Comic update!

EDIT: ok it’s now the 9th and I’m not sure we’ll get this by Christmas … hmmmm … depends, depends … will def be out in January tho, so close, so close …. eeeeeee …..

OK, I’ve done 70 pages, speech bubbles and all (there aren’t too many of those …), but I reckon I’m about halfway through the rendering. 

 We shoooouuuuld be on course for releasing the comic in time for Christmas – I’ll definitely try, but we are talking only a couple of weeks, and as you know life does sometimes throw one some challenging little nuggets so I’m not going to say definitely. 

One thing I can say for sure – it’s got an absolute corker of an ending. And the beginning is super dark. And the middle is just gonna be … yum. OK fine, it’s going to be a good one, this. Unlike everything I’ve done before, but then you could probably say that for all my comics, they’re all a bit weird in their own ways huh?


Get ready for some dark scifi and some super happy Christmassy vibes! WhEEEEEEE

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