Oooooh it’s sunnnyyyyy!!!

It’s SUNNY? Madness, madness, it can’t be, don’t tell me the world keeps revolving and the seasons and the dawns and the new growth never gives up?!?! Splendid. Quick update on Lithium 8: it’s humming along nicely. In fact there’s only one and a half scenes left! In a comic of a zillion scenes that means we’re aaaaaalmost at bubbles time yeayayayayay!!!! 

I’ve thought about splitting this one into two distinct comics, because (1) it’s absolutely massive, and (2) there are two completely distinct plots going on. However … I’m not going to. because (1) massive comics are great, and (2) the two distinct plots hold big huge parallels and are rather nice humming along together, thank you very much.

Plot #1 involves some references to the last few days at school, coming-of-age kinda golden stuff, and plot #2 involves … whatever this is …

… I’m guessing some kind of sea creature? Not sure. Anyway it has like a mouth and one eye as far as I can tell, and is certainly lurking in an aquatic location, so … yeah. Some sort of squid I guess? Probably feeds on plankton or kelp, or maybe a sea cucumber. 

… no. No I’m not going to write that into the plot. No Sindy, no. Fight it. Stop coming up with increasingly elaborate tangent scenes to weave into this outrageous tapestry! STOPPPPPPpppp. Clean your mind out you filth wizard!!! Phhhhhh. 


Ok I stopped. It’s fine, I’m fine. How are you?

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