Important walk cycle test…

During the comic-creation process, it’s really important to animate characters in looping movement poses to get a real feel for … for … … ok nothing. It’s not important to animate them, cos comics are static. It’s a totally pointless exercise, I admit. These animations, then, are just for fun. Lots of free walk cycles…


Gimme 2 mins …

Just uploading the next comic. ikr? That’s what happens when you fire a shit-ton of top-secret work at the internet; bulk updates baby!!! Hey I don’t seem to able to reply to the kind comments you guys have put on the blog (thank you though; hi Ixes et al!) – but keep it up, I’ll…


Time for a good wash.

I made a little bathroom, previewed in an earlier blog. Well, thing is I got carried away and did about 12 renders of these guys sharing a bath and getting more than a little rambunctious. Not that that’s in the comic, I just had the scene and was testing with the characters and … one…


Swimming is awesome

I know what you’re gonna say … I’m spending too much time playing with the Charlie character. Well, maybe. But sorting her clothing is much harder than with Jack, because there are loads of ‘guy’ freebies out there that are normal. Jeans: done. Tshirt: done. Easy. But the female clothing freebies are stupid bloody peephole…


Developing Charlie as we go …

If you haven’t read the first comic, start there! Here are a few more test renders of our main character, Charlie, as she needs to be ready for different situations in the upcoming comic. Anyway, as we’ve established in the first comic; she’s not perfect, she’s liable to a little bit of shouting, she’s tall…


The Office

I don’t like this lighting test, but was going for the deserted twilight-lit office space kinda thing. Not sure I’ll use the scene at all, but it’s cool there’s so many free props like this that come with the software. Anyway that’s all. Quick update to say hello! Hello!


Bleak scifi scenes! Yeayyy!!

Gotta love the unlimited scope of scifi. This is development of a scene I’m working on; a sort of body-processing plant, complete with glowing fluids and plenty of leftover females. Why? Well, developing the ‘dishonoring humanity’ theme, we need somewhere to be the lowest-of-the-low, you know? Like, somewhere where toxic males are parading about, ruining…


Stretchy tops

Stretchy tops, I mean … they’re basically witchcraft. No matter what way your bread is buttered, male or female or trans or nonbinary, the thing is that little stretchy tops are here to stay. And they’re hot, so there’s that. So here’s a Rainbow Brite (basically choosing things from my own childhood) -themed little top…


Operation ‘Airhead’ completed

After a little tweaking and clothing effort, the lovely Skylar character is good to go 🙂 I’m not really going for ‘airhead’, which is too pejorative, I’m sort of aiming for someone who can legit represent innocence. You know? Like, they’re always in any group of people, sometimes they’re wolves in sheeps clothing, but the…


Support act

I’ll be honest, I’ve been taking my time over the development of this comic, because I’m getting to grips with 3D and a new way of rendering scenes, and I think there’s good potential to do some quality renders here. So the characters are being kitted out with proper outfits and this means … actual…


Mannequin dreams

I had this idea that maybe one of our lead characters would have dreams about the other one, adding to the awkwardness. And that maybe they could be humping an anonymous dummy to begin with, which later in the dream was revealed to be the real life person! Hooray awkwardness!!! There’s a sort of theme…


Skylar: detailed development

It’s always good when you’ve got the basic ‘look’ of someone. Know what I mean? Like, I guess it’s the same for writers, you get a feel for what someone’s character should be and then everything pours from that. So this is our local (to the planet Ethealdor) contact, Skylar. She is fairly stacked, it…


The big-boobs little-boobs dilemma

I know it’s an annoying topic, nobody likes to discuss boobs, but it’s a detail that needs to be sorted out. Plus this spacesuit is getting better as I sort the materials. So here’s a bunch of renders … Anyway, question is, do we go for buxom or … you know … believable human? To…


A spacesuit for every occasion

Playing with character settings and a ton of textures and materials and scenes … Love this freebie spacesuit outfit. For most of these renders I’ve hidden the sleeves, so it’s more of an action suit than an airtight vacuum-of-space sorta deal. Such a cool retro look to it, though! Loving Superfly’s render engine, which can…


Dress for success

Trouble with scifi is any materials are possible, so it’s difficult to have ‘spacey’, shiny materials and remember to keep it believable. I figure the subtle approach is always best, as there’ll always be people, throughout time, who don’t want to actually wear tinfoil and clingfilm, and prefer to slouch around in jeans and comfortable…


Initial character ideas

I wanted to create a comic with just a few characters, and tons of awkward ‘human’ situations. Because they’re the funniest. OK, maybe not funniest but they do happen and are all part of the great wonderful fiasco of real life. And they’re great (like scifi) for getting to the core of what makes us,…


Welcome to apartment 512, Rue Eveiller …

Really enjoying the great Free 3D stuff that’s out there, this apartment is based on a freebie architectural ‘balcony’ furniture set – I just moved everything inside, changed the textures, then setup the lighting and … ok it was quite a lot of work, but here’s the dev and a few character poses to test…


One two … one two … this is just a test

My word, Twitter’s annoying, isn’t it? I’ve just hooked up IFTTT from this blog to current [rubbish] username @SindyAnnaJones3 (now bust) – but Twitter keeps locking me out and has managed to set me up three times with the wrong details so now I can’t edit the handle Tsssk, ah well perhaps it’s not meant…


Oh look, a blog!

Hello! I know what you’re thinking; “Wow, this is a futuristic blog, full of wonder and joy, I shall bookmark that MF tout de suite!” And you’d be right; go with your instinct, I’d say. This will be the home to two free comic series which intertwine: the ‘Lithium’ comic series, and ‘One Human, Being’…
