Don’t fear the Reaper

Interesting that I’ve had a good few bits of feedback from people saying the moment with the henchmen in the latest comic was the most touching / got them in a deep place.

I know what you mean, having the lowest-of-the-low henchmen mercenary type people be wonderful to each other is a bit special/unusual. I put it in the comic because the role of hope in the darkest places is really crucial, and the things we say to each other (even when we don’t know each others’ full stories) is vital – words being more powerful than we probably think.

I was pondering with a friend recently that, as a society we’ve lost the ability to lament. I know Twitter is full of bad stuff but that’s not ‘lament’, it’s mostly just whining and ego battles. I think lament is like that ability to hold the bad and good together, comfortably – to allow ourselves to fail and be awful and not solve everything. And be at one, even in those dark places. Don’t fear the Reaper.

We don’t seem to be very good at that, we seem to want to paper over all the cracks, to deny they’re there, and then wonder why we end up with so much hidden guilt and shame.

Someone else also messaged asking me to condemn a female politician, by affirming that she is a ‘witch’. She is not. So I won’t. First we must recognise the bad in ourselves and learn to deal/live with it, before we go on some crusade to rid the rest of the world of injustice. We also need to be very aware that social media is used, actively, to radicalise people using propaganda and emotive storytelling.

It’s a good idea to get our news from reputable sources, and not Facebook. We have a global problem with radicalisation and ‘news’ on social media, if you want to know more, please look up the words Genocide Facebook Myanmar, and Big Data. Or just take my word for it and get your news from actual reputable news sources. Big newspapers, a few different ones ideally 🙂

Cheers everyone, have a wonderful day!

Big newspapers, people! I’m serious!

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