, waboo.

I try and be a human, and I do have these amazing sparks of joy and connection … but then it seems everything kinda catches up with me and it all stops and I feel a bit like a paper-thin marionette. Know what I mean? Hey I’ve got it all sussed! I’m amazing wahoo! Oh…


Comic update …

  Happy Friday everyone! Here are two bits of good news (I mean aside from the existence of this whole new website thingy! Welcome!); [1] I’m nearing the last couple of scenes for Lithium #12, so if you feel like you’ve waited a looong time for it then well done you! I’m super busy with…


The very busy person time.

Hello I am very busy. Why. I mean ideally I’d want to be creating CG characters, plots, you know, faffing about and enjoying the sunshine and fapping and eating cakey-based treats. But no. My work and human responsibilities stuff is just off the charts at the moment and I don’t have time to just be…


Crashy & mad

So I’ve written Madiy & Crash to the finish – turns out there’s only two more comics to this mini series, and although it takes a pretty serious turn for the worse (don’t worry, that’s not a spoiler, it’s almost certainly not what you think … or if it is, it’ll be ages before we…


Rendering!!!!! Hooooly smokes

I so want to share tons of renders here but it’d all be spoilers, so it’s … hard. And wet. Oh heck, this next comic is going to be pretty good.   You never know, you know? You have this idea in your head, and this script in your hands (and by hands I mean laptop),…


Mannequin dreams

I had this idea that maybe one of our lead characters would have dreams about the other one, adding to the awkwardness. And that maybe they could be humping an anonymous dummy to begin with, which later in the dream was revealed to be the real life person! Hooray awkwardness!!! There’s a sort of theme…


Kickin butt and gettin nakey

OK! I’m feeling a little better about this whole ultra-mega-ridiculous comic thing rn, which is always good! I’ve done a few scene setups and a little edit of the text and it sort of comes together more neatly now.  I don’t think this is going to be the final Lithium comic; I say that because…


A very minor spoiler

I’m thinking this next comic is probably going to be called something like Bathtime, except having made most of the comic, it’s really not about that. So this is a very minor spoiler indeed. As always, I like my comics to be a little gritty / believable, so the ridiculously cheery topics covered in this…


Important walk cycle test…

During the comic-creation process, it’s really important to animate characters in looping movement poses to get a real feel for … for … … ok nothing. It’s not important to animate them, cos comics are static. It’s a totally pointless exercise, I admit. These animations, then, are just for fun. Lots of free walk cycles…
