Sitting up.

Okay look, it’s January, people keep going on about joining a gym and losing weight and blah blah, but I figure the older I get the less fit I’ll be and the less effort I’m planning on putting in, so something’s got to give. So that’s right, Charlie’s going to do my exercise for me. Thanks, Charlie.

Also, the gif below doesn’t loop infinitely, she’s doing a certain number of situps for me. Thanks again, Charles. Keep going, eh lassie.

So comic update: haven’t technically started yet but we’ve got all the basic scenes setup and ready, and I’ve fully written the entire thing (and most of Comic #13), so I’m really just waiting for that je-ne-sais-quoi before I actually begin rendering and plough through it. Fun! In the meantime … exercise!

Oop, yep, Charlie’s definitely slowing down …

So I’ll give some updates over the next few weeks; we have some exciting minor new bit-part characters to introduce, and some hints to giveaway before the next Lithium’s out. So if your January and February are looking a bit colourless and dull, fear not! 

PS. boobies. Prizes for whoever counts how many situps Charlie does in the middle gif.

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