

I get lots of people offering me money/patreon/support in return for my comics. I realise good things should be paid for, but I’m also aware that we all have privileges and one of mine is … I don’t particularly need money. Not because I’m super rich, but because I really do want for nothing. That’s a pretty cool privilege, and one I’m happy to share 🙂

So if you’d like to support me, in the first instance you could support a local charity for abused women … I’m serious; there will be one in your nearest city. The work revolves around getting women out of cycles of abuse and addiction, and providing the support and resources to make that happen. It’s life changing for all sorts of humans (men & women & children), so do that first if you please 🙂


If you’d also like to support my comics, you could buy me a 3D item – many of these have made my comics possible, especially recently, where scenes have become pretty complex! So feel free to buy me a 3D gift via my:

^ You’ll need to have a renderosity account to buy me one of the gifts from my list, sorry about that, I know it’s a bit of an effort. Do the other thing if you like 🙂





Interesting factoid, I have never paid a single penny for any of my 3D stuff; it’s either custom work I’ve done myself, or it’s been possible because people have bought me …


buildings …





outfits …








entire outdoor scenes …




… or just a little nightie or whatever …







So THANK YOU! And see what’s the latest on my wishlist if you wanna chip in 🙂







