New comic on the way! Ish! Before Christmas probably! (edit: no)

… and no, it’s not Lithium 10.

Basically, I’ve been busy. With work, with stuff going on, with life in general, and I find those times are actually times when you need a bit of headspace, know what I mean? Yes you do. So I like to make silly comics and that sort of calms my head through good old-fashioned fantasising. Probably not good in the long term, but heck it’s working for me at the moment.

I’m about halfway through a little standalone comic and I reckon, all things going well (which they don’t always …), I should be done before Christmas, so check back!!!

PS. if anyone fancies being generous and has some spare dollars, there’s a few medieval-y items at the top of my wishlist which would help with an idea I’ve been setting up 🙂 Thank you!! And a BIG thank you to all those who have donated me 3D items so far!!! Much appreciated, you wonderful people, you!

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