Final checks …

It’s funny, I always get tons of visits to my blog ramping up towards a new Lithium comic (understandably), then after the mad flurry of the comic release it generally then dies down for a few months. Not many people check my blog after a Lithium has gone out, assuming there won’t be anything else…


Fresh worlds and new dreams

Thanks everyone for kind comments about the recent Lithium comic, I’m glad people liked it! Someone said that final page (William Bartock’s Yee haa) was like a horror story, haha! It’s a fair point, not sure what the future holds for that cheeky little bugger, lol. Although … Skylar did introduce that doll as “A…


Free comic: The Adventures of Madiy and Crash

It’s heeeeere!!! Okay it’s only a very short comic, and it’s not Lithium so calm down but HECK it’s FREE!!!!!?!1!?!?!?!one!!11!!!!eleven!!!1!!!! Join our TRUSTY space adventurers MADIY and CRASH as they DELVE into the VERY DEPTHS of the terrifying ZYLON EMPIRE and accidentally DO naked STUFF, and ENJOY a cheeky SURPRISE ENDING yeayyyy!!!! Comic 1: Trapped…


New comic released tomorrow!

Who likes free? Who likes comics? Who likes FREE COMICS wahoooo!!!! Well, that’s three wishes in one, but okay if you insist. I’m going to release a silly little tongue-in-cheek mini space adventure comic early morning tomorrow! Hooray! Okay, no it’s not the next Lithium, but it does have … you know. Boobies. I mean…


The famous 24 hour comic

Okay listen, OH WAIT Happy new year etc etc! If you made it this far, collect five ‘cool’ points. <insert worst gif ever /> Sorry for not writing anything for ages but you know, life does that thing sometimes, doesn’t it? And if I’m honest, I genuinely think the next Lithium is going to be…


*Runs in*

*panting* … *still panting* OKAY QUICK UPDATE! The [total shit] British Government is falling apart! Hoorayyyy!!!! The comic is at 140 pages complete! Hoorayyyy!! The weather is lovely and the wonder of the World is full and mysterious and BURSTING with the quiet music RN! Yesssss!!! Ah, when Boris Johnson gets 48 hours of the…
